Page 21 of Healing Kiss

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“I haven’t forgotten.”

He brushed the hair from her eyes and his tone softened. “Good.”

She grabbed his arm. “Tristan, I…”

He turned, and his gaze held hers. “What is it?”

“If anything happens to…to Hannah’s dad, please keep an eye on Hannah—at least until she’s well.”

Hard muscles clenched under her hand, and his forehead creased. “Nothing’s going to happen to Hannah’s dad.”

“I worry for them.”

He paused, a considering expression on his face. “Hannah is vastly improved. What exactly do you think is going to happen to her dad?”

“Nothing.” She couldn’t very well tell him about Kinetica, could she? He’d start poking around, asking questions. They’d come after her and kill him if he stood in their way. Kill her family. “I’m afraid for Hannah when I’m not around. She only has her dad to look after her, and he’s exhausted.”

“I promise I won’t let anything happen to either of them. But you must make me a promise, too.”

Her heartbeat stuttered, then fluttered against the walls of her chest cavity like a trapped bird. “What?”

“Stay here and sleep until I get back.”

She dropped his hand. “That’s silly.”

His eyes bore into hers, all trace of laughter removed from their icy-blue depths. “Is it?”

She swallowed. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, I won’t be a pawn in any games. You asked for my help, and I’ve given it, but if there’s something you’re not telling me, spill.”

She swallowed hard and prayed her expression appeared innocent. “There’s nothing.”

Tristan searched her eyes but must have been satisfied by what he saw because he gave her one last nod and then walked to the door. “Rest. I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”

Lillian flopped her head against the recliner. She took deep, calming breaths—anything to still the butterflies wreaking havoc in her stomach.

Tristan didn’t know anything. She didn’t have to listen to him, and he’d probably forget about the photo he’d snapped after she’d returned to Boston. At least, she hoped he would.

She tried to slow her breathing. Sure, she’d asked for Tristan’s help, but that didn’t mean he was entitled to take her picture and order her to sleep. Lillian didn’t care how angry that made him. He didn’t comprehend the danger of her situation.

She closed her eyes. She’d just lay here for a few minutes until she calmed her racing heart, then she’d get up to keep watch by Hannah’s bedside.

“Tristan, Tristan, wait up.” Angelina’s familiar voice carried down the hospital corridor.

Tristan paused, holding his breath before turning around. She’d pulled her long, red hair behind her ears, which emphasized her slender neck. A small pair of diamond studs he’d given her one Christmas glittered in her ears.

A familiar ache formed in his chest. “What is it?” The words came out gruffer than he’d intended.

“I never got to say goodbye last night after you left the party so quickly. Is your mom getting her usual treatment?”

He nodded. “I’m on my way to see her now.”

“I’ll walk with you.”

His heart pounded, which was annoying enough to make him frown. Would he ever not react this way in her presence? “Don’t you have more important things to do?”

“I can’t think of anything more important than keeping you company.” She looped her arm in his, blinding him with her smile. “I know how hard this is for you.”
