Page 12 of Tempting the Player

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Hi, Chess? Who the hell was he to ‘hi’ her? Fury raced in to shove aside her shock, and she said the first words that came to mind. “Get. Out.”



AZEEM WASN’T EXPECTING A WARM welcome, but the fury in Chess’s expression made him flinch. It was enough to make him second-guess his decision to show up at her workplace unannounced. However, his body’s reaction to seeing her quickly shoved aside those doubts.

Chess looked good. She looked really good.

Eight years ago, she’d been pretty and girlish. The Chess standing in front of him now was all woman. She was a sex dream on legs. Her breasts were fuller, her hips were wider, and her ass was bigger. Even her lips looked fuller, and her voice sounded huskier.

Desire shot through him like electric current, and his cock immediately rose to the occasion.

He wanted her. Oh, he wanted her badly.

Somehow, he kept the lust from showing in his voice as he complimented, “You look great.”

“Get. Out,” Chess repeated through gritted teeth. She yanked the door open to add credence to her words. “Out.”

Clearly, she meant business, and any other man would’ve been intimidated. But Tazeem wasn’t just any other man.

“Now, now, now!” He turned in the swivel chair until he was facing her and the open door. “Is that any way to welcome a client you’ll be working with for the next six months.”

“Client?” The rage drained from her expression fast and was replaced by shock. “What do you mean client?”

He smirked. “Didn’t your boss tell you about me?”

“No, he did-” She blinked once, twice then a third time. She gulped. “You’re from Le Stride?”

“I’m from Le Stride,” Tazeem confirmed while noticing one of Chess’s coworkers glance into the room as he walked by.

Her voice was hushed and full of disbelief. “No, you’re not.”

“Yes, I am.” Tazeem fought to keep from grinning like a Cheshire cat. He loved seeing her disconcerted.

For a long minute, she just stared at him in shocked silence. But when that shock wore off, fury took its place again. Chess folded her arms over her chest, once again bringing his attention to just how much larger her tits had become. “You asshole!”

“Asshole?” He frowned. “Why am I getting cussed out?”

“You know why you’re getting cussed out.” Her glare was hard as steel as she demanded, “This isn’t a coincidence, is it?”

He put on his best show of innocence. “What isn’t a coincidence?”

“It’s not a coincidence that you showed up here. You found out that I worked for Synovent, didn’t you?” She didn’t even wait for confirmation before continuing, “Then you somehow engineered us getting this contract, and found a way to make Richard put me on this account.”

She was right on the money. Tazeem had made all that happen.

Getting Chess assigned to Le Stride’s account had been the hardest part of the task, but Tazeem was a pro at negotiations. All he had to do was remind her boss about the budget Le Stride was working with and what Synovent’s cut would be. Richard Huskle folded like a cheap suit.

“You’re still as smart as a whip,” Tazeem complimented her rather than waste his time denying the obvious.

“I’m not working with you,” she spat.

“Your boss won’t like that.” He winced in mock sympathy. “We’re paying very good money for your company to handle our account.”

The same coworker who’d peeked into the room a few minutes ago passed by again, but this time he wasn’t alone. He’d brought along two more onlookers. The trio slowly walked past the room while trying to look like they weren’t trying to eavesdrop on Chess and Tazeem’s conversation.

“I don’t care.” Chess, who wasn’t aware of the attention they were attracting, glowered at Tazeem darkly. “I’m not working with you.”
