Page 21 of Tempting the Player

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“The people from Le Stride aren’t here yet,” Chess said once everyone in the room was seated. “But I think we should begin the meeting anyway, and we’ll just update them later.”

They began by discussing H-Street’s vision for the event. But just a few minutes into the discussion, the door opened.

“Sorry we’re late,” Tazeem apologized with a smile as he sauntered into the room with a suited man behind him.

Everyone immediately perked up at Tazeem’s entrance. That was no surprise since he was easily the most handsome and charismatic man in the room. Chess was annoyed when her own senses sizzled in awareness of him. But her awareness was tinged by a healthy dose of annoyance. How dare he be late for her meeting then smile about it!

Despite her intense urge to say something cutting, Chess kept it professional. Forcing a smile, she said, “Welcome, Mr. Khan. We’re just glad you showed up.”

She proceeded to reintroduce everyone in the room, then the team got back to work.

It seemed that Tazeem had decided to keep things professional too. His tone was very business-like during the meeting and he didn’t give any hints that he and Chess had any relationship besides a work one. As time went on, Chess began to breathe a little easier. It looked like keeping her work and home life separate would be easier than she’d anticipated.

However, she’d breathed too soon.

When the meeting ended, Tazeem didn’t leave with the other representatives. He followed her to her office.

“What do you want, Tazeem?” she demanded curtly as he closed the door behind him, trapping them in her office.

Tazeem asked, “What’s your relationship with Derrick?”

“Huh!” She frowned because she couldn’t figure out where the question had come from.

“You two seemed close during the meeting,” Tazeem noted as he took a seat. Though his tone was even, there was something in his eyes that said he wasn’t quite as calm as he sounded. “Are you two dating?”

“Ew.” Chess made a face. “He’s married.”

Tazeem’s face lit up. “That’s great!”

“Great why?” She took a seat behind her desk. “What’s my relationship with Derrick got to do with you?”

Tazeem ignored her question and instead asked, “So that means you’re single, right?”

That’s when she realized what he was doing and instant fury overwhelmed her. “My relationship status is none of your business. And please, please, please, don’t tell me you’re asking because you’re interested in starting something.”

Shamelessly, he stated, “Iaminterested in starting something.”

“Boy! You cannot be serious.” She rolled her eyes so hard it was a surprise that they didn’t fall out of their sockets. “Have several seats. Hell, take the whole damn pew.”

“I’m serious, Chess.” His expression somber, he sat up straighter in his seat. “I’ve missed you, and even after all these years I’m still stupidly attracted to you. You’ve been on my mind since I saw you at that event and I can’t stop thinking about you.”

She had to give the man points for pure nerve. Not many men were confident enough to express their feelings even when they knew there was a hundred percent chance of rejection.

“Miss me with that bullshit.” Her expression sour, she pointed to the door. “And get out of my office. I have work to do.”

He stood, and for a second she thought he might leave as ordered. But Tazeem had never been one to listen to her. Instead of making his way to the door, he circled her desk.

“Okay, where are you going?” She turned her swivel chair to the side then peddled backward to get away from him. “Uh-uh, back away, negro.”

But he didn’t back away. He kept coming until he was hovering just above her, then he grabbed her arm and hauled her off the seat and straight into his arms.




That sharp sound was like adrenalin spilling into Tazeem’s system, and it fired up his already awakened senses. Those senses danced in delight when her body met his as she fell into his arms.
