Page 37 of Tempting the Player

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“I don’t know.” Chess’s mind whirred, and confusion soon gave way to fear. Why would someone want her son dropped off at the office? Was this some elaborate scheme to kidnap Jay or something? Her voice was shaky with terror as she scolded, “Kendall, you should’ve called me to confirm first before you dropped my child off. Where in the company did you drop off Jay?”

“I just assumed that the message was from you. I’m sorry. You don’t think something has happened to him, do you?” Concern in her voice, Kendall suggested, “Maybe it’s just a prank by your officemates.”

Chess was too anxious to respond to any of the nonsense Kendall was spouting. All she knew was that her son might be in danger. Her tone curt, she repeated, “Where in the company did you drop off Jay?”

“I left him at the reception with Donna like that Patrick person said you’d asked,” Kendall said. “I’m sure he’s fi-”

Chess hang up on the woman before she could finish her sentence.

Immediately after, Chess called the office. It took less than a minute for her call to be answered but those seconds felt like forever. Scary scenarios kept playing in her head, and all of them involved Jay being in danger. Her heart was beating so loud she was sure that the whole building could hear it.

“Synovent Events. You’re speaking to Donna,” a female voice answered. “How may I help you today?”

“Donna, it’s Chess.” Chess’s whole body was tense with terror as she asked, “Is my son there?”

“Your son, Jay?”

“How many sons do I have?” Chess snapped before she could control herself. “Is he there?”

“Yeah, I’m looking at him.” Donna asked, “Why?”

“Oh thank God!” The words slipped through Chess’s lips involuntarily. She closed her eyes and sagged against the wall in relief. “He’s really there?”

“Of course, he’s here.” Donna sounded annoyed as she added, “Aren’t you the one who asked Derrick’s wife to leave him here and you’d pick him up when you came back from H-Street?”

“No, but that’s neither here nor there.” Chess softened her tone. “Please do me a favor, keep him with you until I get to the office.”

“I’m not a babysitting service, Chess.”

“I know.” Chess coaxed, “But if you do this, I’ll make it up to you.” She offered, “I’ll bring you lunch for the next three days.”

“Lunch?” Donna was intrigued. “What kind of lunch?”

“You know I throw down.” Chess promised, “It will be something really good. You won’t be disappointed.”

Donna hesitated for a few seconds then surrendered. “Cool! I’ll watch him for you. Though, someone else is entertaining him right now.”

Chess’s brow furrowed. “Someone else who?”

“Tazeem.” Donna added, “Ooh! Did I forget to tell you that he’s also waiting for you?”

“I’m sorry what?” Chess could’ve sworn that the world stopped moving and her heart stopped beating. “Did… did…” She swallowed to get rid of the sudden lump that had lodged itself in her throat. “Did you just… did you just say that Tazeem… Tazeem is there… with… with… Jay?”

“Yeah.” Completely unaware of the chaos that she’d just wrought, Donna jovially replied, “They’ve been here together for a while. Right now they’re chatting. Hey! Have you ever noticed? Tazeem and Jay look so alike. Girl, their resemblance is uncanny. Are you and Tazeem related?”

All Chess heard was the ‘yeah’. Everything Donna said after that got overshadowed by the loud ringing in Chess’s ears.

Tazeem was with Jay? Right now?

No. My. God.

Chess’s feet began moving before her brain could even finish processing the whole situation. She practically ran back to the room where she and the H-Street executives had been choosing models. After a breathless and curt, “I have an emergency”, she grabbed her purse and headed out the door.

Tazeem doesn’t know that Jay is his son, right?The question whirled in her panicked mind as she started her car.He can’t know. If he did, he would’ve already called to chew me out.

God, please let him not have figured it out. She prayed.

If Tazeem found out her secret now, it would be a catastrophe. And for him to find out while it was just him and Jay alone – without her there – would be absolutely horrifying. What if he said something to Jay and she wasn’t there to do damage control?
