Page 78 of Tempting the Player

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“You never really know people.” Tazeem soothed, “Maybe this is for the best. Derrick just saved you from all the awkwardness that would’ve come with working in the same company.”

“Maybe.” She sighed. “But I can’t stop worrying about what will happen to Kendall and Frankie.”

Seeing that their conversation was only making her sadder, he decided to change the topic. “Did Felicity agree to come back to the team?”

The question drew a reluctant laugh from Chess. “You should’ve seen how much she made me grovel before offering a bored ‘I’ll think about it’. But it wasn’t so bad. I’m surprised that she didn’t make me do something more demeaning like kneel or lick her heels.”

Tazeem shook his head in disbelief. “I swear, your coworkers are the worst.”

“That’s just how they have to be to survive at Synovent.” Just then Chess noticed that they’d taken a different turn from the one they usually used when going to her place. “Hey, aren’t we going home?”

“Not yet.” He kept his eyes on the road. “I want to take you somewhere else first.”

Curiosity shone in her eyes. “Where?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“What kind of surprise?” she asked. When all she got was a smile in return, she asked, “What about Jay? He should be home by now, and I don’t-”

“Don’t worry.” Tazeem reached across the seat to squeeze her hand. “Senia is taking care of him.”

As expected, she was thrilled when they got to their destination. But just to confirm that she was happy with the surprise, he asked, “I did good?”

“You did great,” she complimented as she looked around the bowling alley. “How did you know that this was just what I need to release some stress?”

“I know you.” He handed her a pair of bowling shoes. “These are your size?”

Surprise shone in her eyes. “You still remember my size?”

“I remember everything about you.” He leaned closer to press a fast kiss to her lips. “Come on, let’s go knock down some pins.”

Since it was a weekday, several laneswere unoccupied. Tazeem chose the last lane. As soon as Chess had changed shoes, she grabbed a ball.

“I haven’t bowled in years,” she said while taking position on the lane. “I probably suck at it now.”

“I doubt you could suck at anything.” Tazeem revealed, “And I haven’t played in years either, so we’re probably evenly matched. You up for a one-on-one?”

“Sure.” She asked, “What’s the prize?”

“Dinner.” He suggested, “Whoever loses pays.”

“Awesome.” She expertly adjusted her grip on the ball as she eyed the pins on the other end of the lane. “Prepare to fork out for lobster and stuffed rigatoni.”

She took a step forward, then another, then another, her speed steadily increasing before she smoothly let the ball go. With bated breath, both she and Tazeem watched the green ball run down the lane. Loudly, it rolled straight into the pocket, and with precision it crashed into the pins, dropping all of them in one go.

“Bam!” Chess lifted her arms and whooped in delight. “Still got it.”

“Argh!” Tazeem groaned in faux disappointment even though he was secretly happy. “How am I supposed to beat that?”

“Give up. You can’t beat me,” she gloated while edging closer to him. She stopped when she was toe-to-toe with him. Looking up at him, she taunted, “This is my city, Khan. Get out while you still can.”

“I kind of like this city so I’m not leaving.” He lightly pinched her nose. “Move, Winters. Let me show you how the masters roll.”

As it turned out, he was no master. Chess won easily.

“I beat you. I beat you.” She happily danced around him while they waited to return the rented shoes. “I beat you.”

“Ugh!” He threw his head back in mock frustration. “How long will you rub it in?”
