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“Yes, because I got my exercise for the day and I’m ready to eat,” Nova declared.

Aubree began getting her things together to leave for the afternoon. What she didn’t see was the Greek Adonis had been watching her the entire time she danced.

Grant had walked into the dance studio to pick up Chanel from the special Saturday practice. Dance classes were held during the week, but this special practice was for a showcase the studio was participating in next month. Grant spent weekends with Chanel since they didn’t get much time during the week because of his work schedule, so this Saturday, class interrupted their plans. He was going to take Chanel shopping, then to the movies, and finish the day with a visit with his mother and Allie. Since Chanel had class, Grant went to the office to find out why the grant program had to end. He was still bothered by the way his father had halted the grant program with no fore warning to Grant. It was like he purposely excluded him from the table when the decision was made, but Grant was going to find out what he could.

As Grant walked through the door of the studio, he saw some women dancing in one of the studio rooms. He stopped to watch thinking that they were still working with the students, and he was early. Grant paused when he saw one of the women dancing, he felt like he had been sucker punched in the stomach. It was like her body was calling to him as she danced, and not in an exotic dancer way, but seductively told a story. Every move of her hips and legs were turning him on, and his dick started to twitch to life. Grant moved over so they couldn’t see him watching like a horny teenage boy. She we breathtaking with big bright doe eyes, an infectious smile and laugh. Her body was banging with curves for days not like a ballet dancer but like she was a backup dancer for Beyonce—thick and healthy. Damn, and she had a tattoo on her side. Grant just wanted to reach out and touch her ass to see if it was as squeezable as it looked. With her hair up exposing her neck, Grant fantasized putting his face in there and kissing and licking on her neck. Grant shook his head clear of the thoughts he was having. This woman was trouble walking, but the beautiful ones were. He should know because Chanel’s mother was just as beautiful. The beautiful ones were the ones that couldn’t be trusted.

Aubree, Nova, and Ivy were joking and clowning each other as they were walking out to the lobby. There was a parent meeting for the dancers selected for the showcase, but it was being held on the west wing of the studio in one of the conference rooms. “Aye, aye, aye, bust it, bust it,” Ivy sang as Aubree dropped it down to the floor. Her butt bounced as she rocked back and forth. Ivy joined in as Nova stood laughing. At that moment, Grant walked up on the ladies with his face scrunched up.

“Do you think it’s appropriate to practice your strip club routine in the lobby of a respectable dance studio? I’m sure Mrs. Dubois would not approve, and neither would the other parents if they saw you. You are working with young girls and ladies from respectable, influential families whose families send them here to learn classical dance, not video hoe dancing.” Aubree stood there speechless that this sexy ass mofo had the nerve to talk to her like she was a child.

“Is that what you taught our daughters today, how to achieve status for the next Cardi B and Megan the Stallion Tik Tok video? Don’t you think the girls should see women in a positive image? I mean, the way you are dressed is enough…”

Just when she thought she could pay him a compliment, he opened his mouth. Hands on her hips and neck rolling, Aubree walked closer to the man. “Who do you think you are talking to? I am not your child, and you are not my father. Save it for your daughter!”

“So, you are one of those girls that grew up without a father in her life.” Aubree and her friends gasped.

“Look here ass—" Aubree stopped because she needed this job, and today this ass hole would not be the cause for losing it. “You are right; we should not display this kind of behavior in front of the other young ladies enrolled here.”

“Aubree, you just gon’ let that moth—”

“Ivy, shut up!” Nova and Aubree said in unison. They knew Ivy was going to unleash a weapon of mass destruction, her mouth, in about 30 seconds, and Aubree’s job would be on the line.

“My apologies for my behavior. Have a good evening.” Rolling her eyes, Aubree stomped out of the studio with Ivy and Nova following behind her.

“See, that’s what I’m talking about. These rich people think that can say and do anything to you without repercussions. And to think we were just saying how sexy he was.”

“No, sexy flew out the window when he opened his mouth and had diarrhea of bull shit flow out.” Aubree couldn’t believe the things he had the audacity to say to her like he knew her personally. Just because her father wasn’t in her life didn’t make her easy or a stripper. The more she thought about him, the angrier she got. She wished she had gone off on him. So what if she lost her job? She could work for Nova.

“The only time a man would speak like that to a woman he doesn’t know is if he thought she was sexy too but was trying to avoid his feelings.”

“Girl, shut that shit up! Where in the hell do you come up with these things? Do you have a man? No, stop talking!” Aubree shrieked.

Nova dropped her eyes. “I’m sorry. Those are the words I should have said to that jerk. I didn’t mean it.” Aubree walked over and hugged Nova. She was very harsh with her because she wanted to choke that fool.

“Let’s get out of here and get something to eat before angry turns to hangry. We still need time to get ready for the evening,” Nova suggested.

“Yeah.” As they decided where to go, the front doors of the studio opened, and Aubree made eye contact with the handsome jerk, rolled her eyes, and got in her car. As she drove off, she gave one final look in her rearview mirror. “In a perfect world, he could have been my new man.”


Grant helped Chanel in the car so they could meet his mother and Allie for dinner at NOLA Soul Bistro. “Daddy, I can’t believe I got a spot in the showcase. Wait until I tell Grandmother Katherine and Aunt Allie, they will be so proud of me!”

Chanel’s smile was a mile long because of her new accomplishment. “And Ms. Aubree is the best teacher. She has been dancing for a long time since she was little. She knows tap, ballet, point, jazz, modern, and other stuff too.”

Chanel had been talking about Ms. Aubree a lot lately; she must be new because she wasn’t at the open house at the beginning of the season. Grant really wanted to meet the new teacher that had inspired Chanel because she never talked about Ms. Janet like she did the new teacher. This was the happiest he had seen Chanel about her dance classes.

The way things were going with Ms. Janet he knew she was ready to quit. “The next time I pick you up and Ms. Aubree is there, I would like to meet her.”

“Okay Daddy, she will be there for my Tuesday evening class.”

Grant was lost in his thoughts the rest of the drive to the restaurant about his encounter with the lady at the studio. He knew his words were a little harsh; okay, maybe a lot harsher than he intended, but she had his brain fried. It was like what he wanted to say was stuck on the right side of his brain while the left side took over, and he unleashed his fury against beautiful women. He just knew she was going to have a comeback, but she took the high road and apologized for her behavior basically for nothing. Grant knew he was wrong, and he should apologize, but he was going to steer clear of her when at the studio instead.

Chapter 9

NOLA Soul Bistro, Creole Caribbean infusion soul food, was the new hot spot restaurant that just opened a few months ago. Nova knew the owner, Jean Francois, so she was able to get a reservation for their girl’s night out. The restaurant was lively with a jazz band playing live music and the décor was reminiscent of New Orleans during Madi Gras with the jewel tone yellow, green, and purple on the walls and tables. The front of the building and the side patio gave the feeling of eating in downtown New Orleans on Bourbon Street. People were lined up around the block waiting for a table which was close to impossible to get without a reservation. After leaving the dance studio, the ladies had gone to Nova’s house to freshen up and change clothes for their night out. Nova called Jean front the car to let him know their arrival time.

Nova valet parked her Audi Q 7 to save time hunting a close parking space. Downtown Dawson Falls nightlife was busy on a Saturday especially while it was still warm. As they exited the SUV, all eyes were on them, in theirNova Moonoriginals, walking right up to the front doors to the hostess station for their reservation. People were whispering trying to figure out who the ladies were and how they could skip everyone in line for a table. Aubree, Ivy, and Nova were dressed to hurt feeling tonight. Aubree wore a sweetheart neckline burgundy wide-legged catsuit with strappy black stilettos. Ivy wore a navy blue off the shoulder ruffle mermaid dress with hot pink peep toe stilettos, while Aubree wore a black backless midi dress with gold stilettos. They had the eye of every man and woman in the room.
