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“Okay clearly you have lost your fu—” Aubree began to raise her voice.

“Well, I think what Grant is meaning to say is thank you, right Grant?” Allie turned to him with brows raised, eye bucked, and nodding her head… wondering if he had lost it. Grant saw Chanel watching him and changed his tone.

“Yes, Allie, I have allowed my fear to rule my thoughts. Let me thank Ms. Aubree for watching Chanel all this time.” Grant turned toward Aubree with his jaw. “I believe I owe you a huge thank you for taking care of my princess. This is not something that happens, but the lines of communication got crossed, so I was not aware that her ride did not show.”

Aubree’s face twisted. “Yes, I knew there had to be something since this little lady always has a ride from the class. I was trying to help especially since Chanel was hungry. Look, everything is good.”

“Allie, can you take Chanel and give us a moment please?”

“Sure, come on sweet pea.”

Grabbing Chanel’s dance bag, Allie took Chanel’s hand and walked to the counter to place an order. Grant gazed into two of the most beautiful doe brown eyes he’d seen in a long time. Her eyes revealed a deep longing for something he wasn’t sure he could give. “I... I just want to say thank you for keeping Chanel. I thought I had her pickup covered until Mrs. B had a family emergency, and I didn’t find out about it until late. Do I owe you anything? I know Chanel can be a handful at times.”

“No, it was no problem. I’m just glad you are good and able to get here. I didn’t know what to do, and I didn’t know where you worked or if you were at work.” Grant wondered if her rambling was because she was nervous.

“You don’t owe me for tonight. Just continue to love Chanel the way you do, and that is payment enough.” Grant knew that last statement had to be about her father he claimed was not in her life.

“Well, since you made it, I am going to call it a night. I have to prepare for an early morning coaching session. Chanel, I enjoyed spending time with you this evening. I hope we can do it again soon. Goodbye Allie.” Aubree hugged Chanel and waved at Allie.

“Let me walk you to your car.” Nodding her head, Aubree led the way to the parking lot. As they walked to Aubree’s car, Grant couldn’t help stealing side glances at her, watching her every move as she walked to the car. Her body wasn’t that of a traditional ballet dancer; every curve of her body could be seen. He wanted to reach out and smack her ass just to test the firmness of it. Grant wondered how Aubree’s body would feel underneath him, every soft curve pressed against his body as he slid into her wetness...

“This is me.” Aubree interrupted his thoughts. “Thank you. I... uh ... I uh. I believe I owe you an apology for the last time we were here at Drippin’. I said some things that were way out of line, and for that I apologize. It was wrong of me, and thank you for not mentioning anything to Mrs. Dubois. I know you could have said anything to her, but I appreciate you not telling her what happened between us, and I promise you it will never happen again. I know you are probably still upset by what I said, but I would never do anything to hurt one of my students.”

Grant watched Aubree as she apologized to him thinking that he should have told her the same because what he said to her was just as out of line as what she said to him.

“Apology accepted. I shouldn't have said the things that I said to you either. I didn’t know where Chanel was or who she was with, so I was out of my mind with worry.”

“Apology accepted. Well, maybe I will see you at the studio when you come to get Chanel this week.” Aubree pressed the button on the key fob and the locks disengaged. Opening the car door, she slipped inside the car, closed the door, and pressed the ignition button to bring the car to life. Aubree waved as she pulled out of the parking lot.

Allie and Chanel were walking toward Grant’s car as he watched Aubree leave the parking lot. “Come on, Daddy. We need to get home because I’m sleepy.”

Grant turned and walked to the car. Once everyone was in, Grant started the car and took off. Not even 10 minutes into the ride, Chanel was asleep. Allie took that as her opportunity to confront Grant about his behavior at the coffee house.

“You know if you want to fuck her, just say so and get it over with.”

“Allie, your mouth! Chanel may hear you,” Grant chastised her.

“Look, all I’m saying is it is obvious to me that you find Aubree attractive and maybe like her, but you go off on her every time she is near. That has to stop immediately because like it or not, Chanel thinks Aubree hung the moon and set the stars. Aubree is all she talks about, and you don’t want to crush Chanel by letting her hear how you feel about Aubree. You are going to slip up and say the wrong thing in front of her, then whose feelings will be hurt?”

Grant was silent the rest of the drive back to the office. He knew Allie was right, but getting involved with Aubree would be a huge mistake. Something was going to have to change soon because Grant didn’t know how long he could hold out.

Chapter 12

“Okay, let’s try it from the top again, and after this, we will call it a night.” A collective sigh went up in the room from all the dancers present. They had run the same routine several times, but Aubree was going to make sure everything was flawless. Mrs. Dubois entered the dance studio in the Dawson Falls Autumn Festival to showcase the dance studio and get more private donors for the expansion project she had planned. The expansion was going to include three additional studio rooms, one larger studio room with seating for stage practicing and a mini theater for shows. The performance had to be top notch for donors to give five to six figures. Aubree called the end of practice and began cleaning the studio as the dancers called their goodbyes leaving the room.

Aubree was tired and ready for a home cooked meal from her grandmother. She enjoyed staying with her grandmother, but it was time for her to get her own place. There were some condos near the downtown that were in her price range that she was considering as her main choice. There were some apartments near her grandmother, but Aubree preferred the downtown area. She would be near all the restaurants, shops, and the night scene where she wanted to be in the center of what was hot and trending. Now she had to convince her grandmother that they both needed their own space again. Aubree loved her grandmother and appreciated everything that she had done for her, however, it was time for her to have her own place. She was ready to start hosting girl’s nights and dating again, and there was no way her grandmother would allow her to bring a man to the house. Basically, she was ready to get laid, have her pipes cleaned, and just have a man break her back fucking her. Ever since she met Grant, the urges were getting stronger, and she didn’t want to deny herself any longer. It had been over two years since Aubree had a man touch her, and there was only so much her pleasure toys could do. The toys could not take the place of a hot, strong virile body pumping in and out of her own. The moaning, groaning…Damn, I need a man,Aubree thought.

Walking out of the dressing room, Aubree saw a lone familiar figure sitting in a chair looking out of the door. Shoulders slumped over with elbows resting on her knees, Chanel watched the door waiting for her dad. It had been three weeks since the coffee shop incident and she hadn’t seen much of Grant. Seemed as if he was going out of his way to avoid her when he came to the studio. “Hey Nellie, who are you waiting on tonight?”

“My dad. He is never late, so I don’t understand why he is late now.” Chanel sighed and continued watching the door.

“Well, let’s call your dad to find out where he is. Maybe he got tied up at work again because one thing I know is that your Dad really loves you. When dads really love their children, they never walk away and leave them.”

Aubree knew that Chanel would never have to worry about Grant walking away from her. Unlike her father who walked away without a second thought about her.

Before Chanel could dial the first digit, the sound of tires screeching in the parking lot made them stop. Chanel ran to the door with a huge smile on her face. Aubree could see Grant running from his car to the door. “Princess, I’m sorry. We had a meeting that ran over, and I lost track of time.”

“Dad, this is becoming a regular thing now. You probably need to do like Grandmother says and set an alarm.” Aubree smirked as Grant turned toward her.
