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“We make the perfect couple. Everything about us is perfect, just like tonight.”

“Let’s get going. We don’t want to be late.” Grant ushered her out of the penthouse to the elevator. As they were waiting on the elevator, he couldn’t stop thinking about Aubree. Tonight, she looked different with her hair flowing freely down her back. Radiant, glowing like a goddess in her all-white dance attire. He could tell by the way Aubree stumbled over her words that she was anxious as she talked with him, but when he looked into her eyes, he saw something Aubree was trying to tell him until she saw Celeste. When Celeste walked in the lobby, the energy shifted and Aubree closed herself off to him ending that moment between them.

Aubree drove home in disbelief. How had she missed that Grant had a girlfriend? He just didn’t seem like a man that was taken. Especially after what happened at Drippin’. The way he spoke to her made her think he was free and didn’t have a woman lurking in the shadows. How could she not think that a man that sexy didn’t have someone that he went home to every evening? Someone that shared his bed. Someone that was getting all that dick on a regular. Well, it was for the best because any type of involvement with Grant could end her employment with Mrs. Dubois. She wasn’t willing to risk her income for a man no matter how sexy he was. Aubree turned up the radio in the car listening to Throwback Thursday on the local radio station. She loved listening to old 90’s and 2000’s R&B and right now, Mary J. Blige was taking her home. Aubree was ready for a home cooked meal, hot shower, and wind down time, anything that would take her mind off Grant.

Aubree walked through the front door of Grandma Margrett’s house, her stomach grumbling at the amora of Sunday night dinner. She knew her grandmother had made her favorites; greens, sweet potato casserole, mac and cheese. With these glorious smells filling the air, her grandmother was up to something. Aubree made her way to the kitchen a see if her grandmother needed anything. When she made it to the kitchen, there was a gentleman sitting at the table.

“Good evening, Grandma Margrett, and Mr….” Aubree paused waiting for her grandmother or her friend to fill in the blank.

“Hey Breezy, this is my friend Mr. Cyrus Major. Cyrus, this is my granddaughter Aubree.”

Mr. Cyrus got up from the chair and swaggered over and shook Aubree’s hand. He resembled Billy D. Williams in looks and height.

“Cyrus is one of the deacons at the church, and we were talking about an event that is coming up soon.”

Aubree gave her grandmother the side eye because she knew she was lying. “I know you are tired from work, so I made you a plate to take in your room.” Aubree’s face scrunched up wondering if the heat from the kitchen had gotten to her grandmother.

“Are you okay? Because you never allow…”

“Since you have been picking up these extra classes baby, you are tired and need your rest.” Aubree understood she needed to get lost.

“Okay. Nice to meet you, Mr. Major. I am going to take my plate to my room now.” Aubree strolled over to get the plate with a smirk and raised brow. “I would love to sit and chat, but I am very tired from teaching all these extra classes. We will talk in the morning, Grandma. Good night.” Grabbing a bottle of water, Aubree left the kitchen for her room.

After eating and showering, Aubree laid across the bed thinking about the one person she didn’t want to give any more time or energy. Grant had a girlfriend, a fake plastic barbie-looking girlfriend, but a girlfriend. Just when she was ready to jump headfirst and give him a chance her bubble was popped. After tonight, Aubree knew she would not look at Grant the same way. He belonged to someone else, and she wasn’t the side piece type like her mother.

Diane didn’t care who the man belonged to. If she wanted that man, she took him. She targeted wealthy men, not blue-collar men like her father. No, Diane was never satisfied with the life Aubrey tried to provide for them. She always wanted more. Her reckless behavior led to her being the talk of the town. The wealthy men in the community just passed Diane around like she was the breadbasket at the dinner table. They would give her lavish gifts, money, dream vacations, cars, and top spot on the bedroom list, but nothing more. No promises for forever, marriage, or commitment. Nothing but heartache and disappointment. Diane walked away from her only child for a chance at being the flavor of the month for some married wealthy businessman. Her mother’s destructive lifestyle and fucked up choices costed Aubree her father, the parent she loved.

Grant would just have to be the one that got away, the opportunity that Aubree never took. She wasn’t going to become the woman that men only saw good enough to fuck and throw some cash her way. Whore was not a part of her repertoire of skills. Grant was not going to make Aubree into Diane. Aubree was determined not to be like her mother. She already allowed one man to fuck her life up financially, mentally, and emotionally, and she would not give Grant that opportunity.

Chapter 13

“You slept with her, didn’t you? No, let me change that… You FUCKED her because that is all your relationship is with Celeste. Why do you keep leading her on?” Allie started fussing the moment Grant entered her house.

“Were you not the same person that told me to sleep with her a month ago for a release? What we do is not categorized as a relationship.” Grant was confused as to why Allie had a problem with him sleeping with any woman, especially Celeste.

“My point exactly! You should have just left her alone when she cut you off. Why, Grant?” Allie whined. “You know she wants to be your wife, and I believe she is low key crazy too. I know my brother is not hard up for some pussy, so let her go.”

“Allie”, Grant groaned. “I know you mean well and have my best interest at heart but let me handle my personal affairs.”

“Not when I know you are about to miss out on the best thing that could happen to you! I will say it once! Aubree.” Shaking his head and taking a deep breath, Grant knew he had to end this conversation.

“Is Chanel up yet? I promised her we would spend the day together since I have been working late.”

“Okay, so that is the game you want to play. Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. Leave that headhunter alone.” Swiftly turning around, Allie stomped away to her guest bedroom.

Grant couldn’t understand why she flipped the script all of a sudden. Just two months ago Allie was all for his pleasure seeking in Celeste. Now she wanted him to change what he had been doing. Allie was going to have to tell him more than to just stop. She said one thing that was important, though… Aubree. Grant knew after yesterday that Aubree wouldn’t give him the time of day. She cut him off when he tried to explain who Celeste was and why she was there with him, but Aubree wasn’t trying to hear anything Grant had to say, and he couldn’t blame her. Aubree was who he desired. Celeste was who he had for the time being. Grant didn’t know if Aubree was worth the time and effort to end up in the same way he had with Mariah. If he did take a chance and things went south, where would that leave Chanel? She thought Aubree walked on water and hung the stars in the sky. She would be devastated if Grant and Aubree dated and didn’t work out. There were more than his needs to consider.

After Grant and Chanel left, Allie called the one person she knew Grant would listen to.

“What?” the gruff voice on the other end of the phone took Allie by surprise. Allie held the phone away from her face to make sure she dialed the right number.

“Is that how you answer your phone?”

“If you’re calling me this early, it better be because there is a real emergency.” Allie could hear the sleep in his voice.

“It’s not like you’re busy. Besides, we have a problem on our hands.” Allie could hear Cameron shifting in bed.

“You don’t know what I could have been into at the moment. And what problem dowehave? Are you taking up French now?”
