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Gerald had been gone for over two months and still, there was no phone call, email, letter, message through a friend… nothing. She hated to call his family inquiring about his whereabouts, but she did have a choice with the latest development. Over the last three weeks, Aubree had received several past due and final notice letters in the mail. She didn’t think she could continue to manage everything herself. Even though she was prioritizing which bills she paid to make sure she had money to cover food and gas, she was still paying current and past due bills. She promised herself she would never let things get this bad again. Even Gerald promised he would never let it get that bad again. Last time things were out of control, Aubree got desperate and had to use her gift for survival.

Two years ago, Gerald had pulled the same disappearing act and had been gone for four months. Not a single bill had been paid, and Aubree had lost her teaching position due to funding. They were about to lose their condo, car, insurance, cell phone service, credit cards… everything. No one would listen to her story; they wanted their money. If Aubree called her grandma, she would never hear the end of how Gerald was a lazy ass buster and would have to move back with her. Her best friends were not an option because they constantly warned her about Gerald, and she stopped talking to them as a result.

Gerald’s family swore they didn’t know where he was and couldn’t help her. After waiting to hear from Gerald and calling him nonstop for a week, Aubree sat in her car outside staring at a gray brick building. On the outside it looked like an office building or warehouse, but on the inside, Aubree knew it was a different story. Davis, a fellow dancer, knew the owner Rhett and spoke to him on her behalf. He wanted Aubree to come in for an in-person interview to see if she had what he was looking for with the new show. Aubree sat willing the phone to ring so she wouldn’t have to take the job. As much as she wanted Gerald to come through, she knew he wouldn’t. This wasn’t the first time he didn’t call her back. Aubree hadn’t eaten a real meal in four days and needed to pay the condo manager and finance company by Friday to keep shelter and transportation.

Slowly walking toward the building, it seemed like Aubree was aware of all the things happening around her. The crunch of the rocks under her feet, cars driving by, the wind whipping, the chain against the flag post. By the time Aubree arrived at the door, she had broken one of the promises she made to herself; never use your gift to manipulate men to get or do what you want. Aubree knew in this case she didn’t have a choice, so she walked through the black double doors and never looked back.

The Black Dungeon was an underground fantasy sex club for the elite of the city. If people had the money, they could get whatever they desired, anything from lap dances to BDSM fantasies. Money and power could guarantee a man or woman the time of their lives. The owner, Rhett took one look at Aubree and hired her on the spot as a headliner for the club. Along with being one of the headliners, Aubree worked the VIP section reserved for private parties, but never worked in the Dungeon.

Rhett had attempted several times to get Aubree to spend alone time with him. He invited her to have drinks in between her stage time or to have dinner with him on her off days, but Aubree knew what he was trying to do because the other girls had begun to think she was sleeping with him because he was always talking about her. He always talked about how special Aubree was and how her body moved when she danced like she would be flattered by his simple compliments. Aubree ignored Rhett’s compliments and advances because he tried to flatter all the new dancers with words and fancy gifts for sex. She overheard him one night talking to a few patrons about how he had sampled the goods for quality control. They laughed and continued drinking their top shelf whisky. Aubree knew then she would never allow Rhett to touch her.

The Black Dungeon had a very busy weekend with all the events in the city. Rhett had Aubree come in early tonight because there were three major VIP parties, and he wanted her center stage for everything. Two of the party hosts requested Aubree for their VIP parties, and she still had performances on the main stage. She had just finished her last set and was in the dressing room changing to leave. Rhett walked in the dressing room just as she had taken off the flimsy costume. When Aubree heard the lock on the door click, she turned around and saw his lustful eyes staring while stalking towards her.

“What are you doing in here?” Aubree asked. She reached for her leggings and t-shirt to quickly cover her body from his leering stare.

“I came to tell you great show and how pleased I have been with your shows thus far. But what would please me more is for you to please me. Don’t you want to show me a little gratitude for all that I have done for you?”

Rhett had moved so close Aubree could smell the alcohol on his breath. He was drunk, not even a little tipsy. She had watched him drink several shots and thumbs of the best whiskey surprised he could walk a straight line. He watched Aubree all night as she entertained the groups of wealthy patrons and waited as she exited the stage after each performance. He made sure he blew her kisses and winked at her. Every time he made eye contact with her, it felt as if her lunch tried to make a reappearance.

“Rhett, I have told you before I am not going to have sex with you. I am not that type of woman.”

“Type of woman? You are working in my sex club and have the nerve to talk about not being a certain type of woman? You took this job at a sex club but could have worked someplace else. Any place else, so yeah, you are that type of woman. You just like to be a tease, want a nigga to have to beg you. Bitch, you are like every other bitch in this place shaking your ass and titties for a dollar!” Rhett yelled. He grabbed Aubree and pulled her against him. “You are just my type.”

Rhett pressed his lips hard on Aubree’s while his hands held on to her hips as he grounded his dick into her stomach. Aubree struggled to free herself and punched Rhett in his face. When he stumbled backwards, she kneed him in his balls.

“Don’t you ever put your hands on me again!” Aubree screamed. “I am not that type of woman to open her legs to a man because of my job. You have all these other women in the club that you have fucked; I will not be another one of your women.”

Quickly, Aubree finished dressing as she watched Rhett on the floor withering in pain. Aubree made her way to the door, unlocked it, and went home. The next day she called Davis to inform him of what Rhett had done. She wanted to leave but needed to work at least two more months so she could have a little savings. Davis ensured her he would talk to Rhett and would bust Rhett’s head to the white meat if he tried something like that again. The talk didn’t help because Rhett informed Aubree that night she would be working in the Dungeon by special request. The client was one of her regulars that would request lap dances and private shows, but tonight he wanted more. After telling her, Rhett laughed in her face and said, “But I remember you telling me you are not that type of woman.”

He honored the request intentionally to prove his point and to make her the very thing she claimed she wasn’t. In that moment Aubree had a choice to make; to enter the Dungeon or walk away from this job for good.

Blinded by her tears, Aubree attempted to punch in the gate code to gain entry in the complex. Her hands were shaking so bad she had to reenter the code multiple time before the gate opened. As soon as Aubree pulled in her parking space, a sob from the depth of her soul tore through her body. She was not this woman so desperate for money she would give herself over to the highest paying client to be used. Aubree hadn’t cried like this since her father left her with Grandmother Margrett when she was nine years old. She recalled the smirk on Rhett’s face as she walked by him to the dressing room overhearing him say, “I hope the pussy wasn’t disappointing. I try to ensure all clients receive the best service through our quality control process, but that one was a hard one to crack. Maybe I needed to dangle some dollar bills before her eyes to get the sample.” he laughed, talking with the client and security, Brick and Wes. Rhett set out to embarrass and degrade her, and he succeeded because she was too desperate to say no. She was that type of woman that he said she was. Climbing out of the car, Aubree knew she was not going back to the Black Dungeon. Because of the Dungeon, she needed a healing for her soul.

Aubree walked in the condo ready to scrub away the foreign touch that covered her body. She could recall every touch of his lips and hands that she wanted to scrub form her body and mind. Turning the corner, Aubree saw Gerald sitting on the couch staring at her. Smiling, Gerald approached her with open arms waiting for her to run into them.

“Hey ba…Ugh!” Aubree punched Gerald in the mouth. She continued to punch him in his face until Gerald fell to the ground. Gerald put up his arms to block the blows she was delivering as she had him pent between the couch and coffee table.

“Why are you here?” Aubree breathed hard as she continued to punch and kick Gerald.

How could this bitch ass punk walk in this condo and sit on the couch like he lives here and paid rent,Aubree thought. She wanted to hurt him as much as she hurt, especially after tonight. “Get the fuck out of my house! Now! Get the fuck out!” Aubree continued to repeat as she delivered each blow to his body.

“You no good trifling ass, bitch ass nigga, get out of my house!” Before Aubree could swing at him, she was lifted from Gerald. Strong muscular arms were secured around her waist as she tried to break free to get back at Gerald.

“Calm down, little momma, before you hurt somebody,” the deep voice chuckled close to her ear.

Aubree didn’t know who the person was, but she just needed to break free of him to hurt Gerald. “Let me go now!” Her demands fell on deaf ears as the strange man kept his arms around her.

“Gerald, I thought you said all would be good if we came here to crash? Seems to me Kirsten is about to kill you if I let her go,” laughed the stranger.

“Kirsten?” If looks could kill Gerald would be dead where he stood. “Is she the one that works for the electric company or the one that works for the complex management team? Which one is she? Because I now know how you pay the bills.” Chest heaving, Aubree tried to twist around to see who the stranger was without success. Giving up she asked, “Get your friend and get the fuck out of my house before I call the police.”

“Baby, just let me explain,” Gerald begged. He knew this return would be different with Aubree based on what his boy Amari told him. She wasn’t just working at the Black Dungeon; she was workinginthe Dungeon. He knew she wasn’t going to forgive him like before.

“Mane, let’s go. We can go stay with DJ and Tim tonight until you can work things out with little momma. Hell, you may need to find your own place for a while.” Snickering, the stranger went over to Gerald to help him up from the floor and out of the door.

Amari was the only reason Gerald showed up tonight because Amari told him she was working at the Black Dungeon. Gerald couldn’t stand the thought of another man with Aubree, but he could freely give his dick away to any woman that wanted it. On her way in the club one night, she saw Amari and two other men Gerald had been known to do business with while in town. Amari acknowledged her with a head nod but never said a word as she walked in the club. This was the only reason Gerald showed up out of the blue instead of his normal routine. Typically, he would start calling first to gauge how upset she was with the disappearing act he pulled to determine how to get back in good. Then he would drop hints about when he was coming back in town to prepare her for his arrival. When he got to town, he’d play superhero and took care of all the bills and gave Aubree money to put up for herself. This time was a no-go. Gerald was not allowed back in her condo nor in her life. She gave up too much to allow him to stay this time.

Yet, here Aubree was back in the same situation again. She took Gerald back after months of him paying bills and begging to come back. But she wished she had let him go for good, bow that she was back struggling and scrambling with keeping her head above water. The school year was about to end, and Aubree agreed to teach summer school as a way to save money for her dream, a performing arts center. She and Davis agreed to run the place together as an afterschool escape for students. She would teach the dance classes, and Davis would teach the theater classes. The plan was to put on two shows each season while helping children develop their artistic talents. The money she planned to bank was now the money she needed to save for the summer until school stared in the fall. She would be coaching her cheer and dance teams during the summer to prepare for the sport and competition seasons. All the delinquent notices coming in the mail had a different purpose for her summer workload.
