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Grant walked in the family room and saw Aubree on the couch with her laptop typing away. As he approached her, Aubree looked up from the task she was working on and smiled at him. Her smiles were infectious that Grant had to offer a smile in return.

“Hey, you have been busy most of the evening. What are you working on?” Grant walked around to the front of the sofa and took a seat next to Aubree. He caught a whiff of her perfume that reminded him of warm vanilla and amber on a hot summer evening. The intoxicating fragrance made Grant want to nibble and kiss all over her body.

“Hey, yeah, I’m looking for some funding options for an arts program a friend of mine and I want to start. I have put this program ideal on hold long enough and it is time to start making this dream a reality.” Aubree turned her attention back to the screen.

“Is this program with your friends Nova and Ivy?” Grant learned more about Nova and Ivy because they would come over to help Aubree with the slumber parties and playdates she hosted for Chanel and a few of the girls from her school and dance class. They had just as much fun planning these gatherings as they did participating with the little girls.

“No, this program is with another friend named Davis. I was just speaking with him on the phone about it. He has been very patient with me about our start date and location, but it seems like we will have to wait a little longer due to my current financial situation. Again,” Aubree sighed as she read the screen.

“Well, can you tell me what type of program you are starting?” Grant knew he should not begin this line of questioning with her. Based on the background check he had done, he knew she had worked as a schoolteacher in Memphis and other various side jobs as a dance teacher and cheer coach. But tonight, he wanted to hear about Aubree from her, not a report prepared by the company’s head of security. There were things he hoped she would reveal that could not be found on in a police report.

Aubree looked at him for a moment. He thought she wasn’t going to say anything with the way she just sat there. “If it is too personal, you don’t have to...”

“No, I haven’t had a person interested in the program I want to bring to the community. Well, technically it is not a program, but a place. Davis and I both come from similar backgrounds, and the arts saved us from falling in with the wrong crowd. There isn’t a part of my life that didn’t include dance whether it was formal dance, cheer, pom teams, musicals… dance was there.” What Aubree didn’t say was dance filled the void for the people that were missing in her life.

“We worked at a middle school together in the inner city of Memphis. I was the dance teacher, and he was the vocal music and theater teacher. Every year we would put on a major production that the students and parents loved. We had been doing the productions for a few years, and parents were always asking if we had a summer program so their children could continue to grow in their craft. But the principal nor school officials would fund an integrated arts program for low academic performing school in a struggling school district. So, we decided to fund and open a performing arts center as an after school program. I started coaching cheer and dance teams after school for extra money, and Davis worked another job so we could secure to initial funding ourselves. Unfortunately, I had some major life stumbling blocks that prevented me from keeping my end of the bargain.”

Grant saw the sadness in her eyes when she mentioned the stumbling blocks. She didn’t go into details about what the stumbling blocks were nor what caused them. He wondered if she had made any progress toward her goal now.

“We decided to apply for grants so we could at least get started but haven’t been successful. One grant we have applied for three times but get turned down each time. I just don’t know what the reviewers are looking for or what I need to say.”

“You need to get a grant writer to write the grant proposal for you or at least have someone to read over the application for you. Sometimes, it is how you phrase something or as simple as using certain buzz words. People remember buzz words and know what they mean, so they look for those buzz words in certain areas especially education-related funding.”

Aubree gave him a side eye. “Okay, you know a lot about grant funding. I know that your family and company are a major private donor for Mrs. Dubois’ studio, so how do companies such as yours decide which organizations they offer funding?” She sat her laptop aside and gave Grant her undivided attention because surely, he would have the answer to this major funding dilemma. If she could get the grant money, then they could get started this summer.

Grant frowned slightly. He knew what was coming next; she expected something from him like all the beautiful ones. Just like Mariah and Celeste. She must have figured out that his family ran the New Horizon Grant through their nonprofit. That why she brought up not getting the grant approval and the funding of Mrs. Dubois studio. All while she was talking, he sat there hoping she wasn’t going to ask him to approve her grant proposal with the New Horizon or inquire about his family providing the money. This arrangement was too good to be true.

“Well, it depends on what the business is attempting to do, the longevity of the program, and if the program is not funded, could they manage. My mother decides on which organization the family funds each year. We don’t make any suggestions or tell her which organizations to fund. She has her special pet projects that she loves to give to and rarely does she take on any new projects.” Grant looked at her just wishing she was different than the others. Most women saw a man with money and assumed he could take care of all their problems

“I have applied for the New Horizon Grant three times and was rejected each time. There is a grant through the state arts council and a private grant Davis feels like we have a good chance at getting. Do you think you could read over the applications or maybe suggest someone affordable to help me?” Aubree had that same big wide eye look Chanel had when she really wanted something. Aubree wasn’t asking for him to fund her program, just feedback. Grant had to be on the safe side.

“Allie is really good with grant writing and funding, so I’ll tell her to call you so you can set up a meeting. She may know some people that are looking to fund an arts program.”

Aubree smiled. “Thank you! You don’t know how much this means to me. I saw the look on your face and thought you were going to say no. Thank you!” Aubree reached over and hugged Grant. He wrapped her in his arms and inhaled her scent of warm vanilla. This was the moment Grant had been waiting on, an opportunity to hold her close to feel her heart beating next to his. Aubree pulled back and stared into Grant’s eyes. She was panting in anticipation of their next move. Grant’s eyes roamed to her full and soft lips waiting for him to sample them. He leaned forward, resting his forehead on hers and could feel her breath on his mouth. Just a hair closer and he would experience a fraction of her sweetness. Aubree closed her eyes as her hands slid up his back as Grant’s hand moved up to the front of her neck. As their lips barely touched, both were breathing hard as his thumb moved to her bottom lip. Grant closed the last bit of space separating him from ecstasy when he heard…

“Daddy! Daddy!” Aubree jumped out of Grant’s hold and stood from the sofa as Chanel made her way to the family room. She ran on to the sofa and in to Grants waiting arms.

“Daddy, I’m scared. I had a bad dream,” Chanel cried. Grant rubbed her back to calm her down and lightly kissed her forehead. He wondered what she had watched this evening on her tablet.

“Oh no, what was the dream about?” Aubree sat next to them and joined in comforting Chanel.

“I don’t want to talk about it. Can I stay up with you and Aubree?”

“No, you have school in the morning, so let me go chase the monsters away so you can get your rest. I don’t want you too tired in the morning.”

Grant left Chanel and Aubree in the family room while he went to cool himself down. He was so close to having Aubree the way he had dreamed for so long he couldn’t hold out much longer. Chanel had saved them both tonight from heading down a one-way road of regret.

Later, Grant lay in bed thinking about the kiss he almost shared with Aubree and what it would mean for their working relationship. His family had begun giving their unsolicited opinion about Aubree working for him. Since Aubree wasn’t handpicked by Katherine, she thought Aubree would be another Mariah out for money. Especially because her grandmother lived on the east side of the tracks. Allie, on the other hand, was rooting for Grant and Aubree to develop into something more than employer and employee. Grant knew he had to proceed with caution because Blurring the lines of their current situation could have devastating repercussions for all involved. The last thing Grant wanted was to hurt Chanel and disappoint Aubree in any way, even if it meant passing on a moment of pleasure and happiness.

Chapter 16

The dance academy was buzzing with activity as Mrs. Dubois prepared the dancers for the showcase with costume fittings. Nova and her team were present to take measurements of all the dancers and watch the dance rehearsals for design inspiration. Everyone in town sought out Nova for a Nova Moon original no matter the occasion. She started her career in fashion design while in high school working for a high end boutique and tailor. People in the northeastern and southern region made special trips to Dawson Falls for a NM signature gown. Nova loved creating costumes for Aubree’s students in the past, so Aubree knew Nova would come through. Mrs. Dubois gave Aubree creative freedom on most of the dance numbers and complete control of the costume designs, so the performance was fresh and unique. Next month, Ivy would come to discuss set designs and staging. Planning for the showcase felt like old times working with her best friends. Their creative skills complimented each other. This was the chance that Aubree had been waiting for since she started working for Mrs. Dubois. After the excitement died down, Mrs. Dubois had all the showcase students remain for an additional rehearsal.

As the rehearsal ended, Aubree waited for Allie to come pick up Chanel for their weekend fun. Grant had given Aubree the weekend off since Chanel would be with Allie and his mother. Aubree had a special request from one of the mothers of her students, and they were meeting this evening at Grant’s house with his permission. Ever since the almost kiss they shared, Grant had put distance between them. He worked later than usual and arrived home when he thought Aubree would be sleep. He kept his word and had Allie call her about the grant funding she was seeking. Her feelings were hurt a little by being iced out, but she knew it was for the best. To get involved with Gant would not benefit either one of them, and Chanel would be hurt if they didn’t work out. Focusing on securing funding or a business loan for her performing arts center was the best thing to do.

Allie pulled up just as Chanel walked out of the studio with the other dancers in her class.

“Hi, Sweet Pea. Hi, Aubree, how was class today?”
