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“It was good,” Chanel huffed. She did not look as excited as she normally was about going to spend time with Allie.

“What’s wrong? Did something happen in class today?” Allie asked, concern evident on her face.

“It’s just that Daddy and Aubree will be home all by themselves with nothing to do this weekend. We had planned a game night for tonight, and we were going to the park tomorrow. But now I’m leaving. I think I need to stay home so they won’t be lonely.”

Allie chuckled. “I’m sure your Dad and Aubree will be fine. They will find something to do while you are away. I hope they will do it together, so they won’t be lonely.” Aubree’s face turned red as Allie peered at her. She knew what Allie was hinting at, she just hoped Chanel didn’t catch it.

“Your dad and I will be fine. I actually have a date this weekend, and your dad has plans with his friends. All is well, so don’t worry about us. You have fun with your aunt and grandmother.” Aubree hadn’t planned on telling Allie she had a date, but she was trying to comfort Chanel. “I will see you when you get back Sunday. Okay?”

“Okay…” Chanel hugged Aubree and went to grab her bag.

“You know I can keep her until Monday and take her to school if that will give you and Grant more time together.” Allie smiled.

“There is nothing going on between Grant and me, and I have a date this weekend. He is my employer—there is nothing more.”

“Okay, if you say so.” Chanel walked up with her bag. “You ready to go for our ultimate girl’s night out!”

“Yes, bye Aubree.”

“Bye, Nellie. See you Sunday.”

Aubree grabbed her things so she would be on time for her next appointment. She was looking forward to helping Mrs. Anderson with her special project. As Aubree was walking to her car, she noticed two young men standing near a blacked-out SUV in the parking lot. She had not seen the car before in the area so she thought they might be having car trouble. But she was not going to ask. One of the young men looked familiar like the guy that came to Nova’s store weeks earlier. Aubree drove out of the parking lot to her destination. She couldn’t see that the driver of the SUV had been watching her since she stepped out of the building.

Taking a drag off the cigarette, Mario rolled the window down and watched as Aubree left. He had been searching for her when he found out she left town but no one knew where to find her. It took a while, but he was able to locate her through some social media posts his girl was looking at. Aubree was still fine as hell, and he still wanted her, even more so now. Mario was hard just thinking about tearing her ass up. According to his old friend Rhett, her client paid more than double after having her that one night. He promised his boys some time with her, but he was going to be selfish and keep her. He knew she didn’t have the money, so she was going to work off every dime Gerald owed him. Gerald would show his face when he found out Aubree belonged to Mario.

Aubree had been working with Mrs. Shayla Anderson for a few hours on her special project, an anniversary dance for her husband. She approached Aubree one day after dance class about helping her choreograph something for their special occasion.

Aubree and Shayla were having fun working together, and Shayla made it easy because she could dance and twerk. Aubree just wondered if she was doing this because she wanted to or if there was some secret competition. They had danced to the City Girls, Cardi B, Meg the Stallion, and Chole before deciding on Dojo Cat’s “Need to Know” and Janet Jackson’s “Do You Mind.” Shayla hoped by the time Janet’s song started playing he would be balls deep inside of her.

Panting, Aubree said, “Okay, so we will start at the top again, and tomorrow you will visit Nova Moon for something sexy to wear to blow his mind away.”

“No, I want to fuck his mind up.” Shayla laughed. Aubree definitely hoped Shayla got what she wanted because being in a relationship was hard enough without a third party involved. She should know since there were multiple parties involved in her relationship unknowingly. As soon as the beat dropped, they started dancing, and Shayla looked great. She didn’t lack the confidence most women did when trying to be sexy for their spouses. Shayla stopped dancing and let Aubree take over the show displaying her moves. As she danced, she noticed Grant standing by the door watching, so she decided to give him a show.

Grant had arrived home from work early thinking he would enjoy a child free evening just relaxing by the pool. When he entered the house, he heard music being played loudly and remembered that Aubree asked about giving a private dance lesson at the house. He didn’t mind because he knew she was working toward something, and one of the students was probably Chanel’s classmate. Grant stopped in the kitchen to grab a beer and sort through the mail Aubree left on the counter along with his dinner plate. Warming up his food, Grant settled to read some of the mail, but the music seemed to get louder and the words more suggestive by the second. As he walked toward the dance room, he heard words about giving the dick and spanking, choking and biting. Grant looked through the partially opened doors watching Aubree humping the floor in a split. She moved from the split to a standing, making eye contact with Grant. The music changed; the atmosphere shifted.

Aubree sat in the chair as the opening lines of the song began to play. The bass came through strong as she began to wind her hips on the chair looking at Grant in the mirror. She touched her breasts and slid her hand slowly down her chest. Arching her back off the chair, she ran her hands down to her pussy and rubbed while sliding down to the floor. This dance was especially for him tonight. She was tired of fighting what was inevitable between them. She was ready for him to touch her and feel his body on top of her, pumping in and out. Grant shifted his stance as his hand went down to his growing hard on. Laying on the floor, Aubree ran her fingers back down to her pussy simulating fingering herself, then she brought the finger to her mouth, licking it. He was beyond aroused, and so was she. Before she could finish, Shayla’s phone ringing interrupted the song playing over the speakers, bringing Aubree’s seduction to an end. She and Grant stared at one another through the mirror.

“I am so sorry. Let me take this call.” Shayla answered her phone oblivious to what had just happened. Aubree turned toward the door, and Grant was gone.

“Well, my honey is at home so I need to head that way. Thank you, I knew you would be the perfect person to help me.” Shayla talked as she gathered her things.

“You are welcome. I hope all goes well for your anniversary. Can I make a suggestion?”

“Sure, I’m open.”

“Don’t change your clothes. Wear what you have on at home. It will start to jog his memory of the banging body you have.” Aubree smiled.

Shayla smiled back. “I think I will. Thank you again. Can I make a suggestion? Take a page out of your book and turn Grant’s world upside down with your moves. I see the way he looks at you at the dance studio watching your every move, and the way he watched you tonight made me want to leave you two alone. Tonight, you danced for Grant because you had his undivided attention at the door. You, Grant, and Chanel engage with each other like you are family every time I see you. I hate Celeste for him, but I love him for you.”

Aubree walked Shayla to the door and returned to the dance room. She kicked out of the stilettoes she was wearing and put on her pointe shoes to finish choreographing the last counts for the advanced level pointe ballet class. Going through the routine wasn’t giving Aubree the distraction she needed from what just happened. Grant wanted her just as much as she wanted him. No more. No more holding back, suppressing the urges. If Grant gave her one word, action, look, she was acting on it. She was going to take Shayla’s advice and turn his world upside down.

Grant had just gotten out of an artic shower that did nothing to calm the raging desire to be with Aubree. All promises were off the table. He was taking back the defining statement he gave her when she took the job: “For now.” It was a right now that wouldn’t wait any longer. Aubree danced for him. No, she seduced him with her moves, her body. Grant imagined he was the chair she was dancing in; how would it feel for her to sit in his lap and grind her ass on his dick. His hands were the hands rubbing on her breasts down to the pussy which he knew had to be soaking wet. He would use his fingers to enter her while his thumb paid special attention to her clit. When she came over his fingers, he’d taste the very essence of her core. Before Grant realized it, he had his penis in his hands jacking off to thoughts of Aubree. Just as he was nearing his peak, he heard a crash and a yell. He waited and heard Aubree screaming his name and went running. When Grant got to the dance room Aubree was on the floor gripping her leg.

Aubree was in her bedroom lying on the bed waiting for Grant to return with ice. She had been experiencing some cramps in her calf muscle for a couple of weeks but ignored it. Grant returned with a cold compress for her calf and placed it gently on the area.

“How did this happen?” Grant asked while holding her foot in his hand.

“Doing too much today. I had a couple of cheer practices, classes tonight, and the private class. I was working on a routine when my leg cramped up on me,” Aubree winced at the pain.
