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“Again, I don’t care what you believe or think.” Grant Sr. looked at Allie as if she betrayed him. He leaned over to Allie and got right in her ear so no would hear what he had to say, “Don’t ever address me as Dad in a business meeting.” Allie stiffened as she looked at her father like she didn’t recognize him.

Grant continued with his objection, “How can you make such a destructive decision and not think the company’s image won’t be marred by your choice?”

“Somehow you and Allie seem to believe this is an item that is up for debate, and it is not. All the recipients have been notified, and the funds must be returned in 15 days. Thank you, Bill, next agenda item.” Grant sat back looking at his father with hatred for his choice and treatment. Grant tuned out the rest of the meeting, and once it was adjourned Grant and Allie were the first to leave. Grant Sr., called after them, but they both continued walking toward Grant’s office. He opened the door for Allie to enter first and slammed the door shut.

“What the hell just happened in that meeting?” Allie asked.

“I don’t know. He meets with the other chief officers before the meeting but left me out. He knew what he was doing and knew I would not lie down and let it happen.” Grant was pacing in his office. “People are going to lose their jobs, Allie. How can he do something so reckless?”

“Are we in financial trouble? Not justifying his actions, but does the money need to go to something else?”

“All the money belonged to Grandmother Eloise; it was not the profits from yearly sales. And even if it was, we are a multi-billion-dollar company, we can afford it!” Grant had to find out what was really going on with the grant program.

Grant finished up his workday without any word from his father or mother. He had just enough time to spare before picking up Chanel from her afternoon dance class. Chanel was his main priority and focus; the family and company come last now that he was a father. Fatherhood was one of the reasons he didn’t want to be COO of the family business because he never got to see his father because of the company. In his father’s eyes, the company came before his wife, children, and other obligations. He said he was the provider for the family and providers made sacrifices. This was not the same mentality he had as a father, and that’s not the pattern Grant wanted for Chanel. When Gant had children, he had planned on being married, but Chanel’s mother had her own plan that included a pregnancy and grand wedding. She got one part of her plan completed, but Grant destroyed the second part of her plan.

Dawson Falls Dance Academy was the premier dance studio in town. The academy began when Grant’s mother was a young girl, and Mrs. Phoebe Dubois had just moved to town. She wanted to continue doing what she loved, so her husband funded a dance studio for her. Mrs. Dubois was a classically trained ballet dancer and specialized in other areas, so she provided top notch training for those that attended her school. Katherine encouraged Grant to put Chanel in dance classes early to build character and drive for her so she would understand competition. Grant just wanted Chanel to dance for the fun of learning and thought it was a dream for all little girls. But Chanel wasn’t the typical seven-year-old girl. Even at a young age Chanel was adventurous, spoke her mind, and would challenge what she felt was wrong. That’s why Allie loved her so much, and Katherine constantly chastised her, but they loved her the same. Grant pulled into the parking lot of the dance studio and parked in the first available spot.

Picking up Chanel could be a hassle when the single women and even some married women were present. Grant opened the door of his Mercedes Benz GLS unfolding his body out of his SUV. Walking toward the studio door Grant prayed that Chanel was ready to go because he wasn’t in the mood to socialize with the other “mothers” in the lobby.

As soon as Grant touched the door, Chanel came running to the door and greeted him. “Daddy! You’re here. Okay, we can go,” Chanel spoke with lightning speed. Grant could barely register what was happening since Chanel was pulling him toward the door. He knew she had done something because she was working too hard to get him back to the car. “Come on, Daddy, I have so much homework to complete, and I need to study for my math test.” Chanel was grunting as she strained trying to pull Grant to the door.

Grant placed a firm hand on Chanel’s shoulder. “Stop. Now either start talking or I will get the real story from Miss Janet.”

Exhaling a huge sigh, Chanel threw her body around, rolling her eyes and pouting. “I only told the truth.” Folding her arms across her chest, Chanel looked at father. While they stood there, Miss Janet walked up with her eyes roaming over Grant’s 6’4” muscular frame and tanned olive skin. It was obvious to a blind person that Miss Janet wanted Grant. Most of the time she overreacted to the things said or done just so she could talk to Grant.

Miss Janet walked up close to Grant in his personal space with her breasts pressed against his arm. She purred, “Good evening, Mr. Hollings,” licking her lips. “I wanted to talk to you about our little Chanel.”

“Our?” Grant questioned.

“Yes, I like to consider my students as my own.”

What the fuck?Grant thought.This woman is pushing it.

“What happened in class today?” Grant inquired but was looking at Chanel.

“Chanel decided she was going to tell one of her fellow dance peers that she was as graceful as a hippo on stilts. We have discussed using positive affirming words with each other, and Chanel is having difficulty with this concept.” Chanel rolled her eyes, and she turned to face the door.

Miss Janet continued, “Maybe I can help with her little problem. I have dabbled in child psychology and know how it is for a girl to grow up without her mother. She needs a female figure around, and I would love to help you with Chanel.” Before blinking, Miss Janet’s body was almost wrapped around Grant with her nipples poking him in his arm.

Lifting his arm, Grant pulled out of her hold. “I don’t need anyone to tell me what my daughter needs or how to raise her without a mother. We’re good.” Grant grabbed Chanel’s hand and turned to walk out the door. He didn’t need another person telling him how to raise his daughter; his mother was enough.

“No, that is not what I meant,” Janet laughed at little and smiled “You misunderstood what I was saying.” Janet moved closer to where Grant and Chanel stood ready to leave.

“No, I heard you loud and clear. Let’s go Chanel.” Grant and Chanel walked out the door. Unlocking the doors, Grant didn’t say a word as he helped Chanel get in the car. “Buckle up.”

Chanel obeyed her father because she didn’t know how this was going to end.

As they drove in silence, Chanel couldn’t take it anymore. “Daddy, I’m sorry. I was really trying to help Tiana, not hurt her feelings.” She sat with her shoulders slumped and face turned up.

“Chanel, I tell you all the time to think about the words you are about to say before they come out of your mouth. Words hurt people more than your fist. When you go back to class this week you owe Tiana an apology.” Grant knew Chanel and Tiana had problems in the past and he had asked that they not be placed in the same dance classes. He would have to speak with Mrs. Dubois about the current class arrangement.

“Yes, sir.” Chanel was quiet the rest of the car ride home. Chanel reminded him of Allie in so many ways because Allie’s mouth got her in plenty of trouble. Grant didn’t mind as much as his mother did especially when they attended social events. Sometimes Chanel would repeat what she overheard Katherine say about someone and embarrass Katherine. Grant and Allie found it hilarious, but Katherine, not so much. As long as he didn’t see her mother Mariah’s traits coming through, he was fine. The only thing he wanted Chanel to have of Mariah’s was her looks and nothing else.

Grant pulled up to the security booth in his gated community and rolled down the window. “Evening Mr. Hollings, little Miss Hollings. I hope you all are doing good this evening.”

“We are doing just fine this evening!” Grant looked back at Chanel and knew her evening was not how she planned it.

The security officer opened the gate so Grant could drive through. “You all have a good evening now.”
