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Grant saluted the guard and drove off. The Dawson Rolling Hills was a community for the wealthy families in Dawson Falls. The homes sat on four to eight acres of lush green land. All the houses were mini mansions compared to where his parents lived. The stone driveway led to the four-car garage that was attached to the brightly lit 6500 square foot tan brick mansion that sat on five acres of land. Grant pulled in the first bay to park his Mercedes Benz. The other bays held an Ashton Martin Lagonda, Land Rover, and Bentley Flying Spur. The garage was a requirement to house all of his prized man toys. As Grant and Chanel exited the car, he grabbed their bags and opened the car door for Chanel. She strolled to the entry way as if she was walking the Green Mile. Chanel could be very dramatic when she was in trouble.

The entry way from the garage led to a mudroom then continued to a spacious gourmet kitchen. Stainless steel appliances were through the kitchen with a 10-burner stove and double ovens. Off the kitchen was a fully furnished outdoor living room with an overlooking pool with a built-in slide and a full bar and grill for entertaining guest. There were seven bedrooms and seven and a half bathrooms with a master suite downstairs and upstairs. Grant had the house built when Chanel was born so she would have all the space a child needed.

Grant considered the house and future investment for the family he would hopefully start in a few years. Truth be told the house was too much for two people, but Grant enjoyed living away from the family mansion. The aroma of barbeque smacked Grant in the face as soon as he walked through the door. Every Wednesday, Mrs. B, short for Beatrice, his housekeeper, always made barbequed something for dinner. Grant’s stomach rumbled as he made his way to the kitchen. As usual, Mrs. B had a feast laid out for them to eat.

“You know it is just three of us and you don’t have to make this much food…” His mouth watered looking at the barbequed chicken, buttered corn on the cob, twice baked mashed potatoes, salad, green beans, and dessert in the fridge.

“Boy, you eat enough for three people. I don’t need your momma coming over here raising hell because you lookin’ all skin and bones. So, come on and eat. I know you haven’t eaten all day.”

Removing his suit jacket, Grant eased over to the table helping Chanel in her seat before taking the head seat. Mrs. B placed heaping portions of food on the plate. Working out twice a day was necessary to eat all that Mrs. B cooked. Once Mrs. B took a seat, Grant, Chanel, and Mrs. B sent dinner talking about Chanel’s day at school and part of Grant’s day at work. After dinner, Mrs. B took Chanel to prepare for bed and retired to his office for the evening to finish up some work. As Grant read over the second quarter financial report, his cell phone pinged with a message. Picking up his phone, Grant sighed as he looked at the number of the woman who was worse than his mother in trying to change his marital status. Grant stared at the phone deciding if he was going to replay to Celeste’s message. Ever since his mother started the marriage mission, Celeste was doing everything to keep her position in his life. Celeste was like the other women competing for the ultimate crown of Mrs. Hollings, but the problem was he wasn’t ready to crown any woman. Celeste was arm candy for the many formal events and occasionally his stress release because she was down for anything he wanted. Grant wasn’t going to respond, but he didn’t want Celeste popping up at his house either.

Celeste: Hi handsome! You want some company?

Me: Not tonight, busy working on some reports for work…. Raincheck?

Celeste: Always for you baby! Your credit is good here.

Me: I’ll call you sometime next week.

Celeste: I’m looking forward to your call. TTYL. Heart emoji

With all the reports spread out on his desk, Grant had to stay focus on the spreadsheets to balance. No Celeste not tonight. Grant had more important things to investigate; one being the sudden defunding of the New Horizon Dream Grant Program and what other secrets his father could be hiding.

Chapter 7

By midweek Aubree had chewed her nails down to nubs, and her stomach was in continuous knots. She couldn’t eat or sleep… anxious to find what would happen to her position. The local school district was not waiting until the end of the school year to make up the thirty-five-million-dollar budget short fall that happened this year; the changes were happening now. The school board was notorious for overspending on resources that were not needed, and teachers were always on the chopping block. But this time Aubree couldn’t afford to be in this position again. She needed her job and a second job just to pay off this debt that Gerald left her to handle. Aubree was part of a group of teachers that were being paid as a part of the New Horizon Dream Grant the local school district received from major corporations to fund the performing arts programs which is needed in the schools. If she lost this position, Aubree would be back at the starting line of life’s race, and she was determined for that not to happen again. Aubree hated that she had to work all day before she received word on her employment status.

“Good afternoon, staff. These are the meetings that I hate having to conduct. As you know currently the district is experiencing a budget shortfall this year, and they are cutting positions across the board. I had hoped that our school would be spared, but that is not the case. I was told during my meeting today that we will lose five positions that are considered non content core classes. This is the part of the job that is difficult because I don’t like playing with people’s livelihood, but the choice has been taken out of my hand. With that being said, I need everyone to check their emails, and if you have an email from HR you need to see me at the end of the meeting.”

Aubree stopped listening after Principal Monroe said check emails. Her stomach started bubbling, palms wet with sweat, and her leg bounced with nervous energy Aubree felt in that moment. Life was not fair to Aubree, and dreams didn’t come true for her. All that she believed to be stable was crumbling around her and she had to take care of herself and a mountain of debt. Staring at her phone Aubree felt as if her fate was in that phone. Fate that would determine if she could afford to move out of her childhood home or have to do something different just to make ends meet. While another teacher was up presenting about project-based learning, Aubree heard her phone ping, eyes rolling down to view the notification. It was a text message from Nova saying that she would help with the costume design again this year. The way Aubree’s pulse was racing she wouldn’t need Nova nor Ivy’s help with the showcase because she knew there wouldn’t be one. Drumming up enough courage to open her emails, Aubree saw it before she could look twice. It was the email from HR. Closing her eyes, Aubree lost all hope.

Aubree wasn’t in a rush to get to the house that evening. She called her grandmother to let her know that she would be late and not to wait up. At the end of the meeting, Aubree went to pack up her things from the classroom. There was no need to return after today if she was no longer employed. Principal Monroe stood in the doorway just staring at Aubree as she pulled her personal items from the desk. She offered Aubree any support or job reference she could give and assisted Aubree with packing her supplies. After leaving the school she drove around with no place to go and ended up at the Old Town movie theater. She bought a ticket to the show and food from the concession stand. While watching“Waiting to Exhale,”the extra buttered popcorn, hot dog, cherry cola, and French fries became the comfort needed in that moment. Aubree would regret eating all the high fat and sugary foods, but tonight she needed comfort and that was in the bottom of the popcorn bucket. Thinking of every place in town to go just so she would go home, she went to Me’ Amour’s Book Nook, Target, Walmart, and four different gas stations finding the one with the cheapest gas. If there was any other place Aubree could go to avoid home, she would go, but Aubree didn’t want to worry her grandmother. Around 9:45 PM she turned her Honda around to head home to face reality.

Pulling in to the driveway two dark figures were sitting on the porch as Aubree drove to the house. Taking a deep breath and exhaling in a loud huff, Aubree turned the car off, opened the car door, and walked toward the front door. The two figures stood as she made her way up the walkway and paused before the steps. Nova and Ivy were anxiously waiting on Aubree when she pulled in the driveway. They rose as she approached them. Aubree could see the look of pity on their faces even from the end of the driveway. Both Nova and Ivy rushed off the porch and hugged Aubree until she could no longer hold back her tears. A sob tore deep from Aubree’s belly as her face turned up for the ugliest cry.

“Oh, honey. It is going to be alright. Breezy, you will find another job. There is nothing that you can’t do or attempt to do. We are right here for you.” Nova always sounded like a mother when she was comforting someone.

“Yeah, we will help you find something. I can put in a good word for you at my job,” Ivy said. Besides Grandma Margrett, Ivy and Nova were Aubree’s support system that were ready to go to war with Aubree no matter what. They would whoop a bitch’s ass first then ask questions after they were in handcuffs. That really happened a couple of times while in college, but thankfully, the girls were let go with a warning most of the time. But one time they had to face the judge and were sentenced to community service.

Aubree took a minute to get her thoughts together before speaking. “I thought I was safe this year, this time is not like before going to the school board meeting to fight for my job. Ugh, this is so not fair right now… just when things were beginning to turn around…”

“Stop! Things are going to work out for you honey,” Nova interrupted. “Don’t ever doubt that.” Shaking her head, Aubree wiped her face clean as she prepared to walk in the house.

“Are y’all staying over because once you come in, Grandma is not letting you out tonight.” Aubree need her friend there so she could figure out her next move.

“Girl, I smell the baked chicken all the way out here. There is no way I am leaving your grandma’s house and not eat what she put on the table. I want her to keep welcoming me, not disown me.”

The door swung open before Aubree could even put her key on the keyhole. Grandma Margrett took one look at Aubree’s glossy red rimmed eyes that told part of the story she needed to know.

“Well, you are home now, and this too shall pass. In the meantime, you will stay here until you get yourself together and figure it out. Tomorrow, get up and start looking for a job. Crying over spilled milk don’t get it off the floor.” Aubree sat with tears swimming in her eyes not knowing what she would do without her grandmother. She thought she would get the same fussing at that her mother used to get when she was in and out of this house.

“Thank you, Grandma,” Aubree’s voice cracked as she spoke.

“No worries, child. We are all we have left. We have to take care of each other. I love you my Breezy.” Margrett kissed Aubree on the forehead and said to Nova and Ivy, “Y’all know you in for the night, right?” Aubree, Ivy, and Nova giggled just like when they were little girls. “Come on and get something to eat now so I can get in the bed!” Grandma Margrett yelled from the kitchen.

Once dinner was over, the ladies were settled in Aubree’s bedroom like when they were younger. “Ooh…Y’all remember when we used to say this…NIA means Faith. We are sisters of Faith. We believe we can do it, if we say we can.” Aubree’s face broke into the brightest smile as Ivy and Nova fell over grabbing their stomachs laughing. Aubree, Nova. and Ivy had been best friends since third grade and they knew how Aubree needed They were closer than blood sisters because neither had sisters. Ivy had brothers, but she definitely was happy to have Nova and Aubree to fill the sisterly void in her life. They had been through literally everything from puberty to boyfriends, first kisses, losing their virginities, and college life… They were her everything… her ride or dies.

Aubree knew her grandmother had called them to let them know what happened. Nova and Ivy knew all about her relationship with Gerald and the disappearing act he pulled. Ivy hated Gerald with a passion and Nova only tolerated him because of Aubree. Putting Ivy and Gerald in the same room was like putting fire and dynamite together in a room filled with hydrogen. An explosion of words was going to blow through the roof, and Ivy was ready to bust Gerald in the head with the nearest object. Aubree understood because her sisters loved her and would do anything to protect her from Gerald.
