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As the evening rolled on, Aubree and her friends spent their time laughing, singing, and dancing just like old times. With her girls by her side, Aubree knew she was walking on a path full of light, joy, and peace. Aubree knew she would have to thank her grandma for calling her friend at the time she needed them the most.

“Ok, first on the priority list, we’re going to help you find a job,” Ivy said.

“Yes, we will help you find a new job, and this will be better than what you have now,” Nova said in her motherly way.

Ivy jumped in. “Girl, we got you. Like Nova said, you are going to find a job that will be better than what you have now. I will ask the members at church; they may know of some companies that may be hiring, and I will check all the local schools to see if they have any teaching positions available. With it being the middle of the school year, I’m not sure if you can find something, but anything is possible.”

“You can always do private lessons or, oh! Go to the new performing arts center on the north side. I know Mrs. Dubois would love to have someone of your caliber working at the studio,” Nova suggested.

“New performing arts center…I forgot about that. But they probably have hired for the season.”

“You don’t know until you go. Plus, you are still coaching dance teams, so that will bring in money,” Ivy said.

“But if all else fails, you know you can come work for me at the boutique. I have more work than I can handle.” Nova owned a boutique and made custom pieces for wealthy people in town, designed costumes for the local arts programs, and traveled to make custom clothes in the southeast and northeast regions.

“Well, thank you. I will use that option only if I can’t find a job in 30 days.”

“Promise?” Nova and Ivy sang in unison.

“I promise.” Aubree had her family and friends, and at the moment, that was all she needed. Aubree smiled. These women were her backbone, and whether life was wonderful or horrible, they would give their last just for her.

Chapter 8

Four Weeks Later

“1, 2, 3…1, 2, 3…1, 2, 3...Take it slow. Don’t rush this count.” Aubree coached her intermediate ballet class. She had been employed as a dance instructor at Dawson Falls Dance Academy for a couple of weeks. A week after losing her job, Aubree had gone by the dance studio just to see if they were hiring for the season. The owner, Mrs. Dubois, took one look at her and asked if she was available to audition on the spot. Aubree ran to the car, grabbed her dance bag, and gave the audition of her life, and she was hired on the spot. Between coaching the high school dance teams and working for Mrs. Dubois, she could continue on her savings path. Today Aubree and Mrs. Dubois were working with the ballet class since the regular teacher was out sick for two weeks, and the students needed to prepare for a mini showcase.

“Okay, let’s take it from the top. We will do two run throughs and then audition for the showcase. Remember if you are not selected for this showcase there will be other performances. In ready position…. Cue the music. I will not count for you. 5, 6, 7, 8…” At the sound of the first beat, the dancers began the choreographed routine. Aubree observed the class with a stern face and watched, scrutinizing every movement.

“Leg up more, Amber!”

“Chanel, point your toes!”

“Lyiah, you are not on the beat! Count it in your head!”

“You all are starting to drag. Pick it up!”

Mrs. Dubois loved how Aubree critiqued the students as they danced. She was providing feedback instantly and modeled for the dancers how to do the combinations or choreography. As the girls went through the routine a second time, it was clear which girls they would select. “Okay, my little ballerians great work today. We have selected those that will perform in the showcase, and the rest of you practice on your technique. Some of your basic positions are sloppy. They must be clean and precise. Mrs. Dubois has placed the showcase list on the board outside so you can view it on the way out. See you all next week. Enjoy your weekend!” Aubree waved goodbye and hugged some of the students.

Once the students exited the room, Aubree turned on a drum beat mixture and started a modern dance routine she had been working on to give life. At the sound of the drum beats Aubree began to sway her hips up and down while stretching her arms over her head. As she took steps forward, she rolled her hips in a circular motion putting her whole body in motion. Stopping in the center of the floor, Aubree lifted her right leg out in front then to the side. This was where the choreography ended; she had to think of another transition to what would work. As soon as she turned to the viewing window, Aubree saw Nova and Ivy coming in the building and waved them in the studio room. They were helping her work on a routine for one of the dance teams she coached.

“Hey ladies!” Aubree hugged her friends. “Let’s get started.”

Mrs. Dubois would allow them to use the studio when Aubree needed to practice for the teams she coached. As Aubree went through the choreography, Nova and Ivy gave her suggestions on how to improve or better eight counts to use. She trusted their judgement since they danced together for years, but Aubree was the only one to pursue dance as a career. They worked on a jazz number she wanted to teach to one of her high school groups. Aubree glided across the floor performing an axel turn into a chasse` as she strutted to the back of the room. She turned toward the window and froze in place not able to make another move. Her mouth gaped open her breathing slowed down as she fixed her gazed on the most handsome man she had ever seen. There seemed to be a light shining from heaven spotlighting his existence for her eyes only. Aubree didn’t realize she moved closer to the window for a better view of toasted olive tone Adonis. He had to be at least 6’3” or 6’4” with beautiful hazel eyes, plush kissable lips, and the muscles wall of his chest had her licking her lips. He reminded her of the actor Christian Keyes but with more muscular physique. Typically, Aubree liked her men milk chocolate to the darkest blackberry she could find, but he was beautiful. Aubree didn’t even know if she ever described a man as beautiful.

She watched him smile at something one of the other parents said to him. All she saw were pearly white straight teeth and a smile that fucked her whole mind up. She didn’t have to guess based on his style of clothes and the Patek Philippe watch flashing on his wrist that he came from money.

“Girl, what are you doing over here?” Ivy walked over to where Aubree was standing. “You over here in the clouds while we’re waiting… Got damn, he fine as fuck. Shit… I see why you’re over here stalking from the window.”

“Nov! Come see the Greek god Aubree about to lose her panties to. Close your mouth boo. He gon’ think you sending an invite.” Ivy and Nova fell out laughing.

Aubree snapped, “Y’all make me sick. I’m not checking for whoever that is. I don’t do parents of the students.” Aubree walked back to the sound system to change the music to work on the dance team routine.

“Come on, let’s finish up so we can get out of here.” Aubree started the music and began dancing. Nova and Ivy joined her. They went through the full routine including toe touches, leaps, turns, and flips.

“I think you need to change that leap combination unless the girls will be able to execute it flawlessly. It could just be me,” Ivy said breathing heavily. “Breezy is the only person that can still do this stuff like she did in high school and college.”

“I can’t help it if y’all are carrying around all that extra booty that keeps you from lifting your legs, laughed Aubree. “Let’s stop here for today and I can finish this routine later the week.
