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She nods. “Yeah, I get that but make sure you tell him. Don’t punk out.”

“I won’t,” I promise. “Dean will know about the baby before I leave.”

“He won’t let you go after you tell him.”

I shrug. “I don’t know. He’s been kind of distant lately. Maybe he’s having second thoughts about us now that he’s in the NHL and has women throwing themselves at him all the time.”

She snorts. “You must’ve hit your head on the toilet the last time you were in there barfing your brains out.”

I roll my eyes at her.

“You should listen to yourself. Dean might be busy with hockey, but he’s madly in love with you and has been for years. That’s not going to change just because he’s playing in the NHL.”

“Yeah, I’m just a little paranoid. All of these hormones are making me feel like a crazy lady.”

A beat passes between us before she says, “Have you told your dad yet?”

“No, I’m not sure how to tell him.”

“How about your brothers?”

“Nope, I kinda want to tell them at the same time.”

“Call them and say, I’m pregnant, and then hang up.” She laughs. “I’m joking, but in all seriousness, that might be easier than what you’ve been doing. You can’t keep this news to yourself, Kat. It affects your family as much as you.”

“I see my dad so little that I haven’t found the right time, you know. I’m his only daughter. I feel like a massive disappointment. Duke and Austin are back with their teams. Theo and Trav are at school.”

She leans back in her chair and glances around the lunchroom. “If you don’t call them, you’ll never tell them. Thanksgiving is next month. Don’t ruin the holiday by waiting.”

“You’re right.”

She puts her elbows on the table, pinning me down with her gaze. “I still can’t believe you’re having a baby with Dean. At least you know how to pick them. Dean Crawford’s not a bad option for a baby daddy.”

I press my finger to my lips. “Shh…”


“We work for a sports magazine,” I point out. “I don’t need the whole country to know before I tell Dean.”

“I’ll tell them tonight. Duke and Austin don’t have a game for a few more days.”

She pats me on the shoulder and smiles. “Good. Call me after you break the news to them.”

With a shaky hand, I raise the phone to my ear. I call Austin first since his voice puts me at ease. Like Dean, Austin always knows the right things to say. Then, I conference in Duke followed by the twins, who are sharing Travis’ phone for the call, and then I add my dad to the line.

“Hey, sweetheart,” Dad yells over a crowd. “What’s up? I’m on the air in about thirty minutes.”

“I need to tell you all something important. Are you sitting down?”

“What did you do?” Duke growls.

“Why would you assume I did something wrong, Denny?”

Duke blows a puff of air into the receiver.

“What I have to tell you guys is hard for me to say.” My sweaty palm is making it harder for me to grip the phone in my hand. “Let me get this off my chest without interrupting me. Can you do that, please?”

They all agree.

“I’m pregnant,” I blurt out.

“Did you say you’re pregnant, Kat?” Dad sounds confused.

“Yes, Dad. I’m pregnant. I wanted to tell all of you in person, but our schedules never line up.”

An awkward silence passes between us.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

“Did you go to the doctor?”

“Yeah, Dad. I have a blood test and a sonogram that confirm my pregnancy.”

I’m greeted with more silence from my dad.

Austin sighs. Duke groans. The twins are whispering to each other.

“How long have you known?” Dad says.

“Not long,” I admit.

“Honey, why would you keep something like this from us?” He hesitates for a second, this time with excitement in his voice. “I’m gonna be a grandfather…”

“I’m sorry, Dad. I should have told you sooner. I’m freaked out. I didn’t know what to do.”

“I don’t get it,” Theo says. “How could you get pregnant? Is immaculate conception a real thing?”

I almost laugh at his comment. “Do I need to give you the birds and bees talk again?”

“You had sex with someone?” Theo still sounds in shock.

“With who?” Travis says, bewildered. “You never hung out with any guys other than us and… Dean.”

More awkward silence passes between us. Everyone says the twin are idiots, but I think Travis just figured it out.

“I’m coming home,” Austin says with authority. “I can take you to your appointments and help you with the baby.”

Taking me to the doctor was always Austin’s job. He would sit in the waiting rooms with me. He would even hold my hand while the dental hygienist cleaned my teeth. I hated that so much when I was a kid. What I wouldn’t give to have Austin home with me right now. He’s not far, only one state over, living in St. Louis with his teammates. I miss him and his calmness that always puts me at ease.
