Page 51 of Rescuing Kenna

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She scooted off the bed and slipped her panties on, and her jogging pants over the top. Grabbing her bra from the back of the chair, she slipped her arms into it and hooked it in the back. She pulled one of Spencer’s t-shirts from his top drawer.

“I have to go back to my place and get some clean clothes.”

“Have Helissa wash your clothes.”

“I can’t do that.” She watched him from across the room.

“Then you do it. The laundry room is here for everyone.”

Taking a moment to think about it, she asked, “Does Helissa do your laundry?”

Slipping a t-shirt over his head, he responded, “Yeah. She does everyone’s laundry.”

Spencer turned and looked at her. As in, up and down, his eyes looking over every part of her. It was sexy. He took three strides to reach her. His arms wrapped tightly around her body and lifted her feet off the ground. His lips planted on hers, their tongues dancing, their lips moving and tasting. His head pulled back, and he stared into her eyes. “The offer of sex? Keep that on the agenda for today. But your safety comes first. Yeah?”

She smiled. How could she not when he said things like that? “Yeah.”

“Also, don’t go anywhere alone. Please. I think Addy’s off today.”


He kissed her again, this time not as in-depth, but a great kiss nonetheless. He set her on the ground, kissed the top of her head, snagged her phone off the bed and in a swoosh, he was out the door.

She took a deep breath and glanced at the clock on the bedside table. It had only been twenty minutes since her eyes opened and already it felt like an entire day.

Gathering their clothing and tossing them into the hamper in the bathroom, she’d wash his too. She carried the hamper out to the kitchen, then to the laundry room.

She sorted their clothing, started the first load and exited the room, closing the door behind her.

Helissa smiled at her when she exited, and Kenna felt kind of funny taking on one of her jobs. “Good morning.”

She returned Helissa’s smile. “Morning. I hope you don’t mind me doing laundry.”

Helissa shook her head. “I don’t mind at all. This is your home. Use what you like.”

“Well, not really. I mean, it’s not really my home.”

Helissa’s brows lifted and disappeared behind her dark bangs. But, to her credit, she said nothing further on the subject.

“Breakfast is ready, Kenna. Help yourself. Some others have come and gone.”

“Thank you.” She filled a coffee cup, added creamer—Irish cream this morning and set it on the table. She went back to the counter and filled her plate. Hash browns, scrambled eggs, and fresh fruit. Every morning was like a buffet at a hotel, only the food was good and fresh.

She sat at the table alone, feeling lonely and kind of weird. Addy entered the kitchen and Kenna felt instantly better. Addy filled her plate and poured coffee, then sat across from her.

“What do you have planned today?” Addy asked.

“I’m planning to go to my parents’, and I have two people to serve. Spencer said I can’t go alone, and I hoped you’d join me.”

Addy chuckled. “He told me. I’m at your service.”

She shook her head. These people communicated with ease. “Thank you, Addy.”

Addy giggled and took a bite of an apple.

Tate and Spencer entered the kitchen. Spencer sauntered over and laid a cell phone next to her. “Our numbers are all programmed in this phone. You can add your parents and only give them this number. While we have your phone today, if any business calls come in, we’ll forward them to this number. We’re monitoring both phones now.”

She swallowed. “Okay. Where is my phone?”
