Page 54 of Rescuing Kenna

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Henry nudged him and grinned as he walked toward the construction trailer.

Spencer swallowed and watched Gerard and Jasiah get in their truck and drive up the hill. Now they’d have to hope Casper would agree to negotiate with the powers that be to help them with this peace deal.

Henry chuckled. “I have news.”

“That right? What kind of news.”

“The sheriff called a few minutes ago to tell us they found the kid who cut the wires. Baxter was right, it was a hazing. He’s a freshman this year and the football team was making him earn his place on the team.”

“At least we know that much.” He scraped his hands through his hair. “And we know it wasn’t the BRR.”

Tate added. “The sheriff also told us they’ve spoken to Colt. He’s agreed to back off. Apparently, he’s been to anger management counseling, and he’s agreed to go back to refresh himself on dealing with his issues.”

“That’s it? That’s all that will happen?” he barked.

Shrugging, Tate said, “It doesn’t seem right, but we know the law is lax here.”


Kenna listened to the phone ring.


“Hi, Mama. How are you and Daddy today?”

“Kenna, honey, did you get a new phone number?”

“Yes. Sort of. It’s temporary.”

“Oh, okay.”

“I’d like to come out to the house and see you and Daddy today.”

Her mom hesitated a moment. “Yes, I think you better. I don’t think he has long, honey.”

Her heart hurt. It felt like a physical blow. Tears formed instantly, and she struggled to suck in a breath. She whispered, “Okay. I’ll be right there.”

“See you soon, honey.”

She ended the call and turned to Addy. “He’s not doing well.”

Addy stood. “Let’s get going then.”

She swallowed a lump the size of a softball and stood. “Addy. Can I bring my laptop with me? I’m thinking my brothers won’t get here in time and I could video call them so they can talk to Daddy before he....” She swallowed several times.

Addy stepped into her space and hugged her. “I’m not sure if Tate has finished with your laptop, but we can surely bring mine.”

“Thank you.”

Addy left the kitchen and Kenna strode through the house, toward her bedroom to change clothes. She quickly put on a pair of navy-blue trousers, the bruises on her legs still present, though fading away. She donned a thin, white summer sweater. She gathered her hair into a ponytail and brushed it out until it gleamed, but then remembered that her father liked it when it was down around her shoulders. She pulled the hair tie out of her hair and brushed her hair once again, letting it fall over her shoulders.

You’re wasting time, she admonished herself.

Addy drove while she texted Sean and Jonathon.

“Daddy’s not doing well. I’m on my way there with a laptop so you can speak to him via video, in case he doesn’t make it until you get here.”

Her brother Sean was the first to respond.
