Page 13 of Cyprus's Truth

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“Noelle,” Harlow calls my name softly to get my attention.


“Ranger texted me before we came to get you. Said he was worried about your neck. Do you mind if Tinsley or I take a look? Make sure it’s not too severe?”

My hands immediately go to my neck, and I touch where Hector had his hands around it. “It’s not bad,” I answer her. “I’ve had worse. Cyprus kinda stopped . . .well, he busted in before it could get to that point.”

Harlow looks at me for a long moment before she nods. “If it starts to bother you, just let us know, okay?”

I nod, appreciating their kindness. “I will, thank you.”

“Don’t thank us. We’re family, and family looks after each other,” Tinsley states, waving her hand nonchalantly. “Now, let’s go get that coffee for you, and we’ll sit and chat. Let you get to know us.”

“Luna and Harley are on their way,” Rachel announces.

“So is Raven,” Victoria adds.“Amaya and Harper are coming from the school. Parker and Cara are at the library helping Jade out. She’s down two volunteers due to the stomach bug going around.”

“The stomach bug was going around at the daycare I used to work at,” I state.

“Yeah, it’s in the schools too,” Rachel says. “My daughter and her twin brother came home with it. It’s a good thing their little brothers didn’t get it.”

“Stoney said you had four children.” I look at her closely. “You definitely don’t look it.”

Rachel laughs and smiles. “Thank you. I’ve been working on getting in shape. Victoria, Harlow, and Raven have been helping me with learning some self-defense.”

Eyes widening, I look to Victoria and Harlow. “You teach self-defense?”

“Yep, we do,” Victoria answers as we enter the main room of the clubhouse. “Now, have a seat and we’ll talk. I’m sure we won’t have much longer before the men are in here.”

Without a word, I do as she says and take a seat at a table while Tinsley walks across the room to where there’s a bar set up. Near it, several scantily dressed women are staring at our table, looking as if we’re beneath them.

“Don’t pay them any mind,” Rachel says, getting my attention. “Those are the clubwhores.”

“Clubwhores?” Why would they have whores here? Do they . . .

“They’re women who willingly sleep around with the single brothers in hopes of getting them to make them an ol’ lady,” she explains before I can finish my thought.

“Like any of these guys would be dumb enough to take them as an ol’ lady,” Victoria scuffs.

“I don’t know,” Harlow murmurs. “I think the new girl, Valentine, might.”

“That’s because she’s yet to sleep with any of the guys,” Rachel points out. “She works behind the bar, cleans, and helps out around the clubhouse where she can. She almost reminds me of Tiny.”

“I have to agree.” Victoria leans forward and takes a coffee from Tinsley as she gets to the table and starts handing them out. “There’s something about her, and I don’t know what it is. But she’s nice and sweet. Jamie loves it when she places cars with him.”

“See, none of the others will do that.” Rachel snorts. “Then again, I wouldn’t trust them with a pair of my boots, let alone one of my kids.”

“Same, but Valentine, she seems to enjoy playing with Jamie.”

I sit back and take a sip from my own mug and listen as they all talk. The conversation flows easily between them all, and soon three other women join us. All of them are beautiful, and I’m envious of how gorgeous they are.With them, two kids came in and went straight to another table to do schoolwork. Rachel told me the little girl was Bride, Cyprus’s little sister.

It surprises me that his sister is so young. She could be his daughter. Bride is a gorgeous beauty with curls that others would kill to have. She sits with a boy I learn is Lincoln, but everyone calls him Linc, and he’s Venom and Amaya’s son.

I listen to them and admire the closeness they all share. It’s something that even when Noah was alive, I never had. Those who acted like they were my friends were only doing so to get close to him. He was one of those bad boy types. Same as Cyprus. The girls would use me to try and get Noah or Cyprus to notice them.

Sometime later, men start spilling into the main room. All of them looking in our direction, and I had a feeling it was me they were assessing.

The moment Cyprus enters the room, his eyes on me, it feels like the others don’t even exist. That is until Bride squeals.
