Page 5 of Royally Owned

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The door creaks open, and my breath catches in my throat. Speak of the devil. Ben strides into the room, radiating coiled strength and masculine grace. His eyes lock onto mine, pale blue and piercing, seeing far too much. Heat floods my cheeks, and I look away, fumbling with the papers on my desk.

“Your Highness.” His voice is a low rumble, stroking along my nerves. “The security briefing is about to start.”

I swallow hard, struggling to keep my tone level. “Of course. I’ll be right there.”

His footsteps draw closer, and I risk a glance up at him. Big mistake. My mouth goes dry at the sight of him, broad shoulders encased in a well-tailored suit, his gaze simmering with unspoken promises.

“You seem…distracted today.” One corner of his mouth lifts in a knowing smile. “Anything I can do to help?”

The images flash through my mind again, unbidden—his hands roaming over my body, his lips claiming mine in a searing kiss. I clench my thighs together, trying to ease the throb of arousal. This is impossible. How am I supposed to resist this man, when every glance and word ignites me like wildfire?

I swallow hard, grasping for an excuse. “Just…preoccupied with work.”

He leans down, bracing his hands on the desk. His scent envelops me, sandalwood and something primal. “You’re a terrible liar, Flore.” His gaze darkens, pupils dilating with hunger. “But don’t worry. I’ll take your mind off…work…soon enough.”

Heat flares in my cheeks as Ben straightens, the promise in his words sinking deep into my bones. I watch him stride from the room, my heart pounding as I imagine all the ways he might distract me.

The security briefing drags on interminably, every minute ticking by in slow motion. Ben stands against the wall, arms folded over his chest, his gaze burning into me as the generals drone on about perimeter security and evacuation protocols.

By the time the meeting ends, I’m wound tighter than a spring. As the room clears out, Ben closes the door behind the last person with a decisive click.

“Finally.” He stalks toward me, pinning me against the table. “Do you have any idea what you do to me, Flore?” His voice is rough with need as his hands slide down to grip my hips. “The way you look at me, the sounds you make when I touch you…” He drags me flush against him, and I gasp at the hard length of his arousal pressing into my belly. “You’re driving me out of my mind.”

My hands clench in the lapels of his jacket as I stare up at him, drowning in the desire darkening his eyes. “Ben…” His name comes out as a plea, one I’m not even sure of—whether I’m begging him to stop, or begging for more.

With a growl, his mouth crashes down on mine, swallowing my protests. His tongue sweeps past my lips, tangling with mine as his hands roam over my body. Heat pools low in my belly, and I moan into the kiss, my resolve melting away under the onslaught of sensation.

When he finally lifts his head, we’re both panting for breath. His eyes gleam down at me in triumph. “Now, where were we?” His hands slide down to grip my backside, jerking me hard against him. “I believe you needed help taking your mind off work?”

I swallow hard, my cheeks flushing as I struggle to compose myself. This is highly inappropriate. I’m supposed to be maintaining professional boundaries, not indulging in a steamy make-out session.

Clearing my throat, I place my hands on his chest and push him back a step. “Ben, we can’t do this.”

He frowns, confusion clouding his gaze. “What are you talking about?”

“We have a professional relationship that needs to remain appropriate.” I smooth my hands over my dress, avoiding his piercing stare. “My sister is your employer. This could damage all our reputations.”

“I don’t give a damn about any of that.” His voice is hard, almost angry. Before I can protest, he crowds me back against the wall, bracing his hands on either side of my head. “The only thing I care about is you. I won’t let anything or anyone come between us, Flore.”

My heart pounds at his words, but I remain resolute. “You’re not thinking clearly. We can’t pursue a relationship, Ben. It’s too complicated.”

“So we keep it a secret.” He nuzzles my neck, his breath hot against my skin. “No one has to know, Flore. It can be just for us.”

I close my eyes against the wave of longing his suggestion evokes. How I wish it could be that simple. But I have too much to lose, and too many people who depend on me.

Placing my hands on his chest, I push him away and open my eyes. “I can’t do that, Ben. My duty to my sister and my professional reputation comes before my own personal desires.”

He searches my face for a long moment, his jaw clenched. Finally he takes a step back and straightens. “I understand.” His voice is devoid of emotion. “I apologize for overstepping. It won’t happen again.”

With that, he turns on his heel and strides from the room, leaving me alone in the dimly lit space, an ache in my chest I have no idea how to ease.

* * *

I wait until the door closes behind Ben before collapsing into a chair, emotionally drained. How did we get to this point, where the man assigned to protect me has become the greatest threat to my heart?

Ben challenges me in ways no one else ever has. He sees through all my carefully constructed walls to the vulnerable woman beneath. And though it terrifies me to admit it, I’m falling for his possessive, domineering ways.

Which is why I had to put a stop to this now, before things progressed past the point of no return. I have too many responsibilities, too many people counting on me, to indulge in a romance that can only end in heartbreak.
