Page 78 of Risky Proposal

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“If he does, he didn’t tell me,” I admitted, but then asked what was bothering me. “Why do you seemed worried about Race being gone?”

He smirked. “Sometimes I forget who your brother is until you ask the right questions.”

It made me feel good knowing I was asking the right questions. Jax wasn’t wrong. Bear taught me well over the years. “That’s why I’m here. Bear taught me to trust my gut.”

“And what’s your gut telling you?” Brody asked.

“That Sal Bianco wants something from the club. I don’t think this is about me.” I glanced around the table. “And I don’t think this is about Wyatt, but I do think Sal will use him if he needs to.”

Jax jerked up his chin. “My gut’s telling me the same thing. That’s why I’m asking about Race. It’s not a coincidence that Race left town and Bianco showed up at your place.”

“You think he had something to do with Race leaving?”

Jax looked thoughtful. “No, but I do think he’s watching you and knew the minute Race”—Jax lifted an eyebrow—“who’s your protection, left town.”

“Plus, the club’s down a member right now and just lost Skinner, which makes them weaker,” Brody pointed out. “All that combined makes it the perfect time to strike.”

“But what could he want from the club?” I shrugged. “It doesn’t make sense.”

“Only one reason someone would go after the club.” Brody sat back and crossed his arms over his chest. “Power.”

“I don’t understand,” I admitted.

“He wants something from them that will make him more powerful and most likely more money. Sounds like he wants a certain lifestyle. Takes a lot of money to get it and keep it. Chances are he has something the club would want.”

“So his plan is most likely extortion?”

Brody pointed at me. “That would be my guess.”

Jax gestured around the table. “I know I can speak for everyone when I tell you we’ve seen men like him before, and extortion is a part of their everyday vocabulary.”

“What a piece of shit.” I glanced down at Wyatt, who was still asleep. “I can’t believe that’s who Wyatt gets to call Dad.”

“Dad is earned.” I looked at Brody when I heard his voice. “Any man can father a child, but only the good ones get to be called Dad. Seems to me like you have someone in your life who’s already proven he’s Wyatt’s dad.”

He was talking about Race, and he was right. It was just sometimes easy to forget because he was gone.

Brody studied me closely and somehow knew exactly what I was thinking. “He’ll be back. Probably just needed to clean something up so he could be sure it never touches you or Wyatt.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“We’re always right, sweetheart.” I glanced at Kyle who was smirking. “We’re fucking Elite here.”

I laughed and watched Jax shake his head, but his lips were tipped at the corners, so I knew he also found that funny. He pushed to standing, and everyone followed. “Need you to call me whenever he makes contact with you. I don’t care if all he says is it’s raining outside. I want to know.” He gestured toward the room. “We’re going to stay on top of this.”

“Thank you,” I replied sincerely. “And thanks for keeping it between us for now.”

I picked up Wyatt’s carrier, just as Jax spoke. “We respect your brother and his club. I wouldn’t agree to this if I didn’t know he was dealing with a lot of shit right now. This is a way we can take some things off his plate, and we’ll do that quietly unless it becomes dangerous for you, Wyatt, or the club.” He watched me closely as he spoke. “Bianco has a plan. When we figure it out, and we will figure it out Becs, we’ll decide how to deal with it.”

I only had time to nod before Brody spoke up and gestured toward the door. “I’m leaving. I’ll walk you out.”

It wasn’t until I was in my car, with Wyatt and I both buckled in, that I watched Brody walk back into the building and realized he was never really leaving.

He was only making sure I was safe while I did.

Chapter 26

