Page 109 of Wasted Time

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I thought I might see disappointment in his expression, but all I saw was anger and panic. I understood those emotions. I felt them all the time while I was growing up. The only time I didn’t was when I spent time alone with Erica. She was the one person who showed me love without any conditions. She showed me someone could love me without expecting me to always be doing shit for them.

She taught me what love looked like.

And I have a feeling, Leo’s mom taught him the same thing. But now she was gone and he was alone and scared without anyone to help him figure out what to do without her.

“Don’t know her reasons, but I knew your mom.” I softened my tone when his eyes filled with sadness. “She was a good person. She loved her family even though they didn’t give her any reason to. Always thought something bad happened to her when she was younger and she figured out drugs took that pain away. At least for a little while.”

He exhaled. “Thought she was the only one who never lied to me. She told me she was a junkie, she never hid that shit, so I thought I could trust her. Guess I was wrong.”

“I think she was protecting you,” I suggested, finally understanding why Cindy set this in motion. “In case something happened to her, she wanted me to be legally allowed to step in and take care of you.”

“Why?” He shrugged. “Why wouldn’t she just tell me the truth?”

I frowned. “I can’t speak for her, kid, but the way your mom and I grew up wasn’t good. I got out, went to the military, and stayed clean. Maybe that’s what she was trying to give you. A way out if she wasn’t there to protect you anymore.”

“She could’ve given me my real dad’s name.”

I didn’t want to tell him she might not know who he was, so I shrugged. “She might not have thought he’d be willing to step up and take you on. She knew me well enough to know I would, whether you were my kid or not.”

He snorted. “That blew up, didn’t it? ’Cuz now I’m right back where I started.”

“No, you aren’t.” I glanced at Bear, who jerked up his chin. I didn’t have to ask. He already knew what I was about to offer, and he agreed. “You can stay here if you want. We’ll make sure you learn a trade, help you get a job, get on your feet, and start your life the right way.”

He glanced at Dom, who grinned before facing me again. “Why would you do that?”

“I’ve been where you are.” I put my hands on my hips. “I ran as fast as I could from that city, but I was always searching for a family, somewhere to belong. Had a friend who was comin’ here, and I tagged along. Never guessed I’d find a family in this small fucking town.” Bear snorted out a laugh along with Dom. “But I did, and I’m offering you the same chance.”

He shook his head. “I don’t know…”

“You got anywhere else to go?” I asked, knowing he didn’t. He didn’t come all this way just to punish me. He came here because he wanted more, and I was willing to give that to him.

“What’s the catch?”

There it was. His hesitation made sense. He wasn’t used to people giving him something for nothing. Considering he looked like he was ready to bolt, I gave him what he needed, not what he was expecting.

“No catch. But there are rules here you have to follow.”

“Like what?”

“We live by a code.” I watched him closely as I spoke. “Loyalty. Bravery. Honor. And we expect you to follow that as well. You can spend time here, see if club life interests you, and if it is, you can become a prospect. If it doesn’t interest you, we’ll still help you get the training you need so you can move on.”

“That’s it?”

“No.” My eyes flicked back and forth between his. “I understand why you came after me the way you did, but your days of handling shit that way are over if you stay here.”

He shifted his attention to Dom. “You stayin’?”

Dom jerked up his chin. “I’m trying to work my way into being a member.” He pointed at both of us. “They saved me from a felony charge, brought me here, and are teaching me a trade. Also got my little sisters out of a bad foster home. Far as I’m concerned, I owe them my life.”

Bear’s lips tipped in a grin. “Nice of you to say, kid, but you did the hard work. We just gave you a place to do it safely.”

“And that’s what you need.” I concentrated on Leo. “A safe place to land right now.” I held up my hands, palms facing him. “But it’s your choice. If you want to go, no one’s gonna stop you.”

I could tell he was considering it, but he wasn’t answering, so after a minute, I prompted him. “What’s in your head?”

“Like it here,” he admitted. “Like the people, like the town…”

“But…?” I encouraged him to continue.
