Page 28 of Danila

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I laid it out for her—his history of drinking and gambling, the shakedowns and loan sharks, the visit from Sean Leung. I detailed the final fight between Janie and Dad and the slap that finally pushed her over the edge. I explained that he had left that night, and I hadn’t seen him since.

“But he came by the townhouse the night of the fire,” Annabelle said, writing on her notepad.

“Yes, but I was at work. I came home later.”

“And found everyone in bed and the Sonic food on the table half eaten, right?”


“You didn’t have any of it?”

“No, I had eaten earlier during my break. I cleaned up the mess and went to bed.”

“You didn’t notice anything odd about the food or the drinks?”

“No. It was strange to me that so much of it was left unfinished. Colt and Hannah are like ravenous coyotes. They can destroy a cheeseburger in a blink.”

“My twins are the same way.” Her amused smile faded to a grim line. “I need to ask you about your personal life, Macy.”


“I’ve known Chess for years. We go way back, and I also know that she is tied in with some not-so-savory characters.” Annabelle held my gaze. “Are you also tied in with them?”

“I don’t know how to answer that,” I replied truthfully. “I mean, I know what you’re saying and what you’re asking, but I’m not...” I tried to find the right words.

Danny and I hadn’t even been on a real date, but we were dating? Maybe? Was I his girlfriend? Were we together?

“I’m very close to someone who is part of that world,” I said finally.

“I’m going to suggest that you be very careful about where you go and what you do with this person.”

Her guidance echoed in my head as I left her office. Chess smiled at me and patted the seat next to her. The floral scent of her perfume filled the air. It smelled expensive, clean, and bright, and not like the sugary sweet perfumes that saturated Pink Paradise. The women who danced there told me that men liked the cheap, cloying scents so they sprayed it on heavily to entice them. I wasn’t sure I would ever be able to enjoy the experience of walking through Bath and Body Works ever again.

“I wish we were meeting under different circumstances,” Chess said.

“Yeah,” I agreed, thinking how strange this all was. “So, you’re dating Danny’s uncle?”

“No,” she said with a nervous laugh. “We’re very good friends.”

“Oh.” I flushed. “I’m sorry. I thought—.”

“It’s okay.” She waved her hand. “Sometimes, I think we’re dating, too. Then I remember that he’s never even tried to kiss me or make a move on me.” She sighed. “Some days I really wish he would respect me less.”

I let loose a shocked laugh. I understood what she meant, of course. “Danny was the same way with me.Isthe same way with me,” I corrected. “We haven’t even gone on a date.”

“It must be genetic,” she said with a soft laugh.

The elevator dinged. The doors opened, and Danny stepped into the waiting room. I hadn’t seen him since late the night before when he had dropped by the restaurant to check on me. It hadn’t been a long visit, maybe five minutes tops, and he had looked so tired. I had practically begged him to go home and sleep.

Now, he was standing there, looking ridiculously hot in his jeans and black tee. His searing gaze landed on me, and my skin erupted in goosebumps. He grinned, and my heart fluttered in my chest.

Jess leaned over and conspiratorially whispered, “I think you’re going to beat me to that first real date.”

Yes, I definitely was.

Chapter Eight

“Chess.” Danny nodded at the woman who had his uncle wrapped around her little finger. “Where’s kiddo?”
