Page 55 of Danila

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He didn’t want to promise not to kill her father. The way things were going, it was likely he might face that choice sooner rather than later. Still, he didn’t want her to worry. “I will try not to kill him.”


“I can’t make a promise like that, Macy! What if he tries to kill you again? Am I supposed to just stand there and let him? Fuck no! I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe.”

“Why?” She asked the question likely already knowing his answer.

“Because I love you, Macy.” He glanced from the windshield to her beautiful face, locking eyes for a moment. “I know it’s probably too soon to say it—.”

“It’s not,” she interrupted, a bit breathless. “I think I’ve been in love with you since Christmas.”

“I know I’m a good kisser but—.”

“You’re ridiculous.” He could practically hear her rolling her eyes. “And it wasn’t that good of a kiss.”

He barked out a short laugh. “Ouch.”

“It wasn’t that good compared to the ones you’ve given me the last few days,” she clarified.

“Are we talking about the ones above the waist or below?”

“Danny! Seriously, we’re about to pull into a church parking lot. Behave!”

“Right. Sorry.”

When they reached the church where the meeting had been hosted, he spotted Macy’s car in the parking lot. His hope that they would find Janie sitting inside it, maybe crying and overwhelmed, was dashed as he pulled into an empty space near it. Janie was nowhere to be seen.

Macy jumped from the truck before he had even killed the engine. By the time he walked around the front of his truck, she was crouching down by the driver’s side wheel. She rose with a keyring in her hand and a stricken look on her face. “My keys.”

“Shit.” He slipped by her and tried the door handle. It was unlocked. He leaned in and found a purse on the floorboard of the driver’s seat. He picked it up and showed it to Macy who snatched it from his hand. She dug around in it and produced a cheap cell phone. “Janie’s?”

She nodded. “We picked it up at Walmart the other day. Danny. The keys? The purse? Her phone?”

“It’s not good,” he admitted, hating that he had to confirm her worst fears.

“Should we call the police?” Her worried expression explained her reluctance. Like him, she knew there were times when police were the last people you wanted to call for help.

“Let’s wait.” He had different contacts who might be able to find Janie or the person who had taken her.

“I’m going up to the church. The fellowship hall,” she clarified, “where they host the meetings. Maybe someone saw something or heard something.”

“Be careful,” he urged, already drawing his phone from his pocket. While Macy rushed off to the church, he called Kostya and quickly explained the situation. “Where should I look first?”

“If she had a phone on her, it would be easy to track her.”

“Track her? Wait. She has an ankle monitor!”

“It would be helpful to have the serial number,” Kostya remarked.

“I don’t have it. I doubt Macy does either.”

“Did you go to our bail bondsman?”


“Perfect. I’ll call you back when I know something. And Danny?” Kostya said urgently.

