Page 29 of Trusting Quin

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Breaking the kiss, I press against Quin’s shoulder, and he lets me up. He looks down at his watch and says, “We have ten minutes. Turn around, hands flat on my desk.”

With apprehension and excitement warring in my belly, I turn around and do as he says. Quin steps up behind me, rubbing my ass lightly. “Your spanking is punishment for distracting me while I was talking to a client.”

Nodding, I swallow roughly and say, “Yes, Daddy.”

“I want you to count for me. We’re only going to ten. I know you like your spankings, but you won’t like sitting on your stinging ass for the rest of the day.”

Groaning in both nervousness and anticipation, I nod and repeat, “Yes, Daddy.”

Quin squeezes an ass cheek before he starts. The first swat is blazing, making me jump. “One,” I murmur, feeling the heat of that swat bloom over my ass. Unlike last time, Quin swats me quickly and on the same cheek four more times. It takes effort not to move away from his hand. It burns, but I won’t safeword. I earned this punishment.

“Halfway,” Quin mutters, running a hand over my inflamed flesh.

“Halfway, Daddy.”

His hand comes down on the opposite cheek and I jump and whimper. The flesh burns immediately and I have to fight around a thick tongue to squeak out, “Six.” Seven, eight, and nine come so fast, I count them on the same breath.

“Almost there, baby boy.”

Biting my lip, I nod, not able to say much else. The last stinging swat seems like the worst one and I whimper loudly before I remember to count. I don’t want another swat.

It’s obvious Quin took it easy on me at the hotel. I like being spanked, but not like that. That felt like the punishment I rightfully earned. Fucking hell.

Quin pulls me up, turns me around and wraps me in a hug. I melt into his arms gratefully. “Good job, sweet boy. You took that well.”

“Thank you, Daddy,” I say on a sigh, my chest glowing from his praise.

Although I don’t regret what we just did here, I know I won’t be happy for the next few hours. Working a desk job with a stinging ass sucks.

Chapter Ten


“Whyareyousmiling?”Michael asks, glancing over at me while I’m sending an invoice to my last client. It’s been almost two weeks since I had Red on my desk and every time I look at it, I remember his moans, how he clutched at me, how he came in his hand and fed it to me. My boy tastes amazing. Any way to get him down my throat, I jump at.

Smirking at the memory, I look over at my other best friend. “Nothing you want to know about, I’m sure.”

He stares at me for a moment, then realization dawns on him and his face is hilarious. “On your desk, Quin? Really?”

“He started it,” I retort maturely, making Michael shake his head.

“You’re the Daddy, Quin. He can’t start anything you don’t want him to finish.”

I shrug, because he’s right. Had I not wanted to fool around with Red in the office, I could have put the client on hold to tell him no. While Red is a brat, he would have listened. There would have been some pouting, but he would have listened. I wanted Red on my desk so I took him. Michael can’t expect me to tell someone like Red no. My boy is too beautiful—inside and out—for me to turn him down.

“What’s that like?” Michael asks in a quiet voice.

“Fucking on the desk?” I ask absently, scrolling through my emails. While Red has control of most emails and routes them to us, some of them slip through and I have to get rid of junk mail and forward him the inquiries.

It takes a while to realize Michael hasn’t answered me. Looking over at him, I notice the look he’s giving me and I give him my full attention. “What’s up, man?”

He shakes his head and sits back. “I haven’t had that, you know? What you and Savage have. Hell, I thought of all of us, I’d be the first to find someone. You two are so picky with who you see, while I’m just trying to find somebody to love me.” His admission is strained, but full of emotion.

My heart goes out to Michael. He’s had a rough life, being in foster care, then his biological mother wanting nothing to do with him when he tracked her down. Him falling in with Savage started as a suicide attempt, since the Russians were taking shots at our crew often. Luckily, nothing bad happened to him and after my and Savage’s accident, he got his shit together and stuck closer to us. If anyone needs someone, it’s Michael.

Sighing, I close my email, turn to Michael and answer his initial question. “It feels … better than I’ve ever thought it would. You remember Reese and Cam,” I mention the two boys I had before and he nods. “It never felt like this with them. What I had with them seems like a joke compared to what I feel for Red. It might be because we’re here and not guarding Savage all day, but I don’t think that’s it. I think it’s him.”

“He’s a good guy. He fits you. Just like Abel fits Savage. I could see from the first time they met that Abel was going to be his. Meeting Red tells me he’s always going to be yours. What if I never find that?”
