Page 46 of Love Me Good

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He swallowed thickly, her unreadable expression making his mouth drier than the Sahara. “She told you?”

“She just said that you’d broken up and I offered to make things a little easier for both of you.”

He nodded. “So, I get to keep my job?”

“As far as I’m concerned, based on the brief explanation she gave, it’s just a standard breakup which is awkward as ass and horrible for you both, but I have no qualms about you being here still. Unless you want to elaborate on anything?”

Ben hadn’t really made any friends here, except for Kayleigh. He knew some of the people in the town but didn’t consider himself close to any of them yet. Ruby maybe, but all she tried to do when she saw him was figure out how she knew him. Apparently when he’d donned his Elvis costume and performed, it all clicked into place for her. Not surprisingly, she and Elvis had a thing at one time.

But Taylor was different, she had been welcoming and open. She had gotten to know him and if there was one person who would set him straight, it was her. So, he told her everything. Purged his confession and his guilt, his secrets to her and she listened, she didn’t comment or interrupt or send him away and at the end she just sighed.

“Well, you definitely fucked up, there’s no denying that. She’s hurting right now but give her time, she’ll cool off and then you can try again to explain it to her. In the meantime, though, I will respect both of your feelings and keep your shifts apart to give you both some time.”

“I appreciate that, and you listening. I don’t really know anyone here and I know how much Kayleigh means to you,” he said.

“She means the world, she’s family. But, I guess, so are you.”

He lifted his head, a small smile teasing his lips. “Yeah?”

He remembered how she defended him against his father only a few nights ago, how she had supported him and had his back. Sometimes family wasn’t someone who shared your blood and DNA.

She sat back down at her desk and began sifting through paperwork, not meeting his gaze. “Yeah. Just don’t fuck up again, and don’t get all mushy about it either. Now get back to work.”

He mock-saluted her. “Yes, ma’am.”


Ben dreamt of Kayleigh constantly, replaying their last moments. The look on her face as she watched him perform. The way she defended him against his father, held his hand and stood by him. The way she so easily gave him the things he needed, acceptance and support. The way she wrapped herself around him and breathed his name as she shattered in his arms. And why was Kayleigh on her knees, saying his dick was ‘lovely’ the hottest thing he had ever seen?

He needed her, like air to breathe. He ached for her, an ache that wasn’t going anywhere, he was going to have to learn to live with it. Over a week had passed and he was still too scared to reach out to her, too scared to talk to her in case she rejected him again. He passed his time at work, his shifts fleeting, with lots of customers all commenting on his performance and eager to know when the next one was but he had no clue. Right now, he wasn’t exactly feeling inspired.

His socials had blown up when he announced his return performance. There was definitely an appetite for more and normally that would have given him a thrill, that unparalleled high but right now, joy was muted because he was missing her. Each time the door to the bar opened, a beat of hope thudded his heart and then stalled when it wasn’t her who stepped through it.

Taylor kept assuring him that she would come around, but he had lost hope.

Then one afternoon, he was placing an invoice on Taylor’s desk when he saw it. Kayleigh’s resignation letter, all typed up nice and neat. Even though a font wasn’t personal, seeing her words sent reminders flooding through him of all their messages. Because she had blocked him, he couldn’t even look through their old chats, and he berated himself for never saving them.

He stormed back out to the bar, the notice in his hand and confronted Taylor. “Were you gonna tell me about this?”

She arched a perfect brow at him “Excuse you? Last I checked, you weren’t the owner.”

He drew back, telling himself to calm down. “She can’t leave, she just can’t!”

“Ben-” Taylor began but he cut her off.

“No!” His fear grew, panic clutching at his chest. “She can’t leave us, she can’t leaveme.”

He needed to see her now. He dropped the letter and ran out of the bar, getting into his car and driving over to her house. He pulled up outside, glancing up at the building. In his panic, he hadn’t worked out what he was going to say. How could he face her? How could he demand she stay here when he knew she had dreams she wanted to achieve? Dreams that didn’t involve working at the bar.

Ben saw the curtain twitch in the window and two seconds later the front door opened, and her father stepped out. Albert walked down the path and stopped in front of Ben’s window which he reluctantly lowered, ready to face whatever her father was going to say.

“She’s not here,” Albert said, his voice gruff.

“Oh, okay then.” Ben said, lamely.

“She’s not been happy lately, is that to do with you?”


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