Page 17 of Breaking the Habit

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Rhys crossed the room, ready to head out, glad when Declan stepped aside and Rhys passed him by, sheer stubbornness was the only reason why Rhys didn’t lift his head and look at Declan.

“Has it really come to this? You can’t even stand to be in the same fucking room as me? Do you despise me so much that you’re just gonna flee every time I walk into a goddam room?”

To be fair, Declan sounded like he had finally come to the end of his rope and Rhys couldn’t give him an answer as to when he might be ready. Or explain that it wasn’t down to Declan; that Rhys had to sort his head out before he could sit down and tell Declan his feelings.

“For fuck sake, Rhys.” Declan’s gravely growl stopped Rhys from walking out. Instead, he turned to face Declan across the room.

“I promised your sister that I wouldn’t get in your face, but you’re killing me, Rhys. I finally have the woman I love, but I lost my best friend. I’m right back where I started arguing with a goddamn Collins and I don’t know what I’ve done wrong.”

Rhys let loose a harsh bitter laugh. “Of course, yet again, it’s all about Declan Walsh, and nobody else fucking matters. You can’t ever let things alone, can you? You pick and pick at the scab until it scars. The world doesn’t revolve around you, Dec. It really fucking doesn’t.”

“I’m not saying it does, Rhys!” Declan yelled, running his hands through his hair. “The band mightn’t survive this. Is that what you want, Rhys?”

His gut clenched at the reality of the predicament they were in. if Rhys couldn’t get over his feelings toward Declan and Andi being together, then he may have to get used to the fact that maybe, he had to leave the band and that would obliterate Rhys.

“I want to ask Andi to marry me.”

Declan’s sentence hit him like bullets, confirmation that in the end, Declan had chosen Andi over Rhys and it was like confirmation of his greatest fears, that Declan had only been his friend to get to Andi. It was as if Declan was trying hard to hammer the final nail in their friendship and Rhys would let him.

“You don’t need my permission, Dec. You’ll do what you want to do in the end.”

Declan shook his head. “You know Andi wouldn’t say yes if she knows you still don’t approve. How can either of us be happy when our best friend can’t be happy for us? Are you that selfish?”

Rhys recoiled as if Declan had punched him, bile creeping up his throat and he wanted to up the badness that pooled in his stomach. “Yeah, I guess I am, Dec. If that makes you feel better.”

Turning around so fast that Rhys felt dizzy, he strode from the room, and started walking as fast as he could, reaching up when he felt wetness on his face and realised he was crying.

What was the point in trying to make amends and be better? The people closest to him expected the worst from him so why not just live up to it?

Pulling his phone from his pocket, Rhys dialled a number, shutting down as he said into the phone. “Hey, it’s Rhys. Where’s the party at?”



Shay was exhaustedby the time she arrived back at her apartment, after a long day of helping out at the shop. The entire ground floor had been wiped out and rebuilt quite fast, much to Cathal’s delight. New partitions were erected, giving six tattoo rooms at the back of the shop, and a new kitchen and hangout area. Cathal had made sure that the old counter, one that Barry had carved with his own hands had been kept, with a new entrance by way of a half door added to it.

Before any of the painting could be done, or furniture and equipment set into place, they had to clean from top to bottom. They had worked hard all day, with even Darren and Isaac concentrating to get shit done so they could take a day off tomorrow before they then get to painting and that.

The upstairs living area was still pending, and anytime Shay asked Cathal what the plan was, her friend brushed her off. Maybe he was considering asking Luna to move in with him?

Arriving home, Shay showered and changed into a comfy top and shorts, not bothering to do anything but fall into bed, deciding tomorrow’s day off was time enough to tidy. Her head hit the pillow, sleep claiming her so fast that when her phone started to ring, Shay thought she was dreaming.

Groaning as she rolled over in the bed and grabbed her phone, pressed answer. The sound of music blaring in the background, the heavy thumping of the dance beat made Shay sit up in the bed and rub her eyes.

“Darren, I swear to fuck if you are calling for a lift or have butt dialled me because you’re drunk, I’ll skin ya alive.”

Shay pulled the phone away from her ear, then glanced at the screen, and saw a number she didn’t recognise. She was about to hang up, taking it as a wrong number when the sound of music suddenly dulled and she heard a door closing.

“It’s Rhys.”

The sadness in his tone made Shay sit up a little straighter. “Rhys? What’s wrong?”

There was a brief pause and Shay checked her phone to make sure the call was still connected, then she heard Rhys yell that the bathroom was occupied.

“Where are you, Rhys?”

“Would you laugh at me if I told ya I’m currently hiding out in some dude’s bathroom because partying while sober isn’t much fun?”
