Page 29 of Breaking the Habit

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“Shay, the idiots were pissed because they were wanted to get tattooed by you. Darren was thrilled to win the coin toss. Dumbass tried to make me toss for who you got to tattoo first but I told him I’m the boss and it’s got to be me.”

Shay laughed, rolling her eyes, relief washing over her as she looked at the small patch of space on Cathal’s arm, then down at the tattoo machine on the tray beside her. “I don’t even have my own machine, Cathal. And who the hell is gonna run the shop if I’m apprenticing?”

Cathal pulled back his arm and leaned back in the chair. “You will still run the shop but until we can get someone in to help out with just the day to day stuff, like answering the phone, greeting clients and all that, both the lads said they would space out appointments so they can do that while you get in your grove.”

Then Cathal flashed her a grin, and there was no mistaking the pride in his voice. “When Barry decided I was ready to tattoo, he gave me my first tattoo machine, did the same for Isaac and Darren and now, I’m continuing the tradition. That machine is yours. A gift from me. I’ve had the bloody thing for months in case you came to me and said you wanted to give it a go.”

Shay didn’t know what to say to Cathal, tears leaking from her eyes. She launched herself at him, embracing Cathal as he laughed, and patted her back. When Shay finally let him go, she swiped at her eyes.

“I thought you were going to fire me or tell me that I couldn’t apprentice.” She admitted, causing Cathal to roll his eyes at her.

“Jesus, Shay... how could I fire you and leave me to deal with Isaac and Darren all by myself.”

They both laughed and Shay grinned, excitement making her feel all light and fuzzy.

“So,” Cathal broached, motioned upwards with his head. “You gonna move in upstairs?”

“Are you sure?” she asked and Cathal nodded, telling her it made sense, they would make enough money downstairs for her to live rent free upstairs. She just had to pay the bills.

This was more than Shay could have ever asked for, and despite the fact she regretted how the truth had come out, Shay was happier now that everything was out in the open. Now, if only she could get Rhys to answer her and they could talk...then everything would be epic.

“Now that’s settled, let’s start day one of your apprenticeship. You think you’re up for inking me?”

Shay picked up the tattoo pen and turned it on, the buzz sound making her grin as she lifted her gaze to Cathal’s before replying. “Fuck ya. Let’s do this.”



After droppingthe bombshell that he wanted out of the band, Rhys had managed to shock Declan so hard that he’d let go of Rhys’ car door and that had given him the chance to close it and drive away, leaving Declan standing in the car park.

News must have travelled fast, because Rhys had barely driven down the road before his phone started to blow up, with everyone from Shay, to Luna, and Jameson calling him. Andi kept ringing for the rest of the night until Rhys just turned his phone off.

Before he did that, he sent out a group text to whoever might decide to check up on him that he was taking some time to clear his head and no, hat didn’t mean he was going on a bender. He had left his phone off for at least forty eight hours and when he turned it back on, he just ignored the million texts and emails, but he did respond to his mam to tell her he just needed to be alone right now. He’d included Shay in the text as well, just in case she decided to show up and have it out with him.

Rhys had used the time to make some decisions. He’d spent a lot of time considering what was best for him, what would make him happy, and then it had hit him; he needed to leave Ireland and carve a new path for himself, away from the ties that bound him.

He’d given his landlord notice of his intent to leave and had even sourced where he could store his things in case he ever came back. Rhys wasn’t sure where he was headed just yet, which should have made him more anxious than he was but it had instead made him feel more relaxed and at ease with his decision.

While Rhys was sorting his things, a knock sounded on his door early in the morning and Rhys had gone out to answer it, assuming it was the post or something but Rhys opened the door to see Jameson standing there, a stern expression on his face.

“I need you to come with me.” Jameson told him, stepping aside so Rhys would do as asked of him.

“Jay, I’ve got shit to do. And I meant it when I said I was leaving the band.” Rhys wanted to be firm with Jameson about that, him leaving the band but would keep his intention to leave Ireland to himself for a little while.

“I’m not interested in that bullshit today, Rhys.” Jameson told him, pointing to the car. “I need help moving my shit to my new place and you did tell me you’d help me, so get your skinny ass in the car before I throw you over my shoulder and carry you to the car.”

Rhys had promised Jameson he would help move him move into his new place, the little bungalow that he was moving into with Sinéad. It was the couple’s first step into cementing their future together. He knew it was a massive step for Jameson after the loss of his girlfriend when he was a teenager, and Rhys was happy that his friend had been able to find someone like Sinead, who didn’t try to erase Layla from Jameson’s life, and understood Jameson.

Knowing that he couldn’t let Jameson down, Rhys went to grab a jacket, the cold winter months still clinging to Ireland even though spring was just around the corner. He made sure to take his keys and was ready to head out the door when he stopped and looked at Jameson.

“This isn’t some weird intervention, right? I’m not gonna rock up to your new gaff and Declan’s gonna be there trying to hug it out and get me back in the band?”

Jameson rolled his eyes. “For fuck sake, Rhys. No...I promise there’s no one else at the house yet so I promise you’re safe. Stop stalling and get in the goddamn car.”

Without waiting for Rhys to respond, Jameson stalked to his car and got in, beeping the horn when Rhys made no attempt to follow him. Rhys gave up on resisting and went to the car. They drove in relative silence, with Jameson inserting the odd sentence into the silence during the car trip and once Rhys was sure that any conversation about the band was being avoided, Rhys started to relax.

They slogged it out for most of the day, bringing furniture into rooms and boxes too. There was no unpacking, because Sinéad wanted to help with that, so Rhys just did what he was told. After they had most of the stuff unloaded in their specific rooms, Jameson went to the kitchen and brought back two bottles of Coke and flopped down on the couch.
