Page 30 of Breaking the Habit

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Rhys eased himself down onto one of the fireside chairs and closed his eyes. He wasn’t all that tired but his muscles did ache from all the lifting and pulling. He might like to run now, but that still didn’t mean he was used to manual labour...probably something he would have to change when he immigrated.

“I’m sorry, Rhys.”

Jameson spoke the words so quietly that Rhys thought he had imagined them, but when Rhys opened his eyes, it was to see Jameson leaning forward in his seat, eyes fixed on him.

“It’s all good, Jay. Hot shower and early night and I’ll be all set tomorrow.”

Shaking his head, Jameson said. “Not about today, Rhys. I’m sorry that I got so wrapped up in my own stuff, with Sinéad and the trial that I just stopped being there for you. I left you to put yourself in situations alone and I’m so fucking sorry for that.”

“Listen, Jay,” Rhys started, not understanding why the hell Jameson would blame himself for Rhys actions. “The decisions I made, they were my own mistakes, not yours. None of this is your fault and I’m not even sure you could have stopped me. I was set on self destruct mode. I’d never blame you for what I’ve done. You’ve got nothing to be sorry for.”

“Jesus, Rhys, this whole situation sucks. I know I said I wouldn’t bring it up but c’mon man, there is no Heartache Melody without you.”

Rhys scratched at the stubble on his jawline. “It’s done, Jay. I really wish it hadn’t come to this but it is what it is. You guys will be fine without me.”

“Declan told us there is no Heartache Melody without you.”

Rhys offered Jameson a ghost of a smile. “You know Dec. He thinks saying that will make me feel all important and shit and come running back. He would never let the band die, not even because of me.”

Jameson was frowning as he replied. “I think you’re wrong, Rhys. I don’t think you realise how much Declan cares about you. About us. I’d never seen Declan cry you know, before you went through that window, but he cried when we arrived in the hospital and he saw that shard of glass in your stomach.”

Jesus, Jameson was hitting Rhys where it hurt. Rhys knew the last time Declan had cried was when his dad died, when Rhys had pulled him aside and told him to just let it all out and Declan had cried for his dad and then dried his eyes and had been the strength his mother needed.

Rhys had been unconscious when he arrived in the hospital, and hadn’t known who was there until he had woken up after the surgery to remove the glass. By then Declan had been the epitome of calm and Rhys had only to deal with Andi getting emotional with him.

“You also need to talk to Shay, Rhys. Sinéad said she’s in bits over what happened. She cares about you too.”

Ya, Rhys cared about Shay too...but he had been so angry at her for doing what she did and now, now that he was leaving, what happened really didn’t matter. It’s not like they could ever be together...

“I’m leaving,” Rhys blurted out, watched as Jameson’s eyes widened. Rhys had wanted to keep his plans a secret until he told his parents and Andi, however, Jameson needed to know that there wasn’t a road back to how it was before. “I gave up the lease of my place. I’m getting out of Ireland.”

“Rhys, c’mon,” Jameson pleaded, looking shocked at Rhys revelation. “You can’t be serious. You can’t just do a runner and leave us all here to deal with the fallout. Think about it, mate. If you go now, then this thing between you and Dec will fester until you two are greeting each other with fake politeness at family gatherings. This isn’t the way forward. Promise me you’ll reconsider.”

Rhys didn’t respond to Jameson, knew that the moment he left today that Jameson would be on the phone and telling the band of his plans. Maybe he was better off ripping off the plaster. He would get Jameson to drop him off at his parents’ house and tell them tonight, get it over and done with. It would be easier all round.

An unease settled in the pit of his stomach, but Rhys told himself it was just nerves and he was doing the right thing, for him and for the band...

Wasn’t he?



Two weeks had passedand still no word from Rhys, and Shay decided she had spent too much time trying to contact him. Besides, the last fortnight had been insanely busy. She had moved out of her apartment and into the one above the shop. She had not only tattooed Cathal, but Darren too, and she was gonna get to tattoo Isaac as soon as the interviews for new artists were through.

Cathal was being his finicky self, the artists that hadn’t made the cut far outnumbered the ones that went in the maybe pile. When Shay told him he was being too picky, Cathal had told her that the right people had to feel like family, had to feel like they could all work together with no egos, because none of them were bigger than Rebel Ink.

They were also trying to hire an assistant shop manager to help Shay out but it was hard to find someone who could work part-time. And since they had to work closely with Shay, it was up to her to decide on who she wanted. A lot of the candidates wanted to get their foot in the door in the hopes of apprenticing and while Cathal was looking to get some apprentices in soon, he wanted established artists and Shay wanted someone who wanted to manage the shop and not leave them high and dry should they decide to go apprentice elsewhere.

She really liked this one kid, who looked like she was barely out of school and only wanted part-time hours because she had to look after her little brother. She had almost looked relieved when Shay had mentioned that one of the tattoo artists often brought their daughter to the shop and there would be no problem with her doing that if she needed to.

When Shay had asked her if she wanted to tattoo, the girl laughed and said she couldn’t draw a straight line but she was organized and reliable, that raising her brother had meant she had become very time aware and efficient. So Shay had asked her to come by on Saturday morning and bring her brother with her and they would see how she handled herself.

Cathal had approved of Shay’s choice, even saying it would be nice for MJ to have a friend around the shop to hang out with. Shay had a good feeling about her, so hopefully, the stars aligned and she worked out.

Shay had been in the back arranging interviews for the next couple of days, working around Cathal’s schedule and her own, then worked on the rota a little with her headphones on. Listening to her music helped to keep her focused on her tasks and not go back to worrying about Rhys. It just didn’t help when the songs changed and a Heartache Melody song came on, sending her back to looking at her phone.

Seeing that it was after three, Shay got up to see if Isaac had arrived with MJ, the little girl normally coming to say hi when she arrived at the store. Taking off her headphones, Shay heard the steady thump of music from Isaac’s room, as he prepped for his afternoon client, and Shay wondered if MJ was ill or had a playdate.
