Page 28 of A Knotty Deal

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But logic didn’t satisfy the need for it. It was a struggle not to whine.

Once again showing more concern than I would have given him credit for, Leo lifted me and stood, grabbing soap from a shelf on the wall as he helped steady me after he withdrew. Shampooing my hair before washing my body, he didn’t let me do anything other than hold onto him.

That warmth tried to bloom in my chest again, but I snuffed it out. His tending to me didn’t mean anything to him. It couldn’t.

After finishing, he sat me on the bench and briskly washed himself before opening the door and grabbing a towel. Wrapping me in the fluffy cloth, he grabbed another for my hair before hustling me out of the stall and drying himself.

By the time he was satisfied I was dry and warm, and he’d let me back into his room, the clock showed an hour had passed. I couldn’t allow myself to linger any longer, even if he wasn’t acting like he was in a hurry for me to leave.

Spotting my purse on the floor, I headed for it as Leo stood in the bathroom doorway. Keeping my back to him, I pulled out the skirt and top I had worn to leave my house the night before and pulled them on, ignoring the yellow dress still stuffed inside the bag.

I couldn’t help the disappointment that flooded me at the thought of leaving, but I steeled myself against it. Leo had bought me for one night. He’d paid for my virginity, and he’d taken it. Now I was free to go, and my brother was free of his debt.

I had no excuse to stay, even if part of me wanted to. Leo and I were from two different worlds, and I had to remember that he was dangerous.

Finally turning to look at him, the expression on his face caught me by surprise. He seemed as torn as I was, his fingers clenching the doorway so hard his knuckles were white.

When he noticed me looking, he let go and ran a hand through his hair, clearing his throat. Even completely naked, he carried himself as if he held all the power, the purealphanessof him making me shiver.

Walking toward a second door that I assumed was his closet, he put on the same stoic mask he’d used with me before, erasing the tension I’d seen.

“Let me get dressed and I’ll give you a ride back to your place.”

Sucking in a deep breath, I straightened and squared my shoulders, determined to end things on my terms.


His head popped out of the closet. He was pulling up a pair of slacks, and while I felt a keen loss as his flesh was covered, it helped me keep my resolve.


His brow was cocked as if he didn’t believe I’d denied him.

“Our deal is complete, and I’m sure you have more important things to do than drive me home. I’m not even sure that’s where I want to go right now. I… I need some time to think.”

He walked over, reaching out to tip my chin up so he could look into my eyes. His face was the blank mask that usually graced his face, but something unnamable seethed in his eyes, and after studying me for a moment, he gave a short nod.

“How about a coffee shop on the bus line? Can I take you there?”

My hands and jaw clenched as I fought with myself. Leo was trying to be nice, and I wanted nothing more than to feel his arms around me again, but I was being honest when I said I needed time to think. I couldn’t take being grilled by my brother right now.

It was bad enough that Leo had come to Frankie’s looking for me, I wasn’t sure I could risk being seen getting out of his car in a public place, and I needed to have a clean break to cut off the feelings that kept trying to grow. I blew out a breath and shook my head, trying to give him a smile to ease the rejection as I denied him again. I had to finish this here and now.

“It’s okay. The bus terminal isn’t too far away, and I’d like to walk.”

He stared at me a moment longer before straightening, hands dropping to his sides as he took a step back. He’d been warm and caring before, but he turned cold and stiff within seconds.

“I’ll walk you out then.”

Though the pace through his suite was slower this time, I still didn’t notice much of it. I got an impression of windows and bright skies, but I was too busy watching the muscles in his back as I followed him to the elevator.

He pushed the button and the door slid open. No need to wait on it since it only seemed to come to the penthouse.

When he turned back to face me, we stood in silence for a moment as we stared at each other. Forcing another smile, I closed the space between us and placed one hand in the center of his chest. Standing on tiptoe, I pressed my lips to his for a quick farewell kiss, pulling away before he could turn it into anything more.

My will wouldn’t hold up if he tried much harder.

“Thank you, Leo.”

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