Page 30 of A Knotty Deal

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On top of that, my trusty old Toyota had started making noises, and Momma’s doctor added a new medication that, while helping her, cost over a hundred dollars a month by itself. I’d made three times my usual tips tonight, but it wasn’t enough to fix anything.

For a moment I let the thought of what it would have been like if I’d been able to keep my full price instead of only half play through my head. Even fifty-eight thousand dollars wouldn’t pay off everything, but it would have gotten us a long way toward being debt free for the first time in my life.

Squeezing my eyes closed to fight back the surge of helplessness, I was tempted to ignore my phone when it vibrated in my pocket. Hoping it wasn’t more bad news, I pulled it out and glanced at the screen.

The world froze as my eyes zeroed in on the name.


I’d come to terms with what had happened and had tried to put it behind me over the last few weeks. I hadn’t heard from him since the morning I’d left his penthouse, and despite his words, I hadn’t expected to. Leo’s world was so far removed from mine it might as well be on another planet.

Ears ringing, I held my breath as I opened the message.

There were only two lines.

Ten words, and the memories flooded back, leaving my nipples tight and my core clenching, the scent of slick perfuming the air around me and bringing a flush to my cheeks.

One message, and my heart kicked, chest rising easier than it had in days as a smile pulled up my lips.

“I have a proposition for you. Meet me at eleven.”
