Page 4 of A Knotty Deal

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“But, w-we can’t… I don’t…”

Her chest rose and fell with the panic written across her face. She was trying so hard to hide the fear, but she couldn’t control her pheromones, and it was easy to spot absolute panic when you see it all the time. I’d never enjoyed having to enforce things on people in difficult situations, but something about her desperation hit me harder than most.

“Two weeks. Either I get my money, or I get your brother. Or I’ll accept you instead. A pretty omega like you could work that amount off in no time.”

Another glance showed me my father’s earlier amusement was gone. He was serious. He hadn’t built his empire to where it was by being a pushover and going easy on people who’d failed. Failure was punished.

The omega’s mouth snapped shut, her shoulders jerking back. No one had to explainhowshe’d work it off. She pulled in a deep breath before giving a sharp nod and turning to march out, still holding on to her dignity with everything she had.

It was impressive.

The guards followed her from the room. They’d make sure she left the property and didn’t wander off into things she shouldn’t see. Not that there was much here at the compound. It would be stupid to keep incriminating evidence at the same location where you lived and ran your legitimate business.

Coming around the desk to take the seat across from my father, I met his gaze and raised a brow in question.

“That dumb beta kid who came in here wanting to run for us lost the product.”

My brows climbed higher. I remembered him telling me about some scrawny teen coming in asking to work for us, but I hadn’t realized my father had actually let him take a delivery.


“Well, the Walkers took it. Irrelevant, since he was responsible for it. His sister seems to have more sense than him at least.”

I snorted.

The Walkers were a new group in the area, working their way up and encroaching on our territory. We’d ignored them at first, but we were going to have to put them in their place soon if they were jumping our runners and stealing our product. Our people needed to know we’d protect them, and we wouldn’t continue to be known for the best product if the Walkers distributed what they got from us unless they were cutting it, which was likely the case.

“How much did he lose?”

“Twelve kilos.”

So the kid had lost over twenty thousand. Not much to us, but that was a significant amount to someone working an average job and struggling to keep the bills paid.

“What are you going to do to the kid?”

He sighed, shaking his head.

“I can’t let him go unpunished or the others will start getting ideas. He made the decision to come to us, so he’ll have to face the consequences.”

My father could be heartless sometimes, but that was how we’d gotten to where we were. You’re either at the top of the food chain, or you’re prey.

Still, over such a small amount, I doubted my father would have the boy killed, though the kid may wish he was dead by the time his punishment was over.

If the sister didn’t step in and take his place. A few broken bones were better than what would happen to her, and if it was me, I’d never let my sister suffer for something I’d caused.

Pushing thoughts of the omega and her brother aside, I focused on why I had come. I spent a few hours with my father, going over business records, plans, and issues he wanted me to handle. While I’d done my part participating in every position in our organization, now I mostly focused on running my nightclub, which was a great front for laundering, as well as a relatively safe place for us to meet with our associates.

By the time I rose from my seat, I was ready to stretch my legs and think about something other than work for a while. I was as devoted to my family as anyone could be, but there was a limit to thebusinessI wanted to handle each day.

I was heading for the door when my father stopped me before I could leave.

“Did you get the event figured out for next week?”

I turned back to face him, running through the list of preparations in my mind. I’d taken over planning the social events and gatherings we had with our associates in and around the city when I started the club, and it was something I tended to enjoy.

“Mostly. There are still a few things I need to finalize, but the stage and staff are prepared, and everyone you wanted to invite have been notified.”

“And you found eight quality girls? A couple new ones would be nice, and some better be omegas. I don’t want anyone bitching that we only had betas available.”

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