Page 5 of A Knotty Deal

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My brows drew together as my lips tipped down in a frown I couldn’t keep off my face.

“Eight? I thought we’d decided five was enough to bid on?”

My father raised a brow at my tone, and I made an effort to relax my posture. It didn’t matter that he was past his prime and I might be able to physically best him, he was my father, and he wasn’t afraid to put me in my place when necessary.

“That was before we invited more people.”

I resisted the urge to sigh. He hadn’t mentioned wanting more girls when he’d decided to invite more people, but I should have known to ask. Five women for the fifteen representatives we expectedwasa little low.

“I’ll make sure we have eight.”

He gave me a nod and went back to his figures.

The old man never trusted anyone else to do the books for him, not even me, and keeping up with all our income streams took a lot of his time. He still got his hands dirty when necessary, but he mainly ran everything from behind the scenes now. He ruled by loyalty and respect instead of pure fear, with a solid structure in place to protect all of us. I had grown up with the motto:If you take care of your men, they’ll take care of you.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closerwas another my father liked to share, and it was one he lived by. It was the point behind the event we’d planned, after all. See who responded, who participated, and who seemed like they might be losing faith in us.

Walking out to the front of the building, I spotted the two guards who had escorted the omega from my father’s office earlier. I knew plenty of our regular girls who would be willing to do the event, but my father wanted new ones, and thinking of her prim little outfit reminded me of the idea I’d had.

Considering I doubted she would let her brother face his consequences if there was another option, I could take care of both of our problems at once and save her from a worse fate.

I strode up to the men, both giving me respectful nods as I came to a stop in front of them.

“What can we do for you?”

I’d never insisted the guys treat me the way they did my father, but my position still gave me plenty of pull. These were his regular men, but what I needed wouldn’t interfere with their duties.

“Did either of you catch that girl’s name earlier?”

The one on the left grinned, shooting a glance at the other.

“Was it, Katy? No,” the other one shook his head before his eyes lit up. “Cadence!”

“Last name?”

His face fell.

“Shit, I didn’t catch it.”

With only a first name to go on it might take a while to track her down, and I didn’t have much time to get everything sorted.

“What was the brother’s name?”

“Michael… Green, I think. Nicholas would know for sure.”

The man shrugged, but I had what I needed. I gave them a nod and walked over to my car to climb in. Hitting the dial button on the steering wheel as I pulled out, I was explaining what I wanted to the man on the other end by the time I drove out of the gates.

“I need info on a Cadence Green. Early twenties. Has a brother named Michael.”

There was a pause as the other man did his job, but it didn’t take long for him to start rattling off information.

“Cadence Emily Green, omega, twenty-one years old. Graduated from Swift High School almost three years ago. She’s lived at an address on the outskirts of the city her entire life. Works two jobs—”


He relayed the information and my brows rose. Someone her age was usually in college or working dead-end jobs and partying away what they made. She was putting in seventy-plus hour weeks working at two places, and one of them sounded like a decent company, though her second job waitressing wasn’t much of a surprise.

“Message me the address of the diner. Do you have anything else?”
