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Kimber scoffed at the matter-of-fact tone of his voice. “You say that like you have first-hand knowledge.”

Running a hand through his golden hair, he waved it off. “Anytime someone talks about having an experience with the grays, it’s always the same, isn’t it? Torture, experimentation, the later development of mysterious illnesses, etc.”

He had a point.

Thunder boomed around them, the sky flashing with more lightning.

Ethan clamped his jaw. Turning to face her, he lightly gripped her shoulders as he caught her eyes. Her breath hitched at the intensity of his expression. She had the urge to fidget or keep walking, anything to break the incredibly sweet and agonizing tension between them. His gaze dropped to her lips and every rational thought in her head disappeared.

Cupping her chin, he leaned down and kissed her. Gasping in surprise, she moaned at the influx of immediate pleasure as it ran warm and syrupy through her veins. His lips claimed hers completely, fitting like a missing piece she’d needed for far too long. A spark of heat jumped between their bodies, and she suddenly felt him everywhere, as if his hands were stroking every inch all at the same time.

Head spinning, she moaned and pressed against him. How could a kiss make her feel like they were lying naked together, bodies touching, stroking, and searching…

More lightning. More thunder.

The whole body pleasure rolled through her. Sinking into him, she looped her hands around his neck. But Ethan pulled back. Startled, she looked up at him and gasped. The barest hint of a purple aura outlined his body. It had to be a trick of the light… but he was lit with a soft lavender glow.


She took a step back. A couple ran behind them, hurrying from the incoming rain. A boom of thunder went through the sky. The woman stumbled and knocked into Kimber, nearly bumping her to the ground.

“Sorry! I’m so sorry!” They kept running.

Righting herself, Kimber wiped her hands on her thighs and turned to Ethan.

What the—

Making a circle, she searched for him on the grounds. But he was gone.

Chapter Seven


“You’respendingthenightat hishouse?”

“Not his house, Dana. His castle.”

“Oh, sorry Ms. Cheeky, hiscastle.”

“And I already told you I don’t plan on staying the night.”

“Right, right.”

Dana didn’t sound convinced, but Kimber didn’t have time to worry about it. The rental car she’d secured was to arrive any minute. Not having to rely on Pel’s driver for transportation meant she could leave when she was ready, which would be well before everyone else called it a night. Something didn’t sit right with her about spending the night at the bequest of a man who gave her the creeps. She just wanted to get the interview and wrap up her obligation to interact with Pel Cappa. She could move on as soon as the article was done.

If only the man she was interested in hadn’t ditched her last night. Pulling back the window curtain, she peered outside. Gentle rain had been falling for hours. Ethan had seemed nervous around the thunder last night. Rattled, even. And then poof, he was gone. She’d waited five minutes to see if he’d come back, then returned to the pub, which had gotten so overly crowded with people that it was impossible to get to the bar to ask Belinda if she’d seen Ethan return.

She got the sense that he didn’t want to leave, but had to?

It wouldn’t be the first time a man had up and left in the middle of a date. This hadn’t been a date, but… who was she kidding? Did correct terminology matter? He left her standing there, alone, in an impending storm after kissing the hell out of her.

“Have you filled Jim in on this turn of events?” Dana’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

“I figured I wouldn’t mention it until after the fact. He just wants me to get the interview. I don’t think he cares how that happens.”

“Oh, he cares. Propriety is paramount. Ethics, good values, high moral compass, yada, yada, yada. You know his spiel.”

She sighed. “There’s nothing improper going on, and I plan to keep it that way. I rented a car so I can leave before things get weird.”

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