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She really was gone, and he wouldn’t stop until he found her.

Enabling the invisibility cloak with a tap on his bracelet, A’zal stepped quietly into the bathtub around the curtain to check his cellphone. It powered on. His chest squeezed in anticipation to see if the device would work now that he was back on Earth. A red light flashed on his bracelet. His father’s guards were trying to track him. He’d assumed they would have deactivated his bracelet, but that would have left him without a way to teleport back to base. His father wouldn’t risk sending reinforcements to drag him off this planet. No, they’d wait until he jumped back to base and disable his bracelet then, trapping him. So he had to make this count.

The phone finally came to life and his inbox lit with received messages from Tristan, but nothing from Kimber. He hastily texted her, but the message jumped and glitched. The phone went black for a second before popping back on. The message had turned red. Unsent. He tried again, with the same result.

Tristan’s message caught his attention.Is Neb with you?

Listening intently to the man in the other room, A’zal replied to see if it would go through.No. I thought he went to the base with you.

Kimber wasn’t here. Neb was also missing. His muscles tightened. This explained why the phone wasn’t working. Neb had blocked their communication, so A’zal wouldn’t be able to find her… or stop whatever he was about to do.

But why? Ethan hadn’t revealed himself to her, and she hadn’t seen his true form. Why else would Neb follow her?

Tristan replied.What’s going on? I thought you were on the base? Ethan?

Kimber is missing. I’m going to find her.

Pel Cappa was obsessed with Kimber and had been in contact with her employer. He had to know where she lived or how to reach her. Worse, maybe Pel had lured her back to him with a promise of the interview. His stomach lurched as rage pumped through his blood. Pel could have her locked away in his fucking castle and no one would ever know. A’zal seethed. He’d kill him!

Putting the phone away, he visualized the decrepit castle and the room where he’d like to land, then deployed teleportation and braced himself. Nothing happened. The bracelet flashed red again. Throat tight, he closed his eyes and tried again. He landed at the end of a dark hallway. Uncertain at first if the teleporter had worked, he quickly acclimated to the dark and pressed himself against the wall. Listening for any sounds and hearing nothing, he moved down the hall.

The corridor turned to the left and stopped in a dead end. Pausing by each door in the hall, he scanned for life signs with his bracelet. All the rooms were empty. The very last door was slightly cracked open and a male voice filtered out.

“Hey, everyone, thanks for joining my live stream. I have some awesome new evidence to share with you.”

He peered into the opening. Pel sat behind a desk, facing the door. Cameras and lights pointed to him as he looked at a computer monitor. Careful not to be seen, A’zal observed as Pel spoke into a microphone. He despised the sound of Pel’s voice. Did he have Kimber locked away somewhere? His mind strayed to the image of her stuffed inside a closet or chained in the basement, and rage slowly simmered in his veins.

Waiting until he was confident Pel wouldn’t look up and see him, he slipped into the room and hid in the shadows. There weren’t cameras pointed this way, but if Pel looked up at the right time, he would see A’zal from the glow of the lights at the desk. He couldn’t wait to see the look on Pel’s face when he saw him.

A’zal took a step forward, so a sliver of his body showed from the shadows.

Pel glanced up, did a double take in confusion. He blinked twice, his mouth dropping open and throat hitching with a stunted gasp. A’zal stepped slowly into the light, enjoying each flicker of disbelief and fear that marred Pel’s face as he revealed himself.

“Wh-what the fuck?” Pel rose halfway from his seat.

“You summoned me, didn’t you? All that meditating worked.”

Shaking his head wildly, the human backed up and ran into his chair. A’zal rose to his full height, giving his adversary a full view of his alien form. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, his chest with its black and gray markings on full display. In his true form, he was half a foot taller than in his human one, and his body structure was thicker and more powerful. His massive thighs were clad in his impenetrable warfare pants, and his thick black boots came to his knees, the fronts lined with armor bearing the royal Luxxorian shield.

“Where is she?” He kept his voice only audible enough that Pel could hear him. Activating the invisibility cloak on his bracelet, he appeared behind Pel, kicking the chair away and grabbing the man around the throat.

He growled low into the man’s ear. “Where is she?”

Pel went momentarily limp with terror before his flight instinct kicked in and he struggled.

“An alien’s got me! Help!”

It would be so easy to snap his neck. A’zal had been training in hand-to-hand combat since he was a child. No human stood a chance against him. They were too soft, too weak. Especially this one. This man had hurt Kimber and made her uncomfortable. He’d threatened her career and her reputation.

How he wished he could give him the proper punishment for hurting his mate.

Pel’s hands grabbed and slapped at the arm A’zal had around his neck. On camera, Pel would appear to be fighting nothing but himself. No one would believe this was real. He’d be accused of staging the entire thing for views. The more he could discredit Pel Cappa, the better. Speaking softly into the man’s ear, he wanted nothing more than to make him appear insane.

“Where is the woman?”

“What woman?”

“The one you made uncomfortable with your sexual advances and threats.”
