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“Which one?”

He tightened the grip around Pel’s neck.

“There’s an alien… in my castle!” Tears rolled down the man’s eyes. “Please, if you’re watching, send help!”

A’zal allowed Pel to struggle a while longer, and then he threw him forward, grabbed him by the neck, and forced his head on the table next to the computer monitor. The text box next to the live stream image on the screen rolled with comments.

What’s going on at Pel’s castle?

Is this another joke?

Come on, man, show us the alien!

Should someone send help?

This is dumb.

Pel sucks.

“Where is Kimber?”

Pel whimpered. “She’s not here. She would never come here.”

Growling low in his throat, A’zal knew the man was telling the truth. He didn’t detect her scent anywhere and in these hard, cold walls, her sweetness would travel easily.

Jerking Pel upright, he covered the man’s mouth with a hand and pulled his head back so he could whisper into his ear. “Everyone will think you’re insane. Your credibility will be crushed, and everyone will know what a piece of shit you really are. I am A’zal Ost Hilstra, prince of Luxxor, and you have harmed my mate. Now you will pay. The grays are coming for you. They consider your meditations a sign of aggression and won’t look the other way any longer. They’re coming, and they’ll rip you piece by piece after they’re done treating you like a lab rat. You’d better never close your eyes because you won’t know when they’re coming until they’re here.”

Pel whimpered louder. A loud sob burst from his throat as he struggled… and then he went completely still and started crying like a child. Disgusted, A’zal let him go and moved away. Pel stood in front of the cameras, hyperventilating, and carrying on, while a large wet stain spread over the front of his jeans for all his viewers to see. Comments rolled in so quickly, they tumbled over one another.

Oh my God, is he pissing his pants?

Headline: Pel Cappa pisses his pants on livestream. LOL

This is going to go viral.

Let him think the grays were coming. For all A’zal knew, maybe they were. Slipping out of the room, he raced into an empty room and contemplated his next move. His bracelet glitched red again. Someone was trying to disable it. What if he couldn’t teleport again?

His cellphone chimed inside his pocket with a text from Tristan that set his blood freezing.

She’s in Neb’s lab. I’m standing by, but I can’t interfere, as you know. If you want to stop this, you’d better hurry up.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Nebonlyusedhislab connected to the base station if a lifeform required its mind to be scrubbed.

What had Kimber seen or heard that put her in this position? The Nebs had a strict and specific duty from which they didn’t stray. They would never carelessly erase someone’s memories without good reason. A frightened wail reverberated through the hallways as A’zal landed inside the lab. The sound cut him to the core. He thought of Kimber and the terror she went through in her younger years because of the grays.

Running through the hall, A’zal followed the screaming. Hard shivers ran over him, his hearts beating wildly as if he’d never get there fast enough. It might not be her… but as he got closer, the tone of the feminine voice nearly dropped him to his knees. ItwasKimber, and she was terrified.

“Neb!” He growled the name as he ran.

Sliding past the room, he stumbled and hurried back, grabbing the handle in one hand as he slammed his body against the locked door.

“A’zal.” Tristan hurried toward him in his true form. “She is inside.”

“I’m aware.” He threw his entire weight against the metal door. It banged loudly against the frame but didn’t weaken. The screaming inside stopped. His breath hitched. Had Neb done something?
