Page 204 of Possessing Eden

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And I could give a flying fuck.

Approaching him, I say, “Did you really think we wouldn’t trace your little burner phone? Did you think we wouldn’t get the call logs or be able to tap into it?”

“He must have,” Johnathan says and moves to stand in front of Coss.

Unzipping his pants, Johnathan pulls his cock out of his jeans and lets loose a long, hard stream. Pissing on Coss’s face.

Simon, Gabriel, and I all step back from Johnathan.

“Fucking hell.” Simon laughs at the display. “I guess he did need a last drink before he dies.”

Gabriel snorts. “That’s one way to give it to him.”

Coss screams in rage and pain as Johnathan finishes up pissing on him.

“Take me down,” Coss begs. “Before it’s too late.”

“Not a chance—” I begin to say, but a voice behind me cuts me off.

“Actually,” Lucifer says coldly. “I’m quite curious to know why all of you believe you are permitted to this.”

“We—” Simon starts to say.

“Betrayal does not even begin to describe what is happening!” Lucifer bellows in thunderous rage at Simon. “All of this behind my back! My family betraying me like this!”

“Get me down from here, you little shits!” Coss orders like he believes he has power now.

Lucifer slowly walks between us. His body moving with smooth, deadly precision.

When he reaches Coss, he spins around to take us all in.

“To think you all would sink this low,” Lucifer sneers before he turns to face Coss.

“Help me down, Matthew,” Coss groans, sounding like his age has finally caught up with him.

“To think they would do all of this,” Lucifer says as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a switchblade. “And not invite me.”

The blade flashes out and roughly slices across Coss’s fully exposed neck.

Blood erupts from Coss’s throat. The hard spray hitting Lucifer before it weakens and gushes down Coss’s face.

Turning back to face us, covered in Coss’s blood, Lucifer smiles.

“You just love theatrics,” Simon says with a snort before he goes back to the table and begins gathering up his tools.

The End
