Page 123 of Infernium

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“The next time you decide to venture to the mortal realm, don’t bother to return here.”

“Got it. What’s going on with Farryn?”

“She’s not feeling well.” I gave a quick glance over my shoulder, noting a look of genuine concern on the girl’s face. “As I understand, you had an eventful day in town.”

“Yeah. Weird. She told you about the old lady?”

“Yes. What were your senses about her?” I pushed through the door and jerked my head for her to follow me inside.

Frowning, she looked around the room. “That’s the messed up thing. I didn’t sense anything. It was like, nothing there, but I saw her. Well, about two seconds before Vas chopped her limbs like carrots. Hey, is this your bedroom?”

“Yes,” I said, peeling away my shirt. For her sake, I left my pants on, though it was going to make for a miserable night.

Still frowning, she cleared her throat and stood just inside the room, as though uncertain whether, or not, to keep following. “You think her not feeling well is related to the old hag?”

“I’m not sure. In the meantime, I need you to do me a favor.”

“Um. What do you need?”

I lifted the chain attached to the wall above my bed. “I need you to chain me to my bed.”

Her mouth slackened. “Why?”

I rubbed a hand down my face, irritated that I had to have the conversation at all with her.



Iopened my eyes to the darkness of my room, the soft tickle of sheets across my legs tightening my thighs. Lip caught between my teeth, I squirmed on the bed, an ache blooming at my core.


Only a sheet covered my naked body, and I arched my back, dragging my sensitive nipples across the fabric. The ache throbbed and pulsed, the need pulling like a thread, and I held the sheet to my breasts as I sat up in bed.

Wind blew in through the opened window, fluttering the white curtains. On the wall across from me, a circle had been drawn with the nameKezhurahin the center of it.

Kezhurah. The healer. I looked down at myself, recalling a sickness which had churned in my stomach earlier, and I placed my hand there. Not so much as a gurgle. In fact, I felt fantastic. Fantastic and needy. As if I’d slept for hours and had awakened from an explicit dream. When I glanced over, the clock read one thirty-seven in the morning. Was it a dream, then?

Jericho. Something in my body compelled me. Wanting him.

I climbed out of bed, taking the sheet with me. The sound of voices bled through the door, and I paused, listening. One of them was Vaszhago. Another belonged to a woman whose voice I only vaguely recognized. Flirtatious conversation, and when I swung the door open, Vaszhago was leaning into a woman who reminded me of something out of a pirate movie.

“Farryn?” she asked, stepping out of Vaszhago’s arm cage. The concern on her face told me that my presence was unexpected. “Are you all right?”

“Yeah. I feel great. Really great, actually. I was just … going to see Jericho.”

“Farryn,” Vaszhago warned. “Not a good idea.”


“Do you recall the last time you visited?”

“Yes. I also recall that I was fine.” The need burned so intensely, I didn’t even care if I ended up stuck like last time. I’d slept like a baby that night and enjoyed feeling him so close to me. After all, I’d figured out my safe word for him.

Brows pulled together, he tipped his chin back, staring down at me. “You’re no longer feeling ill?”

The woman reached for me, but hesitated, her brows winging up as if to ask if it was all right, to which I nodded. She pressed her palm to my forehead and closed her eyes. The tension written across her face softened. “It seems your fever has subsided. You have a slight increase in pulse, but nothing like earlier. I do not sense the distress of before.”
