Page 59 of Infernium

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We stood at equal height.

“You certainly smell worse,” I volleyed back.

“Well, now. Let us get on with this, shall we?”

The guard trailed our steps, giving Vaszhago the evil eye as we kept on down the corridor. Once again, the purple-haired female called out to us.

Vaszhago came to a screeching halt and lifted his nose in the air, undoubtedly smelling her.

As I passed her cell, I felt the sharp tug of my coat and looked down to where she had managed to take hold of it.

“Please take me with you! They plan to send me to Infernium after the sick bastards in the penthouse are finished with me. I’m begging you.”

I pried her fingers loose from my coat, noting her hands were ice cold. “Infernium?”

“A ridiculous misunderstanding.”

Vaszhago sighed and shook his head. “Sorry, love, you’ll have to wait for the next crazy train. Heard you talking in here and … clearly you don’t have a roommate.”

“Yeah? I heard you talking, too. Insisting the guards use lube.”

Vaszhago only chuckled in response, but the guard growled beside me, lurching toward her, but I threw out a hand to stop his advance.

She turned her attention back to me, her hands curled around the bars of her cell. “Look, I’ll do whatever you want. I heard you talking about a lady. A baby. I know lots about babies. I can be her attendant!”

“I got a better idea,” Vaszhago interrupted. “We’ll come back in a week, when you’re settled in Infernium, and throw popcorn through the bars at you.”

“I get it.” Her lips stretched to what I surmised was a fake smile. “It’s hard coming to terms with the fact that you couldn’t turn on the knobs of a sink, let alone a woman, but that’s no reason to be an asshole.”

With a groan, I pinched the bridge of my nose, growing weary of their bickering. “Enough of whatever this is. I’m sorry, but no. I’m not here for charity.”

“And I’m not asking for your damn pity, jerk. Okay, I am. But withdignityin my voice.

“I’m sorry.” I took a step in the direction of the platform, just as she backed away from the bars, shoulders sagging in defeat.

“You slay the demons who tormented you as a child, and this is the thanks you get. A lifetime sentence with all the catatonics. Brilliant.”

I halted midstride. “You’re human. Are you not?”

“Yeah. So?”

“You know of demons and how to slay them.”

“One was a lord. Dirty prick liked kids. Look, you really can’t leave me here after admitting all of this.” She jerked her head toward the guard. “Noodle dick is gonna tell all his friends, and then I’ll bewhore d’oeuvreto the assholes upstairs.”

I narrowed my eyes on her, searching for any sign that she might’ve been something other than human. “You’re aware of what all of this is?”

“What? Your little Purgatory wannabe world? Yeah. I may look dumb, but I ain’t dumb.”

“These demons you supposedly slayed--how’d you do it?”

“There ain’t no supposed about it. I ran my blade through their chests and popped them in the skull.” Using her thumb, she demonstrated each move.

It was then I focused on her eye and caught sight of the tiny, black star just outside of her iris. The telling mark of her kind. “You’re aDra’Akon.” Not that she would’ve admitted it. They were humans with certain abilities, capable of slaying demons. Most times, they worked as spies for the angels, alerting them to crimes against the heavens, predominantly in the mortal realm.

“I have no idea what that is. Why are you asking me all these questions?”

She was a horrible liar, too. But if still connected to the heavens, she might be a means of negotiations for Farryn. “What is your name?”
