Page 99 of Infernium

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Let it go, Farryn.

The unsettled feeling at the back of my head flashed a warning of what I couldn’t bear to admit–that maybe the conversation hadn’t happened, at all.

Cerberus strolled by, and the moment he looked up and caught sight of her, or me, and barked, I took that as my cue to duck back inside.

When I turned back around, Jericho had stepped into my room wearing black leather pants, boots, a vest with a white shirt beneath, and had a black, hooded cloak draped over his arm. I’d seen him wear something similar to the costume party we’d attended a while ago, but holy hell, he looked good. Real good. Too good.

“Going out?”

“Cicatrix has found your father.”

I didn’t entirely absorb his words at first, after the conversation with Camael that still had me questioning whether I’d spent the whole time talking to myself.“My father? You’re certain …” Knots of anxiety swelled in my stomach, and I swallowed past the sudden dryness in my throat. “It’s him?”

“Quite.” Jericho’s lips curved into a slight smile.

The knots tightened and unfurled into a wave of strange giddiness that had me caught between smiling and frowning in an expression that must’ve looked ridiculous. “My father is here?”

“Just outside of Dreadmire. If I leave now, I can make it there by morning.”

Dizziness swept over me, and as if sensing that I was about to pass out, Jericho shot across the room before I even realized my knees were giving out, and with a grip on my arm, he pulled me upright. Too many emotions battled inside of me at once–fear, excitement, uncertainty–all clashing inside my head in a tumultuous brew of panic that threatened to explode any moment. Tears stung my eyes, and I let out an unattractive chortle.

He wrapped his thick arms around me, caging me against him, and when he kissed the top of my head, a peaceful calm settled over me.

“Please let me come with you,” I whispered.

“It would be dangerous for you to travel there. Dreadmire is overrun by The Fallen, and there is no semblance of order. They are under the rule of an overlord who would turn you into a slave.” His hand slid down to my stomach as he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my lips. “The mere thought of one touching you sends a murderous rage through my bones.”

“Isn’t it dangerous for you, then?”

His lips twitched as if he might smile at that. “Do not worry about me. I’ve not survived centuries in anticipation of your return to fall victim to a bunch of ruffians. They’ve no interest in me, particularly now that I am essentially powerless. But you … I don’t even want to imagine what they’d do if you fell into their hands.”

“And what about my father?”

“He’s staying outside the walls. They seem to have left him alone, but I wouldn’t presume he’s safe.”

Nodding, I pressed my palms to his chest. “We shouldn’t waste any more time, then.” On tiptoes, I tipped my head back and kissed him. “Please, come back safe. Both of you.”

He cupped my face in his palms and sighed. “Please stay out of trouble while I’m gone.”

His comment brought a much-needed smile to my face. “You know I can’t do that.”

With a chuckle, he ran his thumb over my cheek. “Do not think I’m above chaining you to the bed.”

“Pretty sure you already have. And if you promise to come back safely, I might let you do it again.”

His brow quirked. “That’s a promise I’ll be sure to keep, then.”

Sighing, I nodded, taking him in one more time. “Do you have to wear that, though?” I said, gesturing to his outfit, which had him looking like something out of a dark fantasy.

A quick downward glance, and he frowned. “You expect me to ride horseback in a suit?”

“No. Of course not. I just didn’t expect you to look like every girl’s wet-dream demon assassin.”

“Human females dream of demon assassins?”

“You’d be surprised.”

“We’ll explore that conversation, as well, upon my return. As much as I would love to have you elaborate the details, I want to arrive by morning.” Hooking a finger beneath my chin, he lifted my gaze to his. “We will also revisit the discussion of bonding. The possibility of doing it sooner than later.”
