Page 101 of Don't Let Me Break

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“Honestly? I thought it was pretty good. All guys should read romance.”

I pull back, surprised. “Oh?”

“Yeah. It’s literally a roadmap written by women, explaining exactly what a girl wants in her perfect guy.”

“Ah, so that’s where you learned all your magic tricks,” I quip.

He winks at me. “There’s nothing wrong with a guy trying to understand a woman’s psyche.”

“And apparently, it’s also why you’re so swoon-worthy.”

His chuckle is deep and throaty, causing butterflies to take flight in my stomach. “You think I’m swoon-worthy?”

“You’re charming. Charismatic. Thoughtful. Caring. Kind.” I count a few of his characteristics off on one hand before running out of fingers and fluttering my lashes at him. “Need I go on, Mr. Golden Retriever?”

“I mean if you insist.”

With a light laugh, I shake my head. “Tell me this. Did you learn anything else from those books?”

His attention drops to my mouth. “Maybe a thing or two.”

“Such as?”

“Foreplay is key.”

I laugh a little harder. “Okay. What kind of foreplay?”

“You want me to show you?”

“For research purposes, I feel obligated to say yes.”

“For research, huh?” He inches closer, his gaze darkening a shade.

My heart rate thrums a little faster, and I look down at his mouth, the memory of our kiss tempting me even further. “Yeah.”

“Okay.” He scoots a bit closer to me. “For starters, girls like it when you touch their cheek.” Running his hand along my arm, he cups my cheek, his calloused fingers brushing against my sensitive skin. “Like this. Am I right?”

I gulp and nod.

His mouth twitches. “They also like it when you lean in close but don’t kiss them right away.”

“Uh-huh,” I confirm, my gaze dropping to his lips.

So. Freaking. Close.

“Good breath is key,” he adds.

Practically panting, I nod again and breathe out, “Always a solid perk.”

Ever so slowly, he leans in, leaving the tiniest of gaps between us. Waiting. Driving me insane. The warmth from his breath making me want to taste him even more.

Kiss me, Mack. Freaking kiss me, dammit!

We’ve kissed before. And it was good. Really freaking good. Pretty sure the memory alone is enough to drive me insane. Still, the fact he’s so freaking close to letting me relive the moment yet refuses to put me out of my misery?

If I wasn’t so turned on, I’d probably stand up and leave, just to get some fresh air and think clearly for two seconds.

It’s not like I’ve ever been able to think clearly when Mack’s around, though.
