Page 125 of Don't Let Me Break

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Curious, she lifts the lid off the large box and gasps. “Shut up. You didn’t.”

“Told you we were going to Rowdy’s.”

“Yeah, but you didn’t need to buy me cowgirl boots.” She sets the box on the kitchen table and runs her hands along the stitched brown leather. A sweet smile teases her lips. “Aww…seriously, Mack?”

“Do you like them?”

She takes them from the box and hugs the boots to her chest. “Like them? Ilovethem. Seriously.”

“Put ‘em on,” I urge.

She slips them over her white socks, modeling them for me with a cheesy grin. “What do you think?”

“I think you look beautiful, Kate.”

Her grin softens as she pauses, staring at me. “And I think you’re dangerous, Mack.”

“How so?”

Her eyes hold mine for the briefest of seconds, like she doesn’t know whether or not she wants to answer me. Like she’s scared to tell me the truth.

“Tell me,” I push.

Her attention falls to the ground, and she untucks her hair from behind her ear, shielding herself from me as she bends down and picks up the box. “Pretty sure you have the power to break me.” The box scuffs softly against the floor as she sets it near the recycling bin. She grabs a small purse from the counter and slips it over her head, her wariness replaced with fake excitement. “Shall we?”

She tries to sneak out the front door, but I grab her arm, keeping her in place. “Not gonna break you, Kate. Not after all the work it took to put you back together again.”

Her laugh eases the knot in my chest as she peeks up at me. “Promise?”


She swallows thickly and smiles. This time, it’s genuine.

“Okay,” she whispers.

Dipping my head, I kiss her softly, savoring her taste like all the other times I’ve been lucky enough to kiss her. And it's almost as good as the first time. Almost as unbelievable that I get to kiss her, I get to hold her, and I get to see her smile and make her laugh.

“Now, the real question is,” I add, “are you ready to give those boots some time to shine on the dance floor tonight?”

Her eyes thin. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”


“Did you brush up on your dancing skills?”

“I’ve been practicing,” I announce.

“Yes!” she gushes. “I’m so ready. Okay, what do I do? What are the moves? How do I not look like an idiot?” She shakes her arms out and rolls her head back and forth as if she’s preparing for a fight, and I can’t help but laugh as I usher her toward the door.

“Just trust me and follow my lead. I only know like six moves, and they’re pretty easy to catch onto. I’ll show you after dinner.”

As I open the passenger door, she grabs the edge of my coat and tugs me closer to her, kissing me like she can’t help herself. And I like it. The fact she feels secure around me. Secure enough to take what she wants instead of asking. Secure enough to laugh and tease. I smile against her lips and wrap my arm around her waist, kissing her harder. It isn’t sensual. It’s playful. And real. And effortless.

When she pulls away, she smooths the front of my jacket down. “You, my dear Macklin, are the best surprise I’ve ever had. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

* * *
