Page 150 of Don't Let Me Break

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“Can we talk about this later? Please? When my brain doesn’t feel like it was put through a blender? When I don’t have to worry if you're only telling me these things because of…” I gulp and close my eyes, attempting to focus. “Because of what you saw.”

“I’m not––”

“Please,” I beg. “Please stop. Please…wait.Please.”

He stays quiet. Doesn’t argue. Doesn’t drive his point home. He just watches me. Rubbing his thumb back and forth against the back of my hand, the rhythmic touch soothing.

“Okay, my prickly porcupine,” he decides. “I’ll wait.”

* * *

My parents'voices echo from the hall a little while later. I have no idea how long it’s been. Time still feels sporadic. I must’ve fallen asleep again.

I’m still too tired to care. Too tired to focus on anything except rest. After the day I’ve had, I need it.

“Tell Kate I’ll call her tomorrow.” Macklin’s voice cuts through the thick haze in my brain, though I don’t open my eyes.

“Sure thing,” a deep voice returns.


I fall back to sleep.



After Kate was released from the hospital, she left with her parents, and I drove home alone. Again.

My phone vibrates as I sip a beer in front of the fireplace.

It feels strange being here without her. Like she was the heart of this place. But she was right for making me wait instead of spilling out all my feelings in the middle of her hospital room. It wasn’t fair to her. And it sure as shit wasn’t about her episode or how much it scared me.

I told her parents I’d pick her up at their place tomorrow, but I plan to text Kate to confirm she’s okay with it too. The idea of seeing her again is the only thing giving me an ounce of peace when all I want to do is crawl out of my own skin.

I scrub my hand over my face, balancing the beer bottle on my lap as I pull out my phone.

There’s a message from Hazel.


Hey. How’s she doing?

I pull back, surprised by her question. It’s been over twelve hours since the incident. Part of me was sure she’d block my number. But this? Her concern? It’s the last thing I expected.

Which means I’m an asshole.

I shove the thought aside and type my response.


She’s good. At her parents’ tonight.



