Page 153 of Don't Let Me Break

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“Yeah,” Hazel adds. But her tone is softer than her sister’s. She reaches for her glass and mumbles, “Definitely,” as she brings it to her lips.

Hazel’s always been this way. More stubborn. More like her mother. I don’t know if I’m expected to ask how Summer’s doing or if it’s a no-fly zone. I’m not sure it even matters at this point. I care about Summer. I’ll always care about her. For giving me two beautiful daughters. For helping me become the man I am today. But the idea of keeping her in my past and cultivating relationships with my daughters outside of their mother is appealing as shit.

Miley adds, “You’ll have to bring Kate next time. I’d love to officially meet her.”

My eyes widen in surprise. “You sure?”

“Yeah, of course. Right, Haze?” Miley bumps her shoulder against Hazel’s.

“Definitely,” Hazel repeats, though it’s as unsure as earlier.

“Letting me in doesn’t mean you have to let Kate in. Not in the beginning. You know that, right?” I confirm.

Hazel closes her eyes, looking like she’s seconds from crying.

“It’s not that,” Miley interjects. “Seriously.”

“Miley’s right,” Hazel explains. “It’s not that I don’t like her or whatever. I’m…embarrassed.”

“Don’t be embarrassed,” I start, but Hazel cuts me off.


My mouth snaps closed.

“It’s, well,…you know Mom,” Miley adds. “She isn’t afraid to tell everyone her opinion about anything, and when she heard you were dating again, let alone someone a little…younger than her, she kind of freaked out, and…”

With her gaze glued to her lap, Hazel mutters, “And I guess it rubbed off on me.” She gulps and looks up at me again. “Does she hate me?”

“Kate?” I question.

Hazel nods.

“I’m sure she doesn’t.”

“Did I ruin everything between you two?” she questions me.

“Not at all, Haze.”

“Are you lying to make me feel better?”

I chuckle, but it doesn’t stop the sharp twinge of pain between my ribs. Because the truth is, I have no idea where I stand with Kate. I have no idea if she’s pissed at me or if she’ll forgive me. I have no idea if she even wants to give me another chance or if I’ve lost her forever. I don’t know a lot of things right now, but I do know Hazel doesn’t deserve to carry this kind of regret on her shoulders. It isn’t fair.

Reaching across the table, I touch Hazel’s hand and squeeze it softly. “My relationship with Kate is independent of yours, Haze.” I glance at Miley. “Yours too. Even if it doesn’t work out between us, it won’t be your fault. Understood?”

Miley nods, and Hazel joins in.

“Good,” I tell them.

“Does this mean you two aren’t okay?” Miley asks.

“You think I'm gonna let her go so easily?” I pull a few twenties from my wallet and toss them onto the table. “I’m gonna see her later today.”

“Good,” Miley decides. “Because you deserve to be happy, Dad.”

“You really do,” Hazel adds. The sincerity in her eyes makes me pause. Because they have no idea how much I needed to hear them say it. To see them sitting across the table from me. To have their support, even when I probably don’t deserve it.

“Thanks, girls.”
