Page 73 of Distracted

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Seconds later, Kane’s hands gripped my body tight as his head dropped back. That was all I got to see before my orgasm tore through me, forcing my eyes shut as sparks of pleasure shot through my body.

Wave after wave pulsed through me, my moans mixing with the deep, guttural sounds from Kane, until finally, we both made it to the other side.

I collapsed on top of him, out of breath, and feeling completely satisfied. Kane’s arms came around me. “You did good, Ellery.”

My eyes still closed, I smiled. “Mmm.”

That was all I could manage to muster up, but Kane didn’t seem to mind. In fact, I felt his body vibrating beneath mine as I listened to his chest rumble with his laughter.

And there was that.

Kane’s laughter.

I never considered that the sound of someone’s laughter would be anything more than just an indication that they were happy about something; yet, when I heard Kane’s laughter, it did something to me. Maybe it was knowing that he was feeling that way while he was with me, or it might have been the fact that I merely wanted him to feel nothing but happiness. Either way, it didn’t matter. The sound of his laughter could cure me of anything.





All of it was gone when I was with him, and he was laughing.

The two of us stayed in bed like that a little bit longer before I lifted my cheek from his chest and said, “That was quite the wake-up call this morning.”

A mischievous look washed over him. “I couldn’t stop myself. I woke up and saw you sleeping. You looked so beautiful, and the way the blanket had fallen low around your waist, exposing everything from there up, I stood no chance.”

Smiling back at him, I shared, “I enjoyed it.”

“I got that just listening to you,” he replied.

“You didn’t seem to mind my noises in the moment,” I noted.

His head moved back and forth on the pillow. “I don’t mind them now, either. Fuck, have you ever heard yourself? I feel like you could make me come just from your whimpers and moans.”

Heat hit my cheeks, and I dropped my face back onto his chest.

“Don’t be embarrassed. It’s so sexy, Ellery.”

“I can’t help it. I’m not used to all of the compliments,” I murmured.

In a flash, Kane flipped me to my back, framed my face with his hands, and I instantly noticed the troubled look on his face. Before I could ask him about it, he declared, “Then I’m falling down on the job. You shouldn’t feel embarrassed when I compliment you, because you’re not used to hearing them. It seems like I might be slacking, so I’m going to do my part and correct that immediately.”

“Kane, it’s fine,” I told him. “You already do far too much for me.”

“I told you I’m going to give you everything, princess. I meant it.”

I nodded and asked, “And how many times do I have to tell you that I believe you? I believe you, because you keep proving it. It’s just… I’m not used to compliments.”

His eyes searched my face. “I know. It’s a damn shame, too. But I’m going to fix that.”

I was going to tell him that he’d already fixed so much that had felt broken inside, things that I hadn’t even realized needed mending, but I had a feeling he already knew.

Besides, it wasn’t like I had the chance anyway, because my stomach chose that moment to embarrass me in a completely different way by growling loudly.

Kane’s face lit up with amusement. “Hungry?”
