Page 88 of Distracted

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Confusion washed over her. “Me? I’ve got this place. I’m not going anywhere.”

That was precisely what I was talking about. Of course, I knew that she had her tiny home community. There was no denying this was her place. While she had left it a few times over the last couple of weeks, it seemed it was only ever to run errands. She was never gone for very long, and I hadn’t seen a guy ever show up to spend any time with her.

“I meant, well, we’ve been sitting here talking about how lucky I am that I’ve got Kane in my life now,” I started. “I guess I was just wondering if there’s a special guy in yours right now.”

Hanna shot me a look I couldn’t quite read. I didn’t know if it was a look of disbelief, uneasiness, or something else entirely. Then, she replied, “Oh, no. There’s no guy in my life right now.”

“Are you looking?”

She shook her head and murmured, “No. I’m just focusing on my tiny homes right now. I don’t exactly have the time for a relationship.”

I tipped my head to the side and assessed her. I didn’t know why, but I didn’t exactly believe this had anything to do with her having free time. Hanna and I had become good friends, but I wasn’t exactly sure we’d reached the point in our friendship where I could accuse her of lying to me.

So, I didn’t.

Instead, I offered, “Well, if and when the time comes and you want someone to talk to about it, I’m more than happy to listen.”

The slight awkwardness I’d noted in her was gone, and Hanna perked right back up. “Thanks, Ellery. Maybe one day I’ll be lucky enough to take you up on that.”

I didn’t know how it was possible for her to think that someone wouldn’t want to date her. She was gorgeous. Unbelievably so. And she was super sweet. I thought she was a real catch, so it was my hope that someone would stumble upon her and give her the same kind of good in her life that Kane had given to me.

“I’m sure you will be,” I declared.

No sooner had I gotten the words out when I glanced out the window and saw Kane’s truck pulling into the lot.

“That’s my cue,” I told Hanna.

She let out a soft laugh. “Go. Be with your man. If I had a guy who was willing to take a bullet for me, I’d never leave his side.”

I stood from the couch at the same time as Hanna. “You’ll find your guy. Let’s just hope he doesn’t have to take a bullet for you and only has to have the mindset that he would take one for you. Him getting shot at will be no fun for anyone.”

Smiling brightly at me, Hanna noted, “That’s fair.”

With that, I gave her a hug and said, “I’m so glad we had time to catch up today.”

“Me too.”

“I’ll see you later.”

“Later, Ellery.”

The next thing I knew, I walked outside, saw Kane coming my way, and felt warmth move through me.

It was just one more thing in a long list of things that Kane had given to me. I hated all that I had to go through to find him, but I realized it was best to appreciate that hardship for what it was and what it did for me now.

It gave me perspective.

It showed me how things were supposed to be.

I recognized when I had something good in my life, and my past had taught me to cherish the things that were precious.

“Hey, princess,” Kane said the moment I was close enough to touch.

“Hi,” I greeted him as he slid an arm around my waist.

After pressing a kiss to my lips, he asked, “Did you have a good day?”

I nodded. “I just caught up with Hanna for a bit. How was your day?”
