Page 55 of Take It on Faith

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“Okay,” he said. He unbuttoned his jeans. “Sure.”

“Can I turn around now? Or would you like me to watch you undress like a perv?”

“You want to watch me undress; don’t try to pretend.”

I let out a grumble of frustration as I turned away from him. “You’re such an asshat, Parker.”

“Am I?” I heard fabric drop to the floor. “Or am I too close to the truth?”

I felt him slide into the bed. I closed my eyes, tried to slow down my breathing by counting to ten. He’s in bed with almost no clothes on. He’s so close, I can feel his body heat. My heart pounding still, I leaned toward the floor and picked up the extra pillows. I threw them onto the bed. “Put these in between us,” I ordered. My voice sounded sharper than I intended. I tried not to think about why that was.

“Ah, yes,” he said. “The pillow barrier. Classic.”

“I don’t want to feel anything funny in the night.”

“Who said I’d be the one acting funny? You’re the one all hot and bothered.”

“Must you engage in Little Brother Syndrome all the time?”

“Must you be prissy all the time?”

“I’m not.” I paused as a wave of sadness overtook me. We lay in silence for a while before I turned to him. “I wasn’t always this way, you know.”

Andrew stilled as I bit my top lip. He waited.

“I’m not a virgin.” I flipped to stare at the ceiling. “I lost it a while ago.”

And still, he waited.

“Why are you so quiet?” I snapped.

“Seems like you have more to say.”

“There’s nothing else to say. That’s it.”

“Is it?”

“Why are you so pushy, Parker? Let it go.”

“Okay.” He let out a long breath. “’Night, Ace.”

“That’s it? You’re going to sleep?”

“Alicia,” he said, his gentle voice lined with irritation. “Either you do want to talk or you don’t, but you gotta pick one.”

“It was with Nicholas,” I blurted. I bit my lip so hard that it hurt. “The night that we broke up.”

I heard him shift closer to me, felt his hand resting on my upper arm above the pillow barrier. “Tell me about it.”

“Tell you about the sex?”


I sighed.

“We had been talking about it for a while,” I said finally. “We would go back and forth on it. I pushed for it to happen. I figured that it was the next step in our relationship. We had done everything else by that point. Besides, I just wanted to get it over with, just be done with the pain part. Who better to lose it to?” Though I knew he couldn’t see my blush in the dark, I turned my face away from Andrew. His hand moved from my arm to my chin, tilting it toward him, his thumb lightly pressing into it. I gave up and turned back toward him.

“When it finally happened, I knew we had made the wrong choice. I told him that I regretted it.” I paused, weighing my options. Finally, I decided to tell him a half-truth – what I told Nicholas, but not the whole story. “I told him that I thought I was ready but I wasn’t. When I left his apartment that night, I didn’t realize we would break up, but apparently, life had other plans.
