Page 14 of The Auction

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Before I can chicken out, I fill in the form and pray that Lincoln doesn’t get to see them. The humiliation would be one thing, but I could take that, my pride would just have to take the hit for my sweet baby brother, but what if he put the brakes on it out of spite like he did tonight? I hit send and close my eyes. I have a moment of panic where I want to snatch it back, to change my mind but I can’t, and perhaps that’s for the best.

Be brave, Lottie, be strong, and you’ll become everything you’re meant to be. My mother’s last words to me whisper through the air as if she’s there beside me and I feel comfort from them.

Finally, I curl up on the couch and let exhaustion pull me under. Tomorrow is a new day and a chance for hope.

I wake with a gasp hearing the phone by my side ringing. I’m disorientated as I grab for it, my voice still husky with sleep. “Hello?”

“Violet, it’s Harrison Brooks.”

My heart thunders in my chest as I wait to hear my fate. “Hello, Mr. Brooks.”

“I got your application.”

I swallow around my dry tongue. “I see.” I wait for him to shut me down.

“Are you sure this is something you want to do?”

I pause. Of course I’m not but beggars can’t be choosers. I don’t say that, I won’t air any more of my dirty laundry to him like I did last night.

“Yes, I’m sure.” I try and imbue my voice with confidence and I’m not sure if I pull it off.

“Very well. We’ll discuss it at the next managers’ meeting and let you know if you’ve made it through to the next round.”

“Next round?”

“Yes, there are over fifty applicants to pick through and we only want five girls.”

My excitement from last night falls. “Oh.”

His voice softens. “Violet, I want you to know that I’m rooting for you.”


He chuckles and it’s deep and throaty and I wish I could be attracted to him, not the evil spawn Lincoln Coldwell.

“I see the spirit in you, and it reminds me of someone I once knew.”

“Thank you.”

I’m hesitant to ask, afraid of the answer, but I have to know if I still have a job, especially as the auction is becoming less likely. A virgin auction suggests younger girls and I’d probably be the only geriatric virgin in the lot. Taking a deep breath I ask, “Is my job still open?”

Harrison sighs and I close my eyes as tears sting the back of my nose.

“Last night was gross misconduct, Violet. I have to say I’m surprised Mr. Coldwell didn’t have you dismissed and arrested for assault. Believe me when I say he doesn’t tolerate that kind of thing and neither do I.”

I try not to sniff and alert him to my dismay. “I understand.”

“That said, you still have a job if you want it.”

“I do?”

Excitement and hope bloom in my chest as I jump from the couch noticing it’s still only eight am.

His voice is tinged with warmth when he answers. “Yes, Violet you do. But I suggest you stay out of Lincoln’s way. I have no idea what the beef is between you two, but I don’t want it spilling out into the club.”

“It won’t, I promise.”

“And you won’t be given any shifts on the VIP floor. We feel your temperament is a tad too short for some of our more excitable guests.”
