Page 26 of The Auction

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“So soon?”

“Why wait?”

He’s right but this is all happening so soon, and I can’t keep up. “I need to explain this to Eric.”

His brow drops and he gives me a cold look. “Do whatever you need to do but let me make one thing clear, Lottie. I won’t tolerate any other man in our marriage. I require complete fidelity from you.”

“Then I get the same.”

“Of course.”

“But Eric lives with me. I can’t just leave him. He’ll live with us.”

“Absolutely not.”

I smile, enjoying having the upper hand in this moment, but I know I need to explain who Eric is to me. “I need my bag from my locker.”

Confusion and irritation cross his face. “Why?”

“Can you just get it for me, please?”

With a sigh, he walks from the room to do my bidding. He didn’t ask for the combination but knowing Linc he already knows it.

I walk around the room looking at the pictures of the five of them on opening night, looking happy and proud. I spy a closet and move toward it, hoping I find something I can wear. I feel so exposed standing around in my underwear, especially while Linc is fully clothed.

I see a line of shirts and run my hands along them. I lift one to my nose and wrinkle it as I smell Harrison’s aftershave on it. I move along until I find one that smells like Lincoln and slip it from the hanger. We seem to have reached a tentative truce and I don’t want captain caveman going all grumpy about me wearing another man’s shirt.

I button it and roll the sleeves as I wait.

When the door opens, he stops to take me in before he smirks. “I see you found the closet.”

“Well, I can’t walk around in my underwear.”

“On the contrary, I think it should be part of the contract that you do.”

I stare at him open-mouthed and ready to fight him on it until I see his lips twitch. Linc always had a dry sense of humor and I’d forgotten that about him. “Very funny.”

“Don’t laugh. If I thought I could get away with it I would.”

“Well, you can’t.”

He hands me my bag and I rummage through it until I dig my old phone from the pocket. I check it for calls as I always do, I’ve been paranoid since Eric’s last hypo. Satisfied all is well at home, I walk towards Lincoln and turn the screen to him, but he’s looking at me.

“This is Eric.”

He glares daggers at me and I fight the shiver of desire, which I know isn’t the result he wanted. But one thing I do know about Linc is that he’d never physically hurt me. He might rip my heart out metaphorically speaking and stomp all over it but he’d never lift a finger in anger.

“I have no interest in seeing this man.”

“Just look at the damn screen, Linc.”

His knowing smirk as I use his shortened name makes me want to return his glare, but he looks at the screen.

Then his face falls, shock taking hold before his eyes come back to mine. “You have a son?”

The outrage on his face makes me want to laugh. “Duh, virgin remember? No, this is my baby brother, Eric.” I look at the picture of us from his last birthday. We’re eating a plate of nachos dripping with cheese and grinning at the camera. We’d gone to the movies for his birthday and had nachos on the way home.

“Your brother?”
