Page 27 of The Auction

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“Yes. He’s nine and I’m all he has in the world.”

Confusion blanks Lincoln’s face as he grasps my phone, taking a better look at the picture on my screen. “What about your mom?”

Emotion clogs my throat, but I force the words out. “She died three years ago from breast cancer.”

His face falls and I see genuine emotion cross his handsome face. Linc has always been gorgeous, but now he’s another level of God-like handsome. His square jaw, the high cheekbones, his long-lashed blue eyes, and full lips all add up to a drool-worthy man.

“I’m sorry.”

“Thank you.”

I take the phone back and tuck it into my bag.

“I guess I should go finish my shift on the third floor.” I have no desire to go back up there, but now I’m not part of the auction, this is my regular night to work, so I should get to it.

“No, go home. I won’t have you working here once we marry.”

“But we aren’t married yet, Lincoln, and we haven’t signed the contracts either.”

“No, but we will, and until then, you can take the time to spend with Eric.”

It’s tempting, the sheer level of exhaustion I’m feeling is like nothing I’ve felt before, but I won’t let him think he can dictate what I can do. “Thank you but no. I’ll finish my shift. You might change your mind and realize this is insane by morning and I need the money now you’ve screwed my chances of a big payout.”

“I could fire you.”

I nod. “Yes, you could.” I let him know he holds that power because it’s the truth, but I stand my ground, regardless. If Lincoln Coldwell thinks I’m going to sit back and let him walk all over me, then he has another thing coming. I might be a shadow of the Violet he once knew, but she’s still inside me. Waiting for the energy to get out.

Linc sighs. “Go finish your shift. I’ll take you home after.”

“No need. I can take the subway like I do every night.”

A shiver runs through him. “Do you know how dangerous taking the subway is at that time?”

“Of course I know, but I have no choice. My limo is in the shop and the Bentley is being serviced. Plus, I’m careful. I carry pepper spray.”

“Still got a smart mouth, I see. Perhaps I can find a better use for it.”

His eyes drop to my mouth, and I see the desire in them flare to life as he remembers what they were doing minutes ago, would be my guess. I need to go before we wind up back where we started. I want this man too much and I need some space to shore up my defenses against him.

I rush from the room, and he lets me go. The rest of the night I feel him watching me from the seat at the end of the bar, but it doesn’t make me feel vulnerable and scared like it did before, it makes me feel safe. Which is ridiculous because he’s the biggest threat to me of all.

10: Linc

I glanceacross the car at Lottie who’s looking out of the window. I drove her home last night and again after her shift at the diner today. She fought me at first, but she’s learning quickly that I always get my way. I don’t know why she insists on working at the Club or the diner now we have our agreement, but she doesn’t trust I’ll follow through.

She’s wrong.

She doesn’t know it yet but I’m never letting her go again. The night of the auction was like a reawakening for me. I quit fighting the pull she has over me and decided to control it instead. I want her, I always have so I’ll have her but on my terms this time.

I’m meeting with my lawyer tomorrow morning and hashing out what I want in the contract and then tomorrow afternoon we’ll meet with Lottie and the lawyer I suggested for her. Hudson Carmichael is perfect for this. He hates my guts and I hate his, which is why I know he’ll look after her interests.

Proposing had been the last thing on my mind when I hauled her into the office on Saturday night. My only thought was stopping the auction, but a proposal had just popped out and I couldn’t regret it. It was a sound idea, we’d both get what we needed from the arrangement. I’d be able to get my dad off my back and away from the company so he can go back to being a philandering asshole somewhere else, and I get the company I love out from under his control. My grandfather only let him have the position because of my mother, and it has to end.

My father and I haven’t got much of a relationship. He’s a bully and a cheat, and he rubbed my mother’s nose in his infidelity for years. I wish she’d divorce him but she won’t, and every time another scandal breaks, I see her die a little more inside. He’s a despicable human being.

He bullied Clark all his life until my brother had enough and moved abroad. I miss him, but I know it’s for the best. Clark is happy in Paris with his boyfriend, Gaspard, and they’re living the dream.

I have to call my mother and tell her about the wedding, and Clark too, but I don’t want my father there, so we’ve agreed on a courthouse wedding with just a witness each and Eric.
