Page 61 of The Auction

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21: Linc

“So, what do you think?”I’m talking with the head of legal about the fuss my father is making when I hear a knock on my door. “Come in.”

I smile when the door opens to reveal my wife looking as stunning as when I left her. I stand and move to take her in my arms, kissing her deep and feeling her sink into me. A cough behind me reminds me Danny, our legal eagle, is still in the room. I pull away and Lottie blushes.

“Sorry, I didn’t realize you were in the middle of something.”

“It’s fine, we were done.” I keep my arm around her as I face Danny. “Will you get those documents filed for me today?”

“Yes of course.”

Danny is the best. I poached him from the top law firm in the country when he was an associate and people thought I was crazy, but I saw the same thing in him as was in me, determination and drive.

“You should consider doing the interview the board wants though. It will go a long way to smoothing over the investors’ jitters.”

I frown. “I’ll think about it.”

Danny nods and after a polite smile at Lottie, he leaves us.

“What was that about?”

I lead her to the couch in my office and pull her down so she’s sitting in my lap, the blue flowery dress she’s wearing skims her thighs and I take advantage by running my hand up her silky thigh. “My father is making some noise and stirring up the investors.”

Her hand skims my cheek. “You must have known he was going to do that. Your father is hardly a man who likes to lose.”

“I know and I’ll handle him.”


I stroke her inner thigh and she opens for me, making me smile. Lottie is so responsive and eager to learn and to say she’s a quick study is an understatement. She was made for me in every way and as much as I’m fighting it, I know I’m falling head over heels for my wife. “But the board wants us to do an interview with New York Weekly about our wedding and how we got together again. They think it will settle everyone’s nerves to know more about the man running the Kennedy Empire.”

“Then let’s do it.”

My eyes flash up from where they were enjoying the expanse of her cleavage poking out from the demure neckline of her dress. Lottie is watching me with openness. “Seriously? You’d do that?”

“Of course, if it helps. The only thing that’s off limits is Eric. I want him kept out of this as much as I can.”

“Of course.”

I shift so she’s straddling me, her skirt riding up so I can see the lace of her blue panties.

“Set it up and let me know when and where you need me.”

I rock my hips into her. “I need you now.”

Her smile lights up my world. Her just being close lights up my life and I think she might feel the same way, but it’s too early to find out

“You’re insatiable.”

I lean in and nibble on her neck. “I am when it comes to you.”

Her giggle warms something inside me and thirty minutes later, we’re walking from the building hand in hand with my come inside her.

Sitting across from her at La Galerie, my favorite restaurant, I watch the surreptitious looks men cast her way and know I’m a lucky bastard because, despite my horrendous behavior at the beginning, I’m sitting with the most beautiful, sweet, kind, and sexy woman on the planet and she’s smiling at me.

I have her hand in mine as she tells me about how she’s been invited to help out at Eric’s school by listening to the younger children read and I can see the joy on her face.

“Do you want kids of your own, Lottie?”
